Chapter 33

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I woke up and immediately got ready for the day. I opened the door to see everyone bustling around, preparing for the upcoming war that was going to happen sooner than we thought. I walked towards Wilbur who greeted me then asked if I could go get wood. I nodded and walked back to my room, grabbed my sword and ax, put them in my inventory and went to Tommy’s room to check up on Tubbo. To my surprise Tubbo was sitting up while holding his head. 
“You should lay back down, Tubs. You’re not completely healed yet buddy.” He looked up for a second and then laid back down without a word. I stepped closer and saw Tommy, who was asleep on the opposite side of the bed on the ground. I chuckled softly before gently shaking him awake.

Of course that didn’t work though so I looked at Tubbo and said, 
“Cover your ears. I’m about to give Tommy the scare of a lifetime.” He quickly covered his ears as I stood up, took a step back and let out an inhuman screech that made the poor boy jump and let out a yelp of his own as both Tubbo and I started laughing. Several people popped their heads into the room before backing out quickly. Tommy started throwing curses my way as we continued to laugh. I calmed down before saying, 
“I just wanted to let you know that you… have the day off and can sleep in!” Then I quickly ran out of the room as Tommy spewed curses at me. When I got out of the ravine I saw that the sun was just peaking above the horizon and the morning air was crisp and chilly. The morning dew still graced the grass as I walked through the woodland area. 

I quickly chopped down some trees and replanted them. After about an hour of chopping down trees and replanting them, I felt a hand on the small of my back, followed by an all too familiar voice. 
“Good morning princess. Why are you up so early? And chopping down trees nonetheless after being shot in the leg?” 
“War doesn’t wait just because I injured myself dear.” He chuckled as I turned around and planted a kiss on his cheek. 
“We have around a week to prepare now, everyone is running around and preparing for it. It’s kinda chaotic if I’m honest.” I laughed. 
“Is Wilbur still planning on blowing the place up?” 
“Well from what I know it’s going to be a ‘last resort’. Like if we lose an all.” He nodded. He suddenly wrapped his arms around me and dug his face into my shoulder. 
“I missed this. More than you’ll ever know.” I laughed a bit.

“Well I need to get this wood back to the base so I’ll see you soon.” He groaned and reluctantly released me from his grasp. He gave me a quick kiss before I started walking back to the ravine I know as base. Once I got about halfway there I heard twigs snap from behind me. I pulled out my sword from its sheath, located on my hip, and stood in a defensive stance. 
“I thought we were on good terms?” My brother chuckled, emerging from the bushes. I let out a sigh of relief. 
“I thought you were someone else, sorry.” I laughed. 
“What brings you to this side of the forest my dear brother?” I teased. 
“Well if you must know, dear sister,” He joked. 
“I was on my way to deliver some supplies to Wilbur, as I have turned over to your side.” 
“I was actually just heading back.” 
“Well then I’ll accompany you on your journey, sister.” We both laughed and joked around the entire way home but once we did Wilbur rushed us both into a crowded meeting room as he announced that we would be fighting Schlatt tomorrow instead of next week. Something about the ‘element of surprise’ and then he made an ‘inspirational speech’. I had the worst feeling in my stomach. 

“I’ll be leaving for the night but I’ll be back in the morning.” I told him as we exited the room while my brother handed him more tnt. ‘I knew he wasn’t gonna leave it alone after all the materials we gathered already… Poor Tommy… Poor Tubbo… They shouldn’t have to deal with this. They’re only kids.’ I thought to myself as I left the ravine once again. I walked and walked and walked, letting my feet decide where to go and once I reached my location I saw the base. Dream’s base. I walked to the door and knocked, making sure someone was home and when it opened I was met with a sleepy George, who looked annoyed and tired of course. 
“Oh thank god you’re back. Dream won’t stop talking about you and it’s really annoying me. “ He said, pulling me inside and into the living room where both him and Sapnap were sprawled out on the couch and chair. 
“You guys are weirdos.” Dream purked his head up after hearing my voice but Sapnap hugged me first. 
“You’re back! Are you staying this time? You aren’t gonna mysteriously disappear right?” 

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