Chapter 19

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Reminder that this is all fake and that I'm not hating on ANYONE. Just wanted to make that clear just in case ~Author

I got upstairs and flopped down onto my bed. But just as I got under the covers I heard the door open slowly and quietly. Then I felt the bed dip a little bit. “Y/n? Are you awake?” Dream’s voice was soft and quiet. I sat up and wrapped the blanket around my body and over my head, leaving just my face visible. He chuckled and grabbed something from beside him. It was a thermometer. “No.” I hissed, hiding my face. “Yes. Now come here.” I buried my face, which was still covered, in the pillows. He yanked me up quickly and was then trying to break my grip on the blankets. 

“Just let me take your temperature!” “NO! I hate those things! Leave me alone! It’s just the sniffles!” I shot back. “I didn’t want to have to do this, but...” He ripped the blanket off of me and pushed me so I had my back on the bed and he was on top of me. My hands were pinned together above me with one of his hands. “U-Umm I-'' My face was completely red. “Now stay still.” He took my temperature, not caring about our position at all. “There, now was that so bad?” He asked, looking at the number. “You definitely have a fever.” He still hadn’t moved at all. He looked back down at me. “Aww is someone flustered?” He said teasingly. “N-No! I’m just sick is all.” He laughed.

“Mhm.” He finally got off of me and I flung the covers over my head. He laughed at me. “Hey do you still have the necklace on?” “Huh? Yeah? Why?” I asked sitting up. “Can I see?” I nodded slowly and moved the covers. He quickly pulled me by the necklace so we were close together. There were literally inches in between us. My face went beat red as he smirked. I didn’t know what to do, I caught his eyes glancing at my lips and I felt my face heat up even more. “Y-You’re gonna get sick f-f-from being so close to me!” He looked back at my eyes. “It’s worth it.” I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. He placed his lips on mine. 

My mind started spinning. ‘WHAT IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW!? AHHHHHHHH! I mean his lips are pretty soft…. Wait what am I thinking!?’ He broke the kiss for air and my face was red to the point it probably looked like it was glowing. “Someone’s red?” He laughed. I shoved him away and buried my face in the pillow to hide my smile. He laughed a bit more. “I’ll be gone for a while. L’manberg is preparing for an election.” I perked up, peeking my eyes out from the pillow. “Can I come?” He shook his head. “You’re sick. You’re staying home until your fever is gone.” I pouted. He patted my head and chuckled. 

I sighed. “Fine.” “I’ll be back soon, don’t worry.” He kissed my forehead and left. I sat there and waited for the sound of them leaving and once I heard them leave I got up. I raced downstairs and started looking for a potion room.  It took a few minutes but soon enough I had found a room filled with brewing stands, potion ingredients, and water bottles. I grabbed a water bottle, a Nether wart, and a glistening watermelon. It wouldn’t last forever but the health potion would last at least until I got back. I made the potion and took a good look at it. It had a pretty reddish-pink tint to it. I threw my head back and chugged the liquid as quickly as possible. “Blek.” It burned my throat a bit, like cough syrup did. It didn’t taste that bad though. 

I felt the effects almost immediately. I raced out the front door and towards L’manberg. As I was running I ran straight into someone’s back. I fell backwards from the impact. “Hey! Are you ok? You need to watch where you’re going, pretty lady.” I looked up at the man. He had black hair. He was obviously mexican. His eyes were black. He had a dark blue beanie that had the word, LAFD. He was wearing a dark blue shirt and black pants. “I’m fine thank you!” He held out his hand to help me up. “Who are you?” “I’m Quackity. What’s your name?” “My name’s Y/n! It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He kissed my hand. “The pleasure is all mine Y/n.” I laughed it off. “So where are you heading to in such a hurry?” That’s when I remembered the election thing. “Oh! L’manberg! I better hurry! I don’t want to be late. Have a good day! Bye!” He waved as I sped off. 

