Chapter 21

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TW: Violence and a little gore??

I didn’t feel like walking back to the ravine so I just teleported. Since I was still getting the hang of the teleporting thing, when I teleported I ended up in the space between the stairs. “Oh shit- AHHHHH!” I screamed as I tried to teleport to the ground. I teleported just in time. Tommy and Wilbur ran over. “Why are you screaming!?” Tommy yelled. “I teleported but instead of being on the stairs I teleported in mid-air. I almost hit the ground but I teleported just in time.” Tommy blinked at me a few times before Wilbur spoke up. “Excuse me- teleported!?” I nodded. “I finally learned how to teleport! It takes a lot of concentration and energy right now, but hopefully one day I’ll be able to do it effortlessly!” I smiled.

“Can you speak enderman as well?” Tommy asked with stars in his eyes. I laughed. “Maybe? Maybe not? I guess that for me know and for you too-” We heard a loud bang come from upstairs where the entrance is. We all turned our heads and looked up at the stairs to see a shadow. We saw fundy emerge from the darkness, armed with a loaded crossbow. He immediately shot at all of us but missed. We ran in a circle and then up the stairs. We ran out of the ravine and into the forest. Fundy was quick though and started catching up. I was a little slower than Wilbur and Tommy. Then I felt a sharp pain in my right leg. I fell to the ground and screamed in pain. 

Tommy and Wilbur paused and looked at me. Fundy wasn’t too far behind. Tommy looked at Wilbur but instead of helping me they left. They ran away. Leaving me there with an arrow through my leg and with Fundy. Fundy looked at me with a sympathetic look. “They left me here…” I said with tears rolling down my face. I started giggling. “The people I saw as family left me here… With an arrow through my leg to get caught…” Fundy bent down and picked me up gently. “I’m sorry Y/n…” Was the last thing I heard before I passed out. 

When I woke up I was in a cell. My leg was bandaged up terribly. I sat up and was immediately hit with a migraine. “Shit….” I mumbled under my breath. The door to my cell flung open. Schlatt emerged from the doorway holding a flask. I could smell the alcohol radiating off of him from across the cell. He walked over and yanked me onto my feet. A fiery pain was sent up my leg as he threw me to the ground. “Looks like the princess is finally up. Good.” He said, taking a drink from his signature flask. I didn’t even try to get up, knowing full well that he just shove me back down. “Awww. Does the little princess miss her boy toy? Well look at what or should I say WHO I have…” My eyes widened in horror as he dragged in Kanako. 

“Let her go!” I screamed. He laughed as he dragged me to the wall and chained me there. Then he walked back over to Kanako, who was trembling in fear and crying. “What are you doing!?” I yelled, tears blurring my vision. He grabbed Kanako by the neck and started strangling her slowly. “Leave her alone! Please! Let her go!” I screamed, hot tears rolling down my face. I didn’t have the energy to teleport out of the chains. “Please Schlatt! She’s just a kid! Please just let her go!” I screamed. Kanako was trying so hard to get him to let go but then her body let limp… I went silent. I stared at her lifeless body in shock. 

He laughed and then tossed her right in front of me. “YOU BASTARD! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!” I screamed at him, my eyesight blurred by both purple and tears. He just took another drink and then kicked my stomach. “Maybe you should’ve spent more time with the kid. Maybe you could’ve saved her. It’s your fault she’s dead you know. YOU left her behind.” He laughed then kicked me again. I heard someone yell for him and he left, leaving me alone with my daughter’s dead and lifeless body in front of me. Her eyes were still wide open, painted with shock, horror, and pain. Tears stained her once rosy cheeks. The picture of her dead body ingraveding itself in my mind.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, causing my throat to begin to hurt. My wrists were starting to hurt from the chains as well. The chains unlatched all of a sudden and I scrambled to Kanako and held her while crying my eyes out. I passed out from exhaustion…

