Chapter 34 (Finale)

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In the morning I was woken up by him gently shaking my shoulder. 
“Come on. You have to wake up. Don’t you need to get going soon?” I groaned at the reminder and pushed his hand away. 
“Go away… Five more minutes!” 
“Come on get up.” I felt myself being picked up and then he put me down. 
“I hate you.” 
“No, you don’t, now hurry up. I had your clothes washed from yesterday. Here.” He handed me the clothes then left the room. I very be grudently changed and left the room and went downstairs. There was some fresh toast with a note saying, ‘Sorry but I had to leave good luck.’ Signed with a heart at the end. I took the toast and ate it before leaving and going back to the base. When I got there Tommy told me to go get me gear and be ready as we were leaving soon.

I quickly put my gear on and then went to check on Tubbo, who was now able to be up and around again. 
“I’m glad you’re doing better Tubs.” 
“Yeah, I am too. Good luck by the way. I hope you guys win!” I chuckled. 
“I hope so too.” 
“Y/n! Hurry up, we’re leaving!” I heard Techno yell from down the hall. 
“I’m coming! Get some more rest Tubs. I’ll see you soon.” I ruffled his hair and then followed the rest of the team out and toward Manberg. As we got closer I could feel that bad feeling in my gut become stronger and stronger. As we began to fight I snuck off to find Schlatt but was met with my brother, who was still posing to be on Schlatt’s side. 
“Hiii, where are you going?” He asked, as our blades collided. 
“I’m just looking for Schlatt. I was told to get rid of him as soon as possible.” 

He nodded as we mirrored each other’s movements almost perfectly. 
“Well I guess I should let you go, huh?” 
“Ya, we should stop playing around.” I laughed as we stopped and hugged each other. 
“Go get him. Make me proud sister.” 
“Of course. Don’t die, okay?” 
“Same to you.” Then we set off, going separate ways. I ended up finding Schlatt in the van that we used to be in. 
“Ah! Y- *hic* Y/n! My favorite *hic* person!” He said, laughing and stumbling around with his flask in hand. ‘Is he seriously drunk? In the middle of a war!? Is he stupid!?’ He took another swig of the liquid inside his flask, which I can only assume is either wine, beer, or booze. 

I stood there not knowing how to respond until I realized that almost everyone from both sides had stopped fighting and had surrounded the barely usable vehicle to watch this grown, drunk man stumble around like a toddler. 
“Does anyone else smell… toast?” He said, falling to his knees and holding his chest. My guess was that he was having a stroke from all the alcohol and stuff he was drinking. Then he was just…dead. 
“That was the most anticlimactic death ever.” I heard Tommy say from behind me. My brother walked over to me and we made eye contact. He just nodded as I walked towards his body. 
“Ya but just to make sure he’s dead.” And then I cut his head off. 
“Now we’re finished here.” I put my hands together and closed my eyes and said, 
“⋔⏃⊬ ⊑⟟⌇ ⌇⍜⎍⌰ ⏚⟒ ⎎⍜⍀⟒⎐⟒⍀ ⟟⋏ ⌿⏃⟟⋏. ⋔⏃⊬ ⊑⟒ ⋏⟒⎐⟒⍀. ⟒⎐⟒⍀. ⎎⟟⋏⎅ ⍀⟒⌇⏁ ⟟⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⏃⎎⏁⟒⍀⌰⟟⎎⟒” (May his soul be forever in pain. May he never. Ever. Find rest in the afterlife) 

“I knew you could speak enderman!” Tommy yelled from behind me. T/n came up behind me and asked, 
“⏃⍀⟒ ⊬⍜⎍ ☌⍜⋏⋏⏃ ⏚⟒ ⍜☍⏃⊬?” (Are you gonna be okay?) I nodded and we walked back towards them. We all went back to the stage, where Wilbur announced that Tommy was going to be the next president. But then Tommy announced that he wanted Tubbo to be the next president instead and he would take the vise-president role instead. Then all of a sudden Techno started to spawn Withers and during the chaos Wilbur snuck away. I decided to go after him. When I reached him he was inches away from the button to blow it all up. I tackled him to the ground. 
“No! Wilbur! We won, there's no reason for this!” He shoved me away but I stood my ground and guarded the button. 

We both pulled out our swords when I heard a familiar voice say, 
“What’s going on here, mate?” 
“Phil! Tell your crazy ass son that he can’t blow up the place we JUST won back!” I yelled looking at him for a split second. 
“Phil, I’ve gone insane. I’m not coming back either. That land is corrupted. It’s MY unfinished symphony. It’s ruined. We can’t fix this.” 
“Yes we can! You won’t even give us a chance! Phil, tell him!” I begged. He just stood there, not knowing what to do. 
“No! It can’t be fixed! This is the only way!” 
“Please! Wilbur! Think about Tommy and Tubbo! All of our friends! We’ve fought so hard to keep this place and now you just want to blow it up!? Just like that!?” 
“Wilbur just listen to her. There’s no point-” Wilbur launched at me, shoving me out of the way and pressed the button. Then he turned to Phil and said, 
“Kill me.” “What!? “They will kill me either way. Please Phil…” I watched as Phil pulled out his sword and stabbed him through the heart.

I turned and started running towards L’manberg, remembering the withers. ‘If I can just get a little-’ Then I heard it. Tnt sizzling under me. Dream, who was only a few feet away, looked in horror as I was thrown up into the air. And I can’t lie… It was beautiful. The sky was fading into purple and then black. Then as soon as I looked down I saw the ground. I hit the ground and felt pretty much every bone in my body break on impact. I screamed as loud as I could as tears fell down my face. Time seemed to freeze or speed up. I couldn’t tell. Everything was fuzzy. My vision. My hearing. The only thing that I could feel for sure was the searing pain that shot through my body every millisecond. I felt something wet hit my face and something pick me up. I heard muffled shouts and blades clinking. Probably towards the withers. 

But I knew who was carrying me. I reached up and held his face as tears fell down both our faces. 
“I’m sorry… I guess I wasn’t fast or strong enough huh?” I choked out a sad laugh as the pain became worse. I could hear him begging me to stay awake and saying that I was going to be just fine… We both knew that was a lie… We both knew I wasn’t going to be okay or that I was going to survive this. I heard Philza’s voice as well as Tommy’s and some others. They were all saying something similar. 
“I’m sorry you guys… I don’t think I’m going to survive this one… Please stay strong. If I see any of you, any time soon I promise you I will kill you again… Got it?” I said, even though it hurt and I could see them. 
“Even if it gets tough. You can do this. You are all strong. I love you, Dream.” The last thing I heard was everyone screaming at me to stay and tears hitting my face. 

Word Count: 1271

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