Chapter 29

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I made a sharp turn left then another right, trying to lose them. I still had no clue who or what was chasing me as I didn’t have the courage to look back. After a minute I came to another clearing. In the middle was a huge lake with crystal clear water. I turned around and saw…
”Quackity? What are you doing?” He was panting for air from running for so long and so quickly. He had huge black circles under his eyes, his hair looked unkempt and messy. As he walked towards me, I noticed that his movements were sluggish and slow. He looked like the smallest gust of wind would blow him away or knock him over.

“You don’t look too good there buddy.” 
“I could say the same for you.” We both laughed. 
“What’s up with you chasing me huh?” 
“Oh right. I’m here to join you guys. I hate the way Schlatt is treating everyone and I think it’s time we get rid of him. Fundy went to look for you guys as well for the same reason. He has no allies anymore. No one wants him here anymore. He’s always drunk and has completely messed up L’manberg.” 
“Sounds like a living hell huh? Well I’m sure that Wilbur will appreciate this. You should head there. Just keep walking North from here and you should see the entrance. It’s pretty unmistakable.” He nodded. 
“What about you?” 
“I’ll be there soon. I just need to clear my mind.” He left and I walked toward the lake in the center of the clearing. There was an old dock in the distance. The support pillars were covered in lush, green moss.

I cautiously stepped on it and once I knew it was safe I walked to the edge and sat down, making sure to keep my distance from the water. As I sat there with my eyes closed I heard a twig snap from behind but I shrugged it off as an animal or something until I was suddenly pushed off of the edge and into the burning water. I quickly teleported away from there and I ended up on the other side of the lake. I looked at the dock and saw T/n. 
“What are you doing!? I thought Schlatt wanted me alive, not dead!” He chuckled grimly. 
“I heard about you and Dream, ya know. Along with your little chit-chat with Quackity. And I thought to myself that maybe you would like to see someone since, you know, you looked so lonely and out-of-place.”

“What do you mean.” He laughed again and then I felt something sharp glide against my back. I yelped and quickly turned around and saw a familiar face or should I say mask. He had his netherite ax which now had my blood on the blade. I was speechless… I knew we would have to fight each other but I wasn’t prepared for it to be so soon. 
“What a great day huh sister?” 
“Don’t you dare call me that. We stop being siblings the day you betrayed me for power. And you.” I said, turning back to Dream. 
“Are you kidding me? I knew that you were making deals behind my back but you are seriously attacking me the day after? Did you really not care for me at all!? All those nights. All those times we spent together!? Did they really mean nothing to you!?” I seethed with anger as the pain from the cut started to numb and purple started clouding my vision.

I teleported to T/n and lifted him into the air but his collar, holding him above the water. 
“You bastard. I can’t believe you seriously just threw away everything we had for power that he probably won’t even give you! Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t drop you into the water?” He seemed to be at a loss for words, when I heard a creak come from the beginning of the dock. 
“If you come any closer I will drop him into the water because just like me, you can’t touch water.” Dream froze, not knowing what to do as I laughed. 
“I’ve lost everything because of Schlatt and I’m willing to do anything to get rid of him, permanently. This is your first and final warning to everyone on his side still. Don’t. Get. In. My. Way.” Then I dropped my brother into the water. 

The screams that followed were like music to my ears. I looked Dream dead in the eyes and said, 
“See on the battlefield bitch” Then teleported back to Pogtopia since it wasn’t far. When I got there, Niki, Fundy, Quackity, and many other people I didn’t know were crowded around Wilbur who was telling them a fake plan, where they would kill Schlatt and retake L’manberg. I didn’t hear much as the pain for the huge cut on my back was distracting me. I took one step and immediately fell down. ‘It seems I may have pushed myself a bit too far…’ I could feel eyes on me as Tommy rushed over to me. 
“What the hell happened to you!? We need help! Go get bandages and health pots and hurry!” He ordered. 
“Since when did you become a leader huh?” I laughed, weakly. 

Techno and Wilbur were the next people to run over to us. 
“Holy shit! What happened!?” Wilbur asked this time. 
“Nothing. I just sent a warning message to Dream and my brother.” 
“I thought I told you to go straight here after we finished training.” 
“You know I never listen, plus the look of terror on my brother’s face was amazing and I have no regrets.” Niki came over with bandages and Fundy and Quackity came with the health pots. Niki looked like she’d seen a ghost when she looked at me. Fundy and Quackity looked very concerned for my health, which is expected since I had a huge gash going from the top of my right shoulder down to the left, bottom corner of my back. But hey at least it’ll leave a cool scar.

Without a moment to lose, Techno picked me up, out of Tommy’s arms and rushed me down the hall and into my room with Niki close behind. Techno left the bandages and health pots with Niki and me and left, closing the door behind him. 
“You're gonna need to take off your shirt if that’s okay.” I nodded and did as I was told, turning my back to her so she could patch up my back. Once she had put the bandage on I drank one of the health pots and then threw on another shirt of mine. 
“You should stay here and rest.” 
“No thanks. I’m glad you care but a lot has to be done before the war starts.” Before she protested anymore I walked out of the room even though my back hurt so badly. 

“There is no way that you're okay after that. Go get rest. You’ve already pushed yourself more than you should’ve.” 
“I’m fine, there’s too much for us to do at the moment for me to be lying around just because of a silly cut on my back. Now I’m going to go find Wilbur.” ‘Plus I feel that if I’m alone right now I’ll break down… I can’t believe he really got over it so quickly…’ I thought as I walked off. 
“Ah! Y/n! How are you doing?” 
“I’m fine, gimme a job to do.” 
“Ok then. We need more sand and gunpowder for the real plan. Go get some.” 
“K. I’ll be back then.” On my way out I grabbed an ax and a shovel along with a bow and arrows. By now it was night time and I was gathering sand. 

I got about at least 2 stacks of sand in my inventory when I started looking for creepers. Once I did find the last one it almost exploded in my face. Then I got chased by skeletons and zombies and by the time I stopped running I realized that I was in the same place I first learned how to teleport. My face heated up as the memory resurfaced itself in my mind. I heard a voice say from behind me, 
“Remember this place?” I groaned and turned around. 
“What do you want now.” He muttered something I couldn’t hear after. 
“What? Speak up. I don’t have super hearing.” 
“I said. I miss you.” 
“Fuck off. You caused this. This is your karma. Karma you deserve might I add.” 
“I know but hear me out N/n.” I sent a glare his way. 
“You have no right anymore to call me that and you know it.” I turned around and started walking away but his hand grabbed my shoulder and he spun me around to face him. His mask was no longer present. His hair seemed messy and it fell in front of his face delicately. His eyes were pleading and full of guilt. 

“God damn you Dream.” I huffed. 
“You have 5 minutes. After that I’m leaving.” He nodded and let go of me. 
“This is all a part of my plan to undermine Schlatt and make sure we win, I promise. I can’t tell you much right now but I promise that everything I said wasn’t true.” I rolled my eyes and scoffed. 
“And how do I know that you aren’t lying to me right now? Hmm?” He stood for a second, thinking to himself. 
“Exactly. I’ll be taking my leave now.” I started walking away again but of course he grabbed my hand but he did the one thing I expected the least. He pulled me to his chest and planted a quick kiss on my lips. 
“Please… I know you're upset with me and you have every right to be but please… give me a second chance…”

I huffed again, pushing myself away from him. 
“Look. I don’t know if I forgive you yet. Especially after you attacked me earlier today. Give me some time. Meet me here tomorrow after the sunsets.” Then I left. He made no move to stop me this time as I walked away.

Word Count: 1713

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