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A/N: i guess nattasha did an oopsie.

written April 20th, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.


i made a promise to myself:
i will not download tiktok.
that, i stand by,
for it is a part of my moral code.

i made a promise to myself:
be vulnerable, show your human blood,
but do not bleed yourself dry
for the vampires around you.

i made a promise to myself:
i will not fall for a while,
or until i find the right person.

technically, i keep that promise,
for the right person waltzed into my life.

my heart is filled to the brim
with overwhelming love and appreciation,
it would be a shame
if i drown myself in it.

do not get me wrong,
nattasha is a fantastic human being.
her heart is simply too big
to save all of the love inside of her
for herself.

i did not want to fall.
the last one made me fear falling again.

she's quite hypocritical,
telling others to fall with their entire heart
yet dreading the possibility
of a hard landing herself.

he feels different.

i say that often,
but isn't everyone different?

i don't want to let
this golden opportunity
pass me by.

i feel... brand new, when talking to him.
his childish nature, a pure, sweet naivety,
perfectly compliments a heart
that's scared to take the leap.

he's seen a nattasha
happier than she's ever been.

april 20th, 2020.
the ghosts of the past
may still haunt me,
but it doesn't mean
i cannot trudge forwards regardless.

i perform to my best ability.
the future terrifies me.

mirror mirror,
on the wall,
you sent him my way,
i'll take the fall.

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