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A/N: i took a poetry class during the summer of 2018. it was really rewarding, this was a result of that class. we did a study on symbolism.

written during the summer of 2018!


"Hey, I bought you these,"
Said mother, smiling true,
Handing me twelve daisies
Which were a cute, off-white hue

That was my eighth birthday
A time that I was shy
I remember it especially
Cause of that boy walking by

He said,
"Hello there! How do ya do?
My name's Theo, I just moved.
You seem lonely... are you?"

That boy then decided
To sit right next to me.
Since I was socially awkward,
I expected him to flee.

"Those are some pretty flowers!"
He said, grabbing the bouquet.
And I've been head-over heels
Ever since that day.
"Hey, I bought you these~"
Is what my Theo said
Handing me twelve roses
Which were a shining, deep dark red

The boy chuckled nervously
As he led me to his car.
We sang along to "Thinking Out Loud"
The drive wasn't very far.

When we stepped out of his car,
Barely staying calm,
We walked with each other, hand-in-hand
Into our crazy senior prom

We danced the night away
We had lots of fun
And the party didn't stop
Until we saw the sun
"Hey... I bought you these,"
Said my closest friend Ross
Hugging me tightly
"I'm sorry for your loss."

A dozen porcelain lilies,
All beautiful and white.
Is this the color mother saw
When she went into the light?

I took my place at the front of the room,
Next to my comforting man.
I sat there bawling, thinking... remembering
As the small service began.

Later in the hour,
I made my way
Into the back
And picked up a bouquet

Of off-white little daisies.
I went back to the stand
Which mother's coffin was on
And placed them in her hands.
"Hey, I bought you these!"
Said my child on Mother's Day.
She handed me some flowers
Then ran off to play

A dozen carnations
Adorable and pink.
Receiving these now,
It really makes me think

About the life I've lead so far
And the immense power
Of love that's spread around the world
And some tiny, fragile flowers

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