When I got to L’manberg I pulled my cloak out of my inventory and threw it on. I put up the hood and went to where everyone was at. I was looking around when two people caught my eye. It was Sapnap! He was with someone who looked familiar. Then I remembered him. He was our librarian at the palace! Also my best friend. I waited a bit for Sapnap to leave before dragging Karl into an alleyway. “Who are you!” He yelled, pulling a sword out of his inventory. I took my hood down and hushed him. “Shhh! You’re gonna get me caught Karl!” His eyes widened as he realized who I was. I circled him for a minute, taking in his new appearance. His brown hair was the same. “Are those the goggles I got you?” He nodded, smiling. He was wearing a mismatch hoodie that looked like it had been sewn together with a swirl in the middle. He was wearing jeans as well. 

I hugged him tightly. A few tears rolled down my face. “I missed you so much Karl… I thought you were gone for sure…” He hugged back, rubbing my back in a circular motion. “I’m still here. So is your brother.” I grabbed him by the shoulders. “T/N’S HERE!?” He nodded. “Where!?” He grabbed my hand and led me into the crowd of people until we reached the sitting area. I threw up my hood just in case. I saw him. My brother. He was really here. I ran and threw myself on him, causing us to fall over. My hood came off as well. I started crying into his chest. “Y/n!? You’re alive! I can’t believe this! I thought you were dead! Oh my god!” He pulled me into a tight hug. 

We stayed like that for a minute or so before I released him. “I thought you were dead T/n!” “I thought the same for you! I see you’re still short though!” He laughed ruffling my hair. “Hey! Knock it off! Way to ruin the moment T/n!” I huffed and then we all sat down. A few seconds later I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over and saw the man in green himself. He was holding Kanako. “I thought I said stay home?” I laughed nervously. “Heyyyy Dream… Meet my brother!” I said, changing the subject. “Your brother? I thought he was dead?” “So did I! But he isn’t! Also, meet my best friend and librarian!” He looked at Karl in surprise. “So she’s the mysterious bestie you were talking about all this time?” 

I was confused. “You guys know each other?” He nodded. “Yeah! Sapnap, one of my fiances, introduced us!” He said, casually. I blinked at him. “SAPNAP IS ONE OF YOUR FIANCES!?” “My other one’s name is Quackity! He’s one of the running parties.” “AND QUACKITY!? DAMN! You got the hot ones. I didn’t know you could pull two at once jeez.” He laughed at me and Dream seemed offended. I was now holding kanako. “Awww! Who’s this little one?” T/n asked. “This is Kanako! She’s my daughter-” “DAUGHTER!?” Both Karl and T/n yelled. They looked at her then me then Dream then back at me. 

“No! He is not the father. She’s adopted.” T/n let out a sigh. “Thank god.” “There’s no way she could pull him anyway.” Karl remarked, laughing. “Bet.” I moved Dream’s mask and gave him a kiss, just to spite my brother and Karl. Kanako covered her eyes and jumped off of my lap. “Ewww! I’m going to Tommy bye!” She squealed, running off. T/n was glaring daggers at Dream and I, while Karl’s jaw was hanging open. I stuck my tongue out at them. “See? You were wrong Karl.” I said, sitting back down correctly. “Whatever. I have two hot finances.” “Oh hush!” I shot back. Just then Wilbur caught my eye from the stage. He was staring at me.

He winked and I glared back. I kissed Dream again and stuck my tongue out at him. Wilbur looked at me in anger. T/n slapped the back of my head. “Chill. I’m not gonna let my sister kiss some rando.” I laughed. “He’s not a rando T/n.” He raised an eyebrow. “Then what are you guys?” “That’s… Complicated…” Dream laughed at my obvious embarrassment. T/n laughed as well. “Stop laughing!” They just started laughing even more. Then the election started. Everyone put their votes in and we were walking around and waiting for the results.

Then someone grabbed my arm and dragged me away from everyone. They dragged me into an alleyway and slammed my back against the wall. I opened my eyes to see Schlatt. “Well, well, well, looks like the little queen is still alive huh?” He pauses and then laughs. I can smell the alcohol radiating off of him. I pushed him back a bit. “Get off me. You ruined everything for me.” He laughed again and then looked at me. “That was the point, my ‘queen’.” I glared at him. “Women are nothing but toys for us to play with. YOU are nothing.” He shot back. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. “I wonder what would happen if I played with you?”

He chuckled as my eyes widened in realization and I started trying to get out of his grip as quickly as possible.

(Word count: 1743)

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