Important Details

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Y/N: Your name
L/N: Last name
F/C: Favorite color
H/C: Hair color
F/F: Favorite food
T/N: Twin’s name
M/N: Mother’s name
F/N: Father’s name

You left your family behind a long time ago. Your parents died when you were young, you have no clue what happened to your brother. You had a father, mother, and a twin brother. You met Wilbur and Tommy when you were 16 years old and have been with them ever since. (You’re 19 years old now) You usually wear the L’manberg uniform but whenever you aren’t wearing it, you usually wear a plain F/C shirt and jean shorts or pants along with knee high platform boots and fingerless gloves and a dark purple cloak that shimmered in the moonlight. You got your ram horns from your father. You can also read endermen writing and speak it.

You, Tubbo, and Tommy are inseparable. You learned how to treat all different types of wounds from Wilbur and Phil and are now considered the group medic but you know how to protect yourself. They had taught you how to protect yourself just in case. You have this one stuffed bear that you had since you were a kid.

(Word count: 212)

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