Chapter 8

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I walked out of the room with Dream behind me. I went to the laundry room and found my clothes and then started walking back to the room. “You do realize you can’t come in right?” “Yeah. I’ll just wait outside of the room.” I sighed and walked in and locked the door. I changed but before I opened the door the window was shattered by something. “AHH!” I screamed and held my arms in front of my head and face. I heard Dream pound on the door. “Y/N! What are you doing!?” A bunch of red flying creatures flooded into the room. I hid in the closet with my head on my knees and my arms above my head.

After a few minutes Dream opened the closet. “What happened here?” “I don’t know? Something red came flying through the windows! I hid in the closet. Obviously.” He held out a hand to help me up. I declined it and got up myself. I walked out of the closet and looked around. The window was definitely shattered. The bed was messy and there was a single book on the floor. I started walking towards the book.

“What is this?” I picked it up and looked at the cover. It had the title, ‘Tales of the SMP’. “Dream, look at this!” He walked over to me and I held up so he could see it. I couldn’t read his expression since that mask was in the way. “I think I should keep it…” Dream said as he reached to take it from my hands. I snachted it away as quickly as possible and held tightly to my chest. “No. I’m gonna keep it and there’s nothing you can say to change my mind!” He ignored me and tried to take it again. “No!” I said again and ran towards the door still holding it tight. I slammed the door shut and ran into the next room over and realized it was a library. 

Once I heard the door to the other room open I hid behind a bookshelf. But then I remembered that I didn’t reclose the door to the library. “Y/n~ Where did you go? Come on out dear~” I slid down the shelf and closed my eyes tightly as I heard him enter the room and close the door behind him. With one arm I kept the book held tightly to my chest and with the other one I covered my mouth so he didn’t hear my unsteady breathing. I felt adrenaline rush through my body as his voice got closer. “Oh Y/n~ Just hand over the book and you can walk away from this scott-free!”

There was obviously a reason that the book was valuable to him. I couldn’t let him have it until I figured out why. I heard the door open and close again and after a bit I got up and cautiously looked around the corner still holding the book. I sighed with relief as I realized he really wasn’t there… or so I thought… Then I felt breathing down my neck. “Why hello there darling~” I jumped and turned around clutching the book even tighter. “H-Hello Dream.” I whispered. He held out his hand for the book. “Give me the book.” “Why?” I asked stubbornly. “Just give it.” “Not until you tell me why.” He grabbed my arm and tried to pry the book out of my tight hold but to no avail.

“You’re making this really difficult huh?” “That’s what I’m here to do.” He stood up straight again and looked down at me. “Fine. I’ll make you a deal.” I raised an eyebrow at his statement. “Go on…” “You give me the book and I’ll let you go this once…” I handed him the book. “Go then.” He said and I turned on my heels and sprinted out of the room. I wrote a note telling them I was leaving, changed into my normal clothes and left. Once I got far enough away I heard, “Y/N! THIS ISN’T THE REAL BOOK!” in the distance. I snickered while pulling the hood of my cloak over my head and continued running in the direction of l’manberg. I can always tell where to go by where the sun rises.

~Time skip~ ~Back in L’manberg~(also it around midnight)

I had just arrived at the gates of L’manberg when I saw all the holes that looked like explosions. “Woah…. What the hell happened here!?” I started walking through the gates when I heard yelling. “YOU GUYS SOMEONE'S HERE RUN!” I looked to my right and saw them running from the gate and down a hole. I’m in the mood to mess with them a bit. I mimicked Dream’s voice and said, “I thought you guys surrendered. You guys lied…  Come out. Now.” I heard Tubbo squeak as I made my way closer to the hole they all jumped down. 

Then I heard movement as they started moving as far away from the entrance to the hole as much as they could. “Come out~” Then an idea popped into my head. I quickly hid behind a tree nearby and waited for them to come out. Which they did. After a few hours they all emerged out of the hole cautiously. “I think he’s gone you guys…” The others agreed with Wilbur and they started walking away with their back towards me. I slowly and quietly snuck up behind them and still using Dream’s voice I whispered, “BOO!” Everyone jumped and spun around with their fists up, ready to fight. 

Words can’t describe how funny the look of shock on their faces was when they saw me. I toppled over, laughing and holding my stomach. Suddenly I was picked up off the ground and spun around. I opened my eyes and saw Wilbur holding me. I giggled as he pulled me into a tight hug. Soon everyone was hugging me. “That was too easy!” I giggled. Tommy smacked me upside the head and smiled. “We missed you Y/n!” Tubbo nodded violently, agreeing with the blonde haired boy. 

I hugged them again. “I missed you guys too…” I smiled. I released them and walked over to Wilbur. “Can I talk to you? In private?” “Yeah sure. May I ask why?” “You’ll find out Wilby.” He groaned at the old nickname. “Are you seriously starting that again!?” I giggled. “Yup!” I smiled, popping the p. He ruffled my hair as we walked. “Dork.” “STOP ACTING LIKE A COUPLE!” “GET TOGETHER ALREADY!” We heard Tubbo and Tommy yell behind us. I felt my face heat up. Wilbur laughed. 

I grabbed his hand and walked quickly to a private area. “So? What is it?” I pulled out the book I took from Dream. “I found this. Dream was trying to take it and he made a deal with me that if I gave the book in my arms he would let me come home!” Wilbur had a confused face. “Then how do you still have it?” “I gave him a fake. It was pretty easy to trick him…. Surprisingly…” His eyes widened and a concerned look overtook the confused expression he just wore. “Do you realize how dangerous that is!? What if he finds out!? What if he comes here!? What if he hurts you!?” I used my free hand to cup the side of his face. 

He immediately stopped talking and I gave him a pitiful smile. “That’s not going to happen.. I promise.” He slowly nodded, clearly not expecting the affection. “Let’s go back to the others now ok?” I took my hand off of his face and smiled. He nodded hesitantly, not wanting to leave the moment. I grabbed his hand and ran towards the main area where the rest of them were waiting. “What took you so long Y/n?” Tubbo asked. “Did you guys makeout or something?” I slapped Tommy upside his head and ignored the weird comment. 

“Sorry Tubbo. We were talking about something.” He didn’t ask me what we were talking about, instead he just nodded and smiled. I returned his smile. “It’s getting late. We should all go to sleep.” I turned to Wilbur as he finished his sentence. “Okie dokie!” I smiled. Everyone started walking to the van but I was pulled back. I turned around with a confused expression on my face. “What is it Wilby?” “Seriously stop that.” “Never!” a playful smirk made its way to my face. He rolled his eyes. I giggled. “Anyways, what did you want?” He mumbled something under his breath that I didn’t hear.

“What?” He said it again but this time I could hear it. “You.” I felt my face heat up as a smirk appeared on his face. “W-What!? Wilbur right now is not the time to mess with me!” I turned around and started walking away when I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. I felt him get close to my ear and say, “I’m not lying love.” If my face wasn’t as red as a tomato before it definitely was now. In seconds I felt myself being turned around and then him placing his lips on mine.

After a few seconds he released me. “See? I’m not messing with you N/N.” I just buried my face in his chest, smiling like an idiot. He chuckled. “We should go to sleep. See you tomorrow.” He placed a kiss on my forehead and walked into the van and I walked to my cabin and went to sleep.

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