to-do list.

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A/N: i wrote this back in november but i never published it. it's 1 a.m. right now and i'm doing some cleaning. here's some content, though kind of a downer.

written November 27th, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.


which chore am i?
i hope i don't fall low on the priority list,
like dusting the window blinds
or vacuuming the carpet.

i hope i'm not the tedious ones either,
the ones you hate performing
because they take a lot of attention,
like clothes you must fold the right way
or dishes you must take care not to shatter.

what would you define me as?
and do you have time to complete them all
and keep up with me
in a timely manner?

i've been so used,
sopping up emotions spilled onto the floor,
or playing a roomba,
dawdling idly until needed
to suck and tidy up.

i wish i could say it gets tiring.
i make myself available to those in need,
prepared to accept consequences.

not that you know there's consequences.

i readily complete all that you request,
and sprinkle extra on top.
you leave me no reason to hesitate.

i simply hope i am on the to-do list.

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