Chapter 15

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When I woke up my head was pounding. “Not again…” I muttered to myself. I realized very quickly that it was around midnight. The pounding was starting to subside, albeit very slowly, it was still going away. I looked around and then heard laughing coming from downstairs. As I stood up my vision went blurry and I had to sit back down, head spinning. After a minute I slowly stood up again. I cautiously limped out of the room and down the stairs. I slowly walked towards the living room where they were all sitting. Including Eret. “Awake already?” I rubbed my eyes and nodded. 

Eret just stared at me as I sat down. They continued their conversation as I stared around the room. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked towards them. “What do you want, Eret?” They looked down. “I’m sorry… I should’ve done that.” I stared at him with a blank expression. “I get it if you don’t forgive me. I wouldn’t forgive myself either.” I closed my eyes  and everything went silent. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. I laughed a bit. “You know what, I'm not even gonna answer that. I’m too tired. I have somewhere I need to be before noon though. I was wondering if one of you could take me.” 

They just stared at me. I sighed. “Please? It’s really important to me! It’s nowhere near L’manberg I promise! Just please… It’s my birthday! I need to do this!” They looked at each other then me. “Wait, it's your birthday!?” I nodded. “Please, I want to celebrate with my brother.” Eret gave me a look. It was confusion. “I thought your brother-” I covered his mouth before he could finish. “That's none of you guys’ business, Eret.” He nodded and I moved my hand. “Now. Do you want to know what he was gonna say or not?” They looked at each other then back at me. “Stop doing that, it's so annoying.” I said. George whispered in Sapnap and Dream’s ears. They nodded. “Fine. Me and Sapnap will take you. Eret and George will stay behind.

I jumped to my feet. “Yes! You totally won’t regret this!” I exclaimed. “I better not.” I ran down the hall to the front door like an excited child. I hopped in place waiting for them to catch up. “Hurry!” They finally caught up. “Geez you run way too fast.” Dream said. I laughed and smiled. “I know! It comes in handy!” Dream opened the door and followed me and Sapnap out. I took a deep breath and sighed. “It feels nice out tonight.” I said, calmly. “Sapnap, you stay here I changed my mind.” Dream said. I heard Sapnap sigh. “Good luck then.” He put his arms behind his head and walked back inside, closing the door behind him.

About 20 minutes later we finally made it to the border. “Why are we here? This place is the area that borders the old kingdom? The new Queen ran away after the people turned on her. She left her family behind from what I heard. I think she had the same name as you.” I clenched my fist at his words. ‘I didn’t run away! I had to flee for my life! My family is dead!’ “Yea… But maybe she had no choice? What if it was the only choice!? You would’ve done the same thing in her shoes.“ He raised an eyebrow. “You seem to know a lot about it. Did you flee the palace as well?” I choked on my words. “U-Umm...“ I wasn't sure if I should tell him. But he did bring me there... “Yes. I fled the palace after the people killed my parents. I couldn’t bear the memories…” I finally said, quietly.

He nodded, slowly. “Mhm. We should hurry if you want to celebrate with your brother.” I found the hill where the stone was that I carved his name into, so many years ago now. My excitement from before faded out, replaced with the dark hole where T/N should be. “Where’s your brother?” Dream asked. I sat down in front of his stone. “Here.” He sat down beside me and read the stone. “Wait.. are you the former Queen!? Was it you that fled?” I just stared at my brother’s grave. “Y/n. Are you... Queen L/N?” His voice was cold and had no emotion. “Not anymore.” I said, in the same emotionless tone. “But I was their Queen once. They didn’t like the fact that I, a female, was heir to the throne. So they kept attacking me and my family.” Tears started welling up in my eyes. “I remember that day like it was yesterday… My brother, my twin... he stayed behind to fight the people off. I was running to my room with the guards so the people wouldn't be able to get to me… But then we rounded the corner and I saw them…my family...” Tears started going down my face as I remembered how the normal warmth of their eyes was gone and blood pooled around them.

“They were gone before I reached them… Then the guards dragged me to my room and locked me in. The people were getting closer and closer so I made a makeshift rope out of my bedsheets, changed into what I usually wear when I don’t have my L’manberg uniform, and escaped. I ran and ran and ran until I ended up here. I made these carvings to remember him. I made one for my parents as well, further back.” I stared at the ground, trying not to make eye contact with him. I felt a hand cup the side of my face and wipe my tears away. “Sadness isn’t a good look on you princess.” I smiled slightly and swatted his hand away. “That’s ‘Your highness’ to you sir.” We half-heartedly laughed and then everything was quiet. 

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