~One week later~

I was starving… No one had brought me food at all. The last I saw someone was when Schlatt came in to beat me up to try and get an answer out of me about Tommy and Wilbur’s wearabouts… When he came in drunk would be the worst because it would just be a rerun of what happened in the alleyway. I was also still grieving over Kanako. I blame myself for what happened to her. I was curled up in a corner when Schlatt walked in. “Get up.” I stood up, using the wall for support. I’m pretty sure the wound in my leg was infected as well. He grabbed my arms harshly and tied a rope around my wrists and then dragged me out of the cell and up a staircase. We seemed to be in the white house that Wilbur originally built so he had somewhere to work. 

He led me to a room with people in it. Dream, Sapnap, Karl, George, Quackity, T/n, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Techno were all there. I saw my reflection in the window. My hair was messy and knotted. I looked starved to the point that I might fly away if a breeze hit me. My skin was so pale that I looked like a ghost. My eyes were dull and lifeless. My clothes were dirty and stained with blood from my leg. Dream came running towards me but Schlatt intervened. “Ah ah ah. I don't think so Dream. She isn’t to be touched. Or else.” Dream glared but backed away. Everyone looked so worried. Even Techno had the slightest glint of worry in his eyes. Schlatt put his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. 

“Until our deal is fulfilled she’ll be staying with ME.” I wanted to run to Dream and hide but I knew better. I tuned out the entire conversation. Dream and T/n were yelling at Schlatt while the others were holding him back. Schlatt was just smiling. His hand ran up and down my thigh sending a shiver down my spine. I smacked his hand away. He quickly grabbed my arm and bent down to my ear. “Do that again and there will be consequences to pay Princess.” I smacked him immediately. “Do. Not. Call me ‘Princess’. I’m not your play toy Schlatt.” I glared at him. He had a look of shock on his face, obviously not expecting me to talk back to him. 

“Oh so you have the guts to speak back huh? Guess I just have to fix that.” He said, grimly. He rose his hand and slapped me across the face. Everyone fell silent as I stared at the ground. Then Schlatt bent down to my ear again. “I will take care of your attitude later princess.” He stood back up straight and fixed his collar. “I will leave you all to talk. You have half an hour.” He said and left. Tears started falling from my eyes. Everyone rushed up to me. “This is my fault. I should’ve died in the palace. I shouldn’t be here. If I had stayed none of this would’ve happened. If I had just been a little bit faster I wouldn’t be here. If I hadn't let Kanako run off she would still be alive.” Everyone froze at my words. “W-What do you mean…” 

My knees went weak and I fell to the ground. “He didn’t.” “H-He did…” Dream came over and pulled me into a tight hug. The only noise that could be heard was my quiet sobbing. Kanako didn’t deserve that. “Darling, look at me please.” I slowly looked up at him. “You didn’t cause anything. And please never think like that. If you weren’t here we would probably still be at war with L’manberg. You’ve helped everyone here so much.” “But-” T/n covered my mouth out of nowhere. “Hush. You didn’t cause anything. It was Schlatt. HE caused our kingdom to fall apart. HE caused us to be separated. HE caused everything. If I find out you’ve been blaming yourself for ANYTHING I will hug you so tightly you can’t breathe anymore.” I laughed. “No! Not the bear hugs! Anything but the bear hugs!” I giggled. 

He laughed as well and Dream helped me up. I walked over and gave everyone a hug. “Techno. Have you seen Tommy?” Techno nodded. “They sent me a letter asking for my help in this upcoming war between Manberg and Pogtopia.” I raised an eyebrow. “Do you mean L’manberg?” Techno shook his head. “Schlatt re-named it Manberg and said and I quote, Manberg will no longer be taking any more ‘L’s. and Tommy named the base.” I giggled. “Of course he would’ve chosen ‘Pogtopia.’ He’s such a dork.” Suddenly the door opened. 

(Word Count: 1634)

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