Chapter 27

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Once we arrived he grabbed my arm and tilted my head sideways. I knew what was there and I immediately pushed him. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I thought I saw something. And I was correct so now I know what kept you up or should I say who kept you up.” He said laughing as my face turned a rosey red. 
“Shut up Eret! You're just mad because I can pull guys that are hot.” I huffed and entered the castle as he laughed while following me. 
“Anyways, putting that aside. We should start working on the sides of the castle. You take the left side and I’ll take the right.” I nodded and walked out of the castle with my cleaning and went to my side and started cleaning. 

I was cleaning and was about half way done when the scaffolding I was standing on fell down. 
“Ahhh!” I screamed as I fell from the top to the ground. 
“Oww…” I groaned as Eret ran around the corner to me. 
“What happened?” 
“I dunno! The scaffolding fell even though I made sure it was perfectly secure before going up! Something or someone had to have broken it from the bottom!” 
“But there’s no one here? It was probably just an animal. We should go get lunch anyways. Here I’ll help you.” Eret flung my arm over his shoulder and held it there with one hand and put the other on my waist to hold me up as we walked back to the house.

He opened the door cautiously and then helped me in but as we were going up the stairs we heard someone say, 
“Where do you guys think you're going?” It was Dream. Of course it was the one person I didn’t want to see me like this since the castle is a surprise. 
“Down here now.” He demanded as I gulped. 
“Don’t be scarin your poor friends, you idiot.” I heard a female voice call out. Eret helped me down the stairs as Dream stared in confusion. 
“I just hurt my ankle, I'll be fine! It’s just sore.” He nodded and we followed him to the living where a woman with fluffy white hair and goat horns and ears was sitting, she was wearing a pirate outfit with a rainbow sash across her waist. 
“PUFFY!” I exclaimed while throwing myself at her and she laughed. 

“I didn’t expect you to be here?” 
“I didn’t expect you to have a power hungry son. Anyways!” Dream glared at me as I sat beside her, laughing a bit. 
“How have you been!?” 
“I’ve been doing good, business has skyrocketed since you left and things have been doing quite well at home. What about you?” 
“Eh. Wars keep popping up left and right, and speaking of which I should probably go check and see how everyone is doing in Pogtopia sometime soon… I got exiled from L’manberg-” 
“*cough* Manberg *cough*” I heard Dream coughing to mess with me as I turned and glared at him before turning back to Puffy with a smile. 
“Well that seems… exciting?” I laughed. 
“I mean if you enjoy having an adrenaline rush everytime you see someone from home then sure!” We both started laughing before Eret came in with some bandages.

“What did you do to your ankle?” Puffy asked as Eret bandaged it up. 
“Oh I just fell from a tree. You know how I love climbing things I probably shouldn’t!” 
“Oh yes I do. I remember on time that Phil had dropped you all off at my house and you somehow ended up on top of the fridge while the boys were trying to convince you to jump down.” We laughed. 
“I still can’t believe that the little boy, who was so quiet and kept to himself, ended up being a power hungry tyrant.” 
“It’s not that funny!” 
“I find it quite funny actually.” I said, laughing a bit hard. 
“I will fight you.” 
“Do it! You won’t win!” I yelled as Puffy laughed and Eret shook his head while chuckling under his breath.

“I doubt you will do much damage with your ankle like that.” Eret remarked. I huffed. 
“Maybe you're right but I could still find a way! As Puffy always told me, Where there’s a will there’s a way!” I stood up and immediately fell back down, slightly hissing in pain. 
“Told ya.” “Shut up.” Eret chuckled. 
“Oh just wait. I’ll find a way to get you back AND get out of the house without ANY help.” 
“Mhm. Sure you will.” Dream said, leaning back with his hands behind his head. 
“I wouldn’t underestimate her, kid. She’s a clever one.” Puffy said, ruffling my hair. 
“She can’t be that clever. I’ve seen her try and escape and she didn’t get that far without tripping and breaking her ankle.” 

“My intention was to get Kanako out of there, not myself dumbass.” “Whatever.” He rolled his eyes. 
“Who’s Kanako?” Puffy asked me. 
“Can I meet her?” I shook my head and looked down with a soft smile. 
“She isn’t with us anymore… She was my daughter and a while back I was captured by Schlatt and he-” I was cut off by a sob that tried to escape my mouth and tears started to fill my eyes as the image of her dead body resurfaced in my mind. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts as Puffy said, 
“You had a child?” She then looked at me then Dream. 
“No! No, for heaven sakes no. I found her in a forest without any parents present. So I took her in.”

She hugged me. 
“I’m sorry for your loss. And Dream.” 
“You should really be careful about what you two do because I can very clearly see those-” I pushed out of her arms and jumped to my feet. 
“Would you look at the time! I think me and Eret should get going! We still have much to do, yes?” I then limped towards the door quickly, dragging him as they all roared with laughter. 

After we had finished outside of the castle we went home. I ate and talked to Puffy some more and then went to my room, where Dream was waiting. 
“How’s your ankle?” 
“It still hurts like a bitch but I’ll live. It’s not as bad as the first time I tried to escape back then.” 
“I hope so but anyways I have something to tell you…” 
“What is it?” 
“I made a deal with Schlatt…” I looked over at him with wide eyes as the floor suddenly became interesting to him. 
“Are you FUCKING kidding me right now!?” 
“That isn’t the worst thing about this.” 
“What do you mean!? Nothing could be worse then the fact you made a deal with the guy who sexually assulted me and killed my child, so please! Tell me what is worse than that!?” 

“I-... I’m fighting with him. I’m going to be fighting against you guys. You need to leave. First thing in the morning. Goodbye.” My heart shattered as those words left his mouth. I was upset, mad, sad and I didn’t know how to comprehend what just happened before I yelled, 
“Are you kidding me!? You’re seriously just going to throw what we had away!? Just like that!?” 
“Look. Things happen but what we had. Was nothing.” He looked at me with his dumb mask. 
“Really? Because and I kid you not, almost every night you’ve told me or showed me that you cared and loved me. So tell me. Was this just for your own fucking amusement then?”

My vision slightly blurred with purple and angry tears that were burning my skin. He said nothing as he stared at me. I dragged my stuff, put in my inventory and looked at him. 
“Well then asshole, I’ll just go ahead and leave. I can’t bear being here anymore and I’m obviously not wanted here am I?” I walked towards the door, opened it and then turned to him once again. I gave him a loud and hard slap across the face. The sound echoed through the house as I said, 
“I loved you. I trusted you. Hell, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I hope you realize what you’ve done because now? I won’t be holding back on the battlefield, asshole” I then stormed out of the house.

Authors note: be ready for the angst cause there a lot of it at the end of the book, love y'all <3
Word Count: 1433

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