Chapter 1

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At the moment I was in the van, watching through the window as everyone was preparing for the war. The dream team had already burned down most of the forest surrounding us. I was very surprised when Wilbur announced that Dream declared war on us. I honestly think it’s stupid to fight over land but I wasn’t going to say that. “Y/n! I know this is weird but we need you to get some medical supplies and come with us just in case.” Eret called out to me. I nodded and went to the medical tent and grabbed everything we might need. The Dream Team had already burned down most of the forest surrounding the entrance to L’manberg.

After that Eret led us through a secret area until we reached a room with empty chests. “What does this button do?” Tommy asked us, getting ready to press it. I was about to stop him but it was too late. The wall opened and Eret moved to blend in with the shadows. I pushed Tommy back out of the way just in case. I’m glad I did because when they opened all the way I saw three people standing there with netherite swords.

The guy on the left had black hair and a white bandana wrapped around his head. He was also wearing a white shirt with a pixelated flame on it and black pants. The guy on the right had dark brown hair and was wearing white glasses. This shirt was sky blue with two white stripes and a red stripe on it with normal jeans. The guy in the middle was hard to process… I couldn’t see much of him because of that white smiley face mask that he had on. But I could see that he had dirty blonde hair and was wearing a green hoodie and jeans.

Before they could make a move I pushed Tommy further away and pulled out my own sword. My sword had my name etched into the side of it and was made of diamonds. “Get back Tommy! Go help the others get out!” I said, not breaking eye contact with the enemies. I heard him run towards the others and then chaos broke out. I was now fighting the black haired guy. He ran at me with his sword, ready to cut me but I ducked out of the way and tripped him. 

I grabbed his sword out of his hand and threw it to the ground behind him. He scurried back to grab it and get up. I was just about to knock him  out when I saw out of the corner of my eye a green hoodie coming towards me. I turned around and held up my sword and blocked his blow. I glared at the smiley face mask I was met with. “Well well well? Who do we have here?” I didn’t respond, instead I pushed him away with all my might. He came right back, trying to hit my side this time. 

I jumped back trying to put space in between me and him. Then I heard Tubbo scream. I snapped my head in his direction. He was on the ground holding his side in pain. I looked back and was immediately knocked over. “That was a mistake.” He laughed. He held his sword to my neck. “Now. Who. Are. You.” He asked, and again I didn’t respond. I took short and quick breaths so I wouldn’t cut myself on the sharp blade. “None. Of. Your. Business!” I responded making sure I wouldn’t hurt myself. He chuckled at this. “Oh but I think it is.” I forcefully moved the blade with my hands, cutting them in the process. He seemed surprised by my movement. 

I winced once I was up off the ground. But I quickly kicked the guy to the ground and held MY sword to HIS neck instead. But then I remembered Tubbo. “Tubbo are you ok? Can you hol-” Tubbo was already unconscious. Everyone else was still fighting while Eret hid in the shadows. I sent him an anger filled glare. My adrenaline rush made it so I could barely feel the cuts on my hands. I looked back down at the enemy. He was just staring at me. “Y/N! WATCH OUT!” The mask of the enemy was lifted slightly, just above his mouth. I saw his mouth turn into a mischievous grin and then black. 

(Word count: 747)

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