Chapter 35?

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I woke up in a pitch black void. I stood up and started wandering around and it must've been ages when suddenly a tall woman with black hair appeared.
"Hello Y/n. I've heard quite a bit about you from my husband. Philza. And I have a proposition for you."
"Wait! You're Mumza! Holy crap you're tall! No offense of course. It's just... Holy crap! You're the death goddess..." I muttered in awe. She giggled.
"Yes, now that proposition for you?"
"Oh yea!"
"I want you, my dear, to be my messenger." I stood and thought for a second.
"What's in it for me? And also why me?" The lady chuckled as a crow appeared and in a puff of smoke turned into Philza himself.
"Because I trust that you can follow my direction and you know the SMP very well. As for the benefits if you accept. You will have an everlasting life. Of course you can die still but you won't actually be dead. And you might get to see some friends again as you will be doing plenty of tasks for me that involve the SMP. You will have the title, Death's angel. So you'll pretty much be a demigoddess of sorts."

"Would I be able to-"
"Yes you'll be able to fly as you would gain crow wings." A smile spread across my face.
"See I told you she would be excited." Phil chuckled.
"Oh um. By the way, since time flows differently here than in the SMP around 2 years have already passed there." My eyes widened and my face dropped.
"Two years!?" They both nodded, unsurprised. I ran a hand through my, now tangled hair in disbelief.
"Well, do you accept?" I looked back at her and said,
"Yes. I am ready to accept your offer..."

Word Count: 304

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