Chapter 2

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I woke up in… the van? I got up slowly and then felt terrible stinging in my hands. I winced at the sudden pain and looked down at my now bandaged hands. They were patched up terribly. I took off the bandages and grabbed more from the kit beside my bed. There was a long thin and deep cut in the middle of my hands. I quickly cleaned them up and rebandaged them. 

As I finished putting on the new bandage I heard yelling coming from the gate to L’manberg. I got up and walked out of the van to see the same people from yesterday holding Tubbo with a sword to his throat and Fundy and Wilbur holding Tommy back as he cursed at the men. I ran over to them as quickly as possible. “What’s going on?!” I asked Wilbur as he looked at me with wide eyes. Tommy and Fundy froze as well and looked at me. “Y/n? You're awake!” Tommy hugged me as Wilbur and Fundy just stared. “What do you mean, ‘You’re awake’?” 

Tommy released me and Wilbur approached me. “You were asleep for 2 whole days. We had to patch ourselves up since you couldn’t.” After that he looked over at the enemy and glared at the one in the hoodie. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I still have your little friend..” Tubbo winced as the sword got closer to his neck.

“LET HIM GO! I DON’T SEE WHY YOU SEE US AS SO MUCH OF A THREAT THAT YOU HAVE TO DO THIS! WE HAVEN’T DONE ANYTHING TO HARM YOU!” I screamed at him. They all looked surprised by my sudden outburst including Will and the others. I walked over to the entrance to the gate and glared at the three of them. “Y/n do you even know who they are?” Fundy whispered. “I know who they are, I just don’t know their names…” I whispered back.

He pointed at the one with black hair. “That’s Sapnap,” Then he pointed at the one with brown hair. “That’s George,” Then he points to the one in the green hoodie. “And that’s their leader… Dream…” He was still holding Tubbo. “They are our main enemies Y/n! How did you not know their names?” I shrugged my shoulders. I looked back at the three men. “Let’s make an exchange. I’ll give you something if you give us Tubbo.” I suggested, standing confidently. 

They thought for a second before nodding at each other then nodding at me. “What do you want?” Before he could speak I cut him off. “Except for us to surrender.” He thought for a moment, I stifled a laugh from his reaction. Wilbur walked towards me. “Y/n are you sure? What if they don’t actually give him to us?” “I know what I’m doing Wil. I promise.” I gave him a reassuring smile and then looked back at them with a stoic face. 

“So?” Wilbur asked the three. Dream pointed right at me. “Give us the girl…”

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