Chapter 9

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I woke up and got dressed in my uniform. I walked out to Wilbur and Tommy talking quietly with serious expressions. I walked over to them. “What’s the matter?” They looked at each other and then at me. “Tommy and I are going to try and negotiate with Dream for our independence today.” “Are you sure that’s safe!? What if they ambush you guys!?” Tommy put a hand on my shoulder. “We’ll be fine Y/n. I promise.” I looked towards Wilbur. “We can take care of ourselves N/N.” I nodded hesitantly.

“But if anything happens, you will be the first one to know ok?” I nodded again. Wilbur pulled me into a tight hug and placed a kiss on the top of my head. “Ew!” I giggled at Tommy’s comment. “We should get going now. Bye love. See you soon.” Wilbur said as he let go. I looked at Tommy, who looked like he was about to barf. “Ok! Break it up love birds. Wilbur, come on!” He grabbed Wilbur’s arm and dragged him away. I just laughed at the younger boy’s actions.

I was walking around L’manberg when I saw Tubbo having issues carrying a box. “Need some help Tubs?” He nodded and smiled as I helped him carry the box to his under construction cabin. “So how’s the house coming along?” I asked him, now sitting on the ground. “Pretty good actually! Tommy has been helping me build it!” “Tommy? That’s hard to believe.” Tubbo nodded. “But it’s true! I was surprised as well when he helped me.” He paused for a second. “Hey Y/n?” I hummed in response while picking a flower next to me.

“Do you honestly think they will be able to get our independence?” “Of course Tubbo! They can blow this place up all they want, make people betray us, but we will never give up!” I said standing up. He smiled at me as I pulled him into a hug. He hugged back, burying his face in my shoulder. A few hours later the two came back together. I ran over to Wilbur and hugged him. I heard Tommy make a barfing noise. “Miss me?” I nodded while burying my face in his shirt. He laughed while Tommy said, “EW! TUBBO THEY’RE DOING IT AGAIN! EWWWW!” I heard them run away. I let go of him as we both laughed at the younger two. 

“They never change, do they?” “Nope.” Wilbur chuckled. “So how did the negotiation go?” “It was semi-successful…” I looked at him with a serious expression. “What do you mean ‘semi-successful’?” He looked at the ground. “Wilby? What happened?” He slowly looked back up at me. “Tommy lost control of his emotions and asked Dream for a bow-duel…” I froze. “WHAT!? Why would  you let him!?” “I tried to stop him but Dream accepted and then left!” I sighed. “I guess there’s nothing we can do then.” I looked down at the ground. He pulled me into a comforting hug. “He’ll be fine. Have some faith in him N/N…” 

“I do! But… It’s Dream… He might be tricking us! I don’t want you guys to get hurt again… I just got back…” He ran his fingers through my hair with his free hand. “I know love, but there’s nothing we can do now.” I nodded and sighed. “I’m gonna go get some food. See you soon Wilbur…” I then walked away to my small house. I made myself F/F. I kind of miss the food at the palace… I smacked myself. What am I thinking!? I can’t go back… not now anyways... I sighed and ate my food. Soon after I went to sleep.

The next day I woke up and obviously got dressed in my L’manberg uniform. I walked out of my cabin and saw Wilbur pacing around frantically. I walked over to him quickly. “Are you ok Wilby?” “Yea! I just umm- well- I wanted to ask if you wanted to go on a picnic.” I giggled at his nervousness. “Of course!” His expression went from nervous to excited in less than a second. He quickly grabbed a basket and my hand and practically dragged me into the forest surrounding L’manberg. 

Once we finally stopped I looked around and saw we were in a flower field. It reminded me of my flower garden at the palace. Wilbur pulled a picnic blanket out of the basket and laid it down. I sat down on the blanket. I picked a flower that was beside me and put it in his hair. “Perfect!” He chuckled and sat down and got some food out of the basket. It was F/F! I smiled brightly and hugged him. “Your welcome N/N.” I quickly ate and then laid my head on Wilbur’s lap as he played with my hair. “I wish everyday could be as peaceful as this…” “Soon N/N, I promise.” ‘I knew that he couldn’t keep that promise, but I wish he could. ‘

On the way back I held Wilbur’s hand and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He turned to me and smiled. In the blink of an eye his lips met mine. My eyes went wide with surprise. I kissed back and about a minute later we broke away for air. I felt my face heat up as he smiled again. But that smile disappeared as he looked behind me. I raised an eyebrow and looked behind me. There standing right behind me was Dream. My eyes widened with horror as I saw that he was holding a loaded bow. He was aiming for Wilbur! Without thinking I jumped in the way.

I caught the arrow in some miracle! Everyone froze. “That’s what I thought, green bitch!” I threw the arrow towards him and he ducked. He stood back up quickly. “What do you want Dream.” I asked coldy, still standing in front of Wilbur. He walked up to me and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. “You.” Wilbur quickly shoved him away. “What the fuck dude!? You just watched us kiss and you say that!?” He shrugged. Wilbur threw a punch at his face and Dream got hit. He stumbled backwards a bit but threw another punch at Wilbur. 

They started fist fighting and before I knew it they both had they’re axes out and were trying to hit each other with them. Why can’t we have one peaceful day… I heard rustling in the bushes behind me. I cautiously turned away from the fight between the two and peaked into the bushes. When I did I saw a little girl who looked to be around 3 sitting there staring right back at me. “Hey there little one, where are your parents?” She tilted her head and stared at me with confusion.

“Par...ents?” My heart melted when I heard her soft and quiet voice. “Do you know where they are?” I asked quietly. She shook her head no. I noticed that she was wearing a white, dirty nightgown and that she had a little halo floating over her head. “May I pick you up?” She hesitantly nodded and I scooped her up into my arms, bridal style. She looked tired and worn out. “Hey, try and sleep ok? I’m gonna take you somewhere safe.” She nodded and nuzzled her little face into my chest. Her hair was blonde and it covered her eyes. 

I noticed the boys were still fighting by the time I looked back. I sat her down by the tree next to the bush and ran towards them. I saw Dream with her axe about to charge at WIlbur. I quickly tripped him. “Oof!” He groaned in pain and held his nose. “Sorry to interrupt but I’m gonna head home now.” Wilbur followed me and Dream left. I picked her up after telling Wilbur why I was keeping her.

Once again she nuzzled into my chest. I heard Wilbur say, “Aww…” quietly. I turned towards him and he immediately rushed closer to take a look at the little one. “She looks beaten up… We should definitely give her some new clothes.” “That’s what I’m planning.” I smiled softly at the child. “Well we should get going then.” I started walking away with Wilbur.

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