Chapter 12

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I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I squinted my eyes as the light hit them.  “MOMMY!” I felt a sudden weight on my chest. I looked down and saw Kanako holding onto my torso as tight as she could. I pulled her onto the bed and held her tight while she cried into my shirt. I ran my free hand through her hair. Once she finally stopped crying I realized she was asleep. I looked around the room. ‘I’m definitely not in L’manberg…’ I thought to myself. The room had a desk, a bookshelf, and a door that went to a bathroom, the exit door obviously, and a dresser. The bed had red covers. 

I carefully moved Kanako and tucked her in before going to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror above the sink and saw how bad my skin looked. I had burn marks on my face, arms, and legs. “I’m pretty surprised you didn’t notice the burning before.” I spun around and was met with that annoying masked man. “You.” He moved from leaning on the doorframe and stepped closer. “Chill, I'm not gonna hurt you. Let me help you.” He took another step closer, hesitantly . “Liar.¨ I hissed. ¨You’ve said that before. But would you look that, I still got hurt.” He ignored me and grabbed my arm on the unburned spot. 

I tried to free my arm but to no avail. “Let go!” I snapped. “Shush. You’re gonna wake up your kid.” I huffed as he made me sit down at the desk and started putting bandages on my burns. “Why?” I asked. “Why what?” I glared at him. “Why are you helping me. Why am I here? Why couldn't you just leave me alone?” He finished patching up my burns. “I don’t know. I just felt like I needed to help you.” I don’t know why but my mind flashed back to when me and Wilbur were leaving the forest and I asked him what he wanted. ‘Did he actually mean that? No! No, I'm with Wilbur. He was probably just trying to get into my head….’ 

I stayed silent and looked over at Kanako. “Is she why you stopped me and Wilbur’s fight?” I looked back at him.  “Oh! Yeah actually. I found her in the bush behind me and decided to take her home. The poor thing was so scared and frightened that she could barely speak!” I glanced over at her, still sleeping. “Really?” I nodded. “Her hair was all matted and her clothes were really dirty. So I decided to take her home and take care of her. And now she follows me wherever I go. She's always either in my arms or behind me.” I laughed a bit thinking of how she was like a little duckling. “That sounds like a handful.” I sighed. “Yes, but you should’ve seen the look on my face when she called me mum only the day after I took her in!” He laughed and it sounded like a tea kettle and then I started laughing as well. 

Then Sapnap and George walked in. “Why are you guys laughing so hard?” I could barely breathe at this point. “Because.” I replied simply. I heard Kanako moving and immediately walked over to her. “Mummy! I’m so glad you're okay!” She hugged me and I picked her up and spun around with her as she giggled. I laughed as I put her down. “Ahem. Anyways, there are rules to staying here since we can’t trust you yet.” I put a hand over my heart and gasped. “Me? Untrustworthy!?¨ I paused. “True when it comes to this stupid place.” 

Kanako giggled a bit. “Anyways. We have some rules you two need to follow. One, don’t leave the house without permission or without supervision from me, Sapnap, or George, two, no escaping. If we catch you trying to escape there will be severe consequences, and three, you have to do as we say, no questions asked. That’s it. They’re pretty simple and if you follow these rules we won’t have any problems. This is your room. I’m right next door and Sapnap and George are down the hall.” 

Once they stopped talking Kanako looked at me and then back at them. “Should I be nice to them?” She said, trying to whisper. “No.” I whispered back. “Be the most bratty child to them.” She nodded and I sat her down. “Can we have something to eat?” I asked. “Yeah. Follow me, I’ll show you where the kitchen is.” George said, motioning at us to follow him. We followed him to the kitchen and he made us some lunch. Once he turned his back I nodded at Kanako and she nodded back. “Where’s the bathroom?” I asked. “Down the hall, first door on the right.” 

I left and Kanako started acting bratty. I could hear her screaming and pounding on the table in the kitchen telling him to hurry up and that she was gonna starve if he didn't hurry it up, and crying for me. After a good five minutes I walked back into the kitchen to an angry George making food, an annoyed Sapnap, and Dream was trying to calm her down. I held back a laugh as I sat down beside her and she immediately started acting like an angel. They all just stared at me. “What?” Dream stood up. “What do you mean ‘what’? I know you could hear everything that just happened.” I shrugged my shoulders and acted like I had no clue. 

George turned around angrily. “Your ‘precious child’ started throwing a huge tantrum as soon as you left!” He said angrily. “And she smacked me when I tried to sit there!” Sapnap added. “She would never! Right, Kana?” She nodded her head and smiled. They all just glared at me. “Hey Kana,” I said, changing the subject, ¨I never remembered to ask you but can you fly? You do have wings and a halo.” “I can, but not very high. I can only get a few inches off the ground right now.” George placed a plate with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on it in front of me. We all got the same thing of course.

After I ate me and Kanako went back upstairs to our room. “Mom! Can you show me how to read?” I looked down at her. She was holding a book. Specifically, The Selection by Kiera Cass. “Of course! Fun Fact; that book you have is part of one of my favorite book series.” I took the book out of her hands and put it back on the shelf. “But we can’t start with a book as complex as that.” I grabbed a children’s book and sat down on the bed. “Come here and let’s start.” She climbed onto the bed and sat beside me. I opened the book and started helping her sound out the words.

5 hours later...

“What does this one say?” She stared at the word for a second. “T-the… B-bar.” “Bear.” I corrected her. “The bear… sleeps!” I nodded my head. “The bear sleeps… thr- thr...ough… Through the c-cold win… win… winter!” She smiled and clapped. “Great job Kana! Now try again without stopping.” She nodded. “The bear s-sleeps through the c-cold winter!” I gave her a high five. “Perfect! That’s my girl.” She giggled. After we finished the book we went downstairs for dinner. “Hello.” I sat down beside Kana, who ran in here before me. George waved, seemingly in a better mood then earlier. 

Sapnap didn’t even look up and Dream wasn’t there yet. Then I got the funniest idea. I leaned down to Kanako and whispered my plan in her ear. Right as I finished Dream walked in. I stood up and excused myself and then waited until I heard them all yell. After that I heard Kanako scream and cry. ‘That wasn’t part of the plan!?’ I rushed back to see Kanako on the ground and Eret standing over her, Dream, George and Sapnap all had red marks on their arms or face. 

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