Chapter 6

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I was about 8 when I first met Phil. I was walking with Wilbur and he asked me a question. “Hey Y/n.” I hummed in response. “Do you wanna come over for dinner?” I looked at him with sparkling eyes and nodded my head excitedly. “YES!” He laughed awkwardly at my behavior. “Ok, well then let’s get going Y/n.” he grabbed my hand and led me to a little house in a clearing in the woods. It looked very nice. It had a porch and on the porch was a porch swing.

Little Tommy was sitting on the swing with Techno, who was slightly rocking it back and forth. Tommy saw me and immediately started yelling, “Y/N’S HERE! TECHNO! TECHNO! LOOK SHE’S HERE! LOOK! LOOK!” I laughed at his behavior. Techno lightly shook his head and chuckled. When we finally reached the porch Tommy hugged me tightly. “I MISSED YOU Y/N! WHY WHERE YOU GONE FOR SO LONG! YOU WEREN’T AT THE SPOT YESTERDAY!” He complained, tightening his grip on my arm. “I had to go for a bit, sorry lil guy.” I smiled and ruffled his hair. 

Wilbur laughed at this. “Tommy won’t stop complaining about how boring it is whenever we come home. It gets quite annoying…” Techno told me as he walked toward us. I giggled. “Speaking of which. Why are you here?” “Wilby invited me to eat with you guys!” Wilbur nudged me in my side. “I told you to stop calling me that!” “Never!” Wilbur started yelling at me and chasing me. I was laughing while running away of course. Tommy was laughing and rolling around on the ground. Techno just stood there not knowing what to do.

Then we heard the door open. Wilbur and I stopped immediately and looked at the front door where a man now stood. He had blonde hair and green eyes. He was wearing a green outfit with a black cloak along with a white and green sun hat. “Oh! I see we have a visitor!” He smiled at me and I hid behind Wilbur. Wilbur chuckled as the man started walking towards us. “No need to be shy. I won’t harm you.” I peeked out from behind Wilbur to see the man holding out his hand to me. I took it and smiled at him.

“What’s your name?” He asked me as we all went inside. “It’s Y/n! What’s your name?” Tommy then yelled from behind us. “WE CALL HIM DADZA!” I giggled and the man chuckled at the young child’s behavior. “My name is Philza. But yes, they call me ‘Dad’ or ‘Dadza’.” I nodded and smiled at him. When we got into the dining room I was hit with the smell of miso soup. There was a round beautiful oak table with equally beautiful oak chairs. There was also a crystal chandelier hanging above it. 

I stared at the room in awe. I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I looked it was Techno. “You gonna sit down or just stare?” I smiled even more and ran over to the seat beside Wilbur. I was kicking my legs back and forth since I was still short enough to do that without touching the ground. Phil came around with a bowl of the Miso soup for each of us and once everyone was seated and had a bowl of food, we dug in. When I took my first bite my eyes lit up with joy. It tasted amazing! Words cannot describe how heavenly it tasted to me.

I finished eating and once everyone else was finished eating I went over to Phil. “The food tasted so good! Words can’t describe how thankful I am that you allowed me to eat with you all. Thank you!” I said bowing to him. My father taught me that I was supposed to bow to show gratitude and to apologize as well. Evidently my mother was Japanese and she learned this from her father as well. I stood up straight and smiled at the man. “Thank you very much. You can come eat with us anytime my dear.”
End of flashback…

Instead of shaking his hand I wrapped my arms around him. He seemed shocked, but only for a second. He hugged me back and then I released him. I started jumping up and down. “Phil! Can you make soup please!” I said, dragging out the ‘e’. Everyone chuckled at my childish behavior. Phil put a hand on my head to calm me down. 

“I will make it for dinner, ok?” I nodded my head excitedly. He laughed again. “You really haven’t changed have you?” “Nope!” I popped the ‘p’ and smiled brightly at him. “Why are you here though?” “Well… Wilbur and Dream made a deal. I was completely fine with this deal.” I sat down on the couch and gestured to the boys to sit with me. “The deal was, I would go with Dream as a trade for Tubbo. I tricked him into thinking I was getting clothes and other things when in reality I was escaping. Which worked for the most part!” 

Phil raised an eyebrow at my last statement. “What do you mean, ‘For the most part’?” “Well… Some of his friends found me. Skeppy and Bad to be exact. They captured me and got Dream and then we were abou-” “THEY CAUGHT YOU!? ARE YOU OK? DID THEY HURT YOU!?” He started scanning my body for wounds that weren’t the burns. “No no! As I was saying, We were about to enter his base and I escaped and then they started searching for me. I hid in my unfinished tunnels that went into the badlands. Then I ran into Ranboo in the forest. Sapnap found us and chased us for a while but we lost him and then he brought me here!”

I smiled at the boys as I finished my story. “You do realise Dream is probably still looking for you right now?” Techno said to me. I nodded with a serious look on my face. “I know and I’m ready to run if I need to. Anyways! How have you two been lately?” I said, changing from my serious arua to a friendly one instead. After that we just had a nice chat for a while and then Ranboo showed me to my new room. It was plain. There was a bed, a desk with a chair, a closet, and a bookshelf with books of course. Ranboo left me to get settled in. I found an oversized shirt and sweatpants to wear and went to sleep immediately. 

I was woken up by Techno’s voice. “Hide in the closet Y/n. Dream is here.” I flung up and out of bed and ran into the closet shutting it behind me. I waited for a few minutes and then I heard my door open again. “I’m telling you, Dream. The girl you’re looking for isn’t here.” “Mhm sure.” I covered my mouth immediately. “Come on out Y/n. I know you’re here. How about I make you a deal.” I peeked through the door to see him standing right in front of the closet. He wasn’t facing towards me though so I couldn’t see what he was doing. 

He took my silence as a cue to continue. “If you come out now no one gets hurt and you can come back to the base unharmed.” Who does he think he is!? No one in their right mind would just come out of hiding just because he says ‘he won’t hurt you’! That’s the biggest and frankly the WORST lie I’ve ever heard. He’s an idiot if he thinks I’m gonna come out. “If you don’t come out though… I guess I'll just have to hurt your l’manberg friends huh?” Techno walked towards him. 

“If you touch Tommy or anyone there I swear to-” I started to open the closet door as he was talking. Dream backed up and looked at me. “Don’t hurt them. I’ll be at your base in the morning. Philza said he was going to wash my clothes so he has them now.” “Well then it looks like I’m staying too huh?” Techno snapped his head to look at Dream. “You are not staying here Dream. There is no wa-” “Fine then. But Techno, have you seen Steve anywhere?” Techno froze. “Fine. You can stay but I want Steve back before you leave.” And with that he walked to the door but before he left he gave me a concerned look.

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