steps to love

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A/N: this is nice! these are some lessons i've learned over the years.

formerly titled "to be continued."

started January 26th, 2020 at 8 P.M.
last edit: July 11th, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.


step one:
don't continue a Relationship
with a guy who doesn't consider
you to be his number one.
or that makes lists in general.

step two:
if eveRyone warns you
to stay away from a certain guy
and you don't heed the warning,
you can find yourself
in a bit of a bind.

step three:
you caN make mistakes sometimes.
and they can be fatal.
but please
learn how to forgive yourself.
especially if you're young and dumb
and in fifth grade.

step four:
if he's moving, let him go.
sometimes the wind
carries away Debris for a reason.

step five:
you Can still love someone
even after the siren call of love
fades into the ocean.

step six:
trust your gut.
even if they're maD at you,
you saved their life
in one way or another.

step seven:
make time for the people you love.
even if your schedule leaves you
no opportunities to breathe,
Just let them be your air
when you're gasping for it the most.

step eight:
break The laws.
make your own.
jaywalking during rush hour
to get to a lover
proves daring.
maybe the cops will let you go.

step nine:
some families
are more Compact than yours.
instead of burning with jealousy,
learn from example.

step ten:
be wary of who you choose to fall for.
sometimes they come back to bite
when you Don't really want it.
and sometimes they're crusty.

step eleven:
you know what you're talking about.
everyone is knowleDgeable
in their own right.
specialization helps the world turn 'round.

step twelve:
No means no.
no one can invalidate your denial.
stand your ground.
even when it splits,
plant yourself there firmly,
and sew the ground back together
with a strong will.

step thirteen:
maybe Hitting on your cousin's friend
isn't a smart idea.
but it's such a great one.

step fourteen:
fall as hard as you can.
the cracKs in your body
will remain frail and vulnerable
from the rough landing.
but believe me,
every inch of exposed flesh
is worth it in the end.

step fifteen:
stOp running away
with every stray animal
that gives you those puppy dog eyes.
sometimes it's best to leave them there.

step sixteen:
Just trust your gut.
you're doing the right thing,
even if he makes you
believe that you're not.
sometimes the hand won't reach itself out.

step seventeen:
the signs were there the whole time.
you just didn't act upon them.
it was good when it was good,
and still soMewhat delicious
when it became soured.

step eighteen:
some things you cAn't disagree on.
fundamental beliefs cannot be disputed.

step nineteen:
thE story isn't over,
even if you want to close the cover
and pretend like it's the end.
there are pages more vivid ahead.
those ones practically
belonged to someone else anyway.

step twenty:
The cards don't tell all.
you can paint your own future,
especially if he's still miles away.

step twenty-one:
the path to the future must be seen
before you can waLk it.
and sometimes the one you love
cannot walk alongside you forwards.
keep that love in your heart, though.
you'll never know when you crave it most.

step twenty-two:
you dEserve to be loved openly,
to dance in the rain
and to be swept off your feet
physically and digitally.

step twenty-three:
sometimes when you are
shown what you want,
it Doesn't equate to what you need
or what makes sense.
but honey,
we don't even have enough steps
to equate to his age.
try shooting lower next time.

to be continued

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