Chapter 17

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The chapter will get better but this one maybe a bit cringe- sorry! ~Author

“Hey! Let me go!” He stayed silent. “Dream! Let go!” I kicked at him. “No.” he groaned sleepily as I tried to pull myself away. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him. “Dream, let go!” He shushed me. “Go back to sleep.” He said. I struggled, trying to free myself. I could feel his breath against my neck and my face heated up. “Dream!” He ignored my protests. I gave up and let him sleep for a bit longer. He had his head nuzzled into the crook of my neck. ‘Who knew that the mighty dream would be a complete softy?’ 

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening. “Hey, what's taking so long- George! Sapnap! Come and look at this!” It was Eret. Of course someone has to barge in right now. “NO! DO NOT COME OVER HERE!” I yelled. I heard two sets of footsteps. “Ooooo~ Y/n and Dream sitting in a tree~”  Sapnap and George cooed before laughing. I hid my face to hide how red it was, without realizing all I had done was burrow into Dream's shoulder. “Just you wait until I can get up! Your insides and gonna be on the outside!” I yelled. “Mhm, sure.” Eret said back.

Dream released me as I said that and I immediately flung up and started chasing them. I tackled them to the ground and slapped them both twice. After I got up I turned to Dream. He had a dumb little smirk on his face. “Your face looks really punchable right now.” I stated, glaring at him. “You wouldn’t do that.” I raised an eyebrow. “Give me one reason I shouldn’t.” He stood up and walked to me, using a finger to lift my chin. “Because I’m hot?” My face got even redder. At this point it could rival Kirishima’s hair. “That's a terrible reason.” I said, looking at the wall.

I heard George and Sapnap make a gagging noise. “Oh hush! You guys are just jealous that I have two hot guys wrapped around my finger.” They huffed at me. “Actually I have TWO hot guy fiances, so there.” Sapnap retorted. “Uh huh? Sure. I’ll believe it when I see it.” I shot back, crossing my arms. I felt a head rest on my shoulder and arms wrap around my waist. “So you do think I’m hot?” Dream asked. “I- Don’t we need to be heading to L’manberg right now?” I said, changing the subject, walking towards the door. He chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes. And if you want to go now we can.”

We left his room so he could change. “You guys are so annoying.” I said out of the blue. “We know.” Sapnap, George and Eret said together. I rolled my eyes as we waited for Dream. He finally came out of his room and we went to L’manberg. When we arrived I saw Kanako playing with Tubbo and Tommy. “Mommy!” Kanako yelled once she spotted me. Tubbo and Tommy stopped and looked at me as Kanako ran into my arms. “I missed you mom!” She squealed as I picked her up. “I missed you too, Kana.” I kissed her forehead. 

Tommy and Tubbo came running over to me. “Y/N! We missed you!” Tubbo said, holding back tears. Tommy just stood there, not knowing what to say or do. “I missed all of you so much. They let me come over here since yesterday was my birthday. I also heard there are some new members in L’manberg.” They both nodded excitedly. “Yeah! Come on and we’ll introduce you to them!” I laughed as Tommy grabbed my free arm and started dragging me away. Tubbo followed us while the Dream Team started wandering around. Eret didn’t come with us because he didn’t want to cause trouble.

They introduced me to a guy named Jack Manifold first. He was kind but before we could talk more Tubbo and Tommy dragged me away again. Next we met Niki. She was quiet but kind. I found out that she owns a little bakery here. There were some other people but we didn’t get to talk because they kept dragging me away. I saw Wilbur out of the corner of my eye suddenly. “I think I’m gonna go talk to Wil for a minute. I’ll talk to you guys later though!” They nodded and I sat Kanako down. I ran over to Wilbur and jumped onto his back. 

He almost fell at first. “Y/N!?” “Hi Wilby!” He laughed as I got off of his back and hugged him tight. “Happy late birthday love.” He said, kissing me on the cheek. I giggled. He seemed a little bit nervous about something. “Is something wrong?” He shook his head. “Nope. Everything is fine. But I’ll talk to you soon. I have something to do.” I sighed as he walked away. I was a little disappointed that he couldn't stay longer. I walked until I came across Dream. I waved and ran over to him. He seemed to be lost in thought. “Dream? You okay?” He looked at me. “Yeah. Let’s go somewhere else though.” He seemed to be staring at something, but before I could see he pulled me away. 

I was in complete confusion as we walked away. We spent another hour or so hanging out with everybody and laughing and hugging. We were now getting ready to leave when I realized that Wilbur and Niki were missing. “Hang on, I want to say bye to Wilbur and Niki!” Dream reached out to try and stop me but it was too late, I had already jogged away. I started looking for Wilbur and Niki when I heard movement coming from behind a house. My curiosity got the better of me. I wish it hadn’t… I turned the corner and saw Wilbur and Niki kissing. My heart dropped as I realized what was happening. “Y/N! Where are you-” Dream was cut off by the scene in front of me. Wilbur looked at me in panic. 

My vision was clouded with tears and purple. “Love, let me explain.” Niki’s face dropped when she realized that we were dating. “Love? I thought you two were just friends!?” She said incredulously. “You told her we were just friends!? Wilbur, I loved you!” He scoffed at me. “We were never official. I technically never asked you to be my girlfriend.” My vision turned completely purple. “I’m just gonna leave this to you.” Dream said, stepping back. Before I did anything Niki slapped Wilbur and ran off. I walked up to him. “I hate you, Wilbur. I really thought you cared… I was obviously wrong.” I punched him in the face, sending him toppling over. I stepped on him. He groaned in pain. 

After a while my vision cleared, and only tears remained. Wilbur had bruises all over him and was knocked unconscious. Dream walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. “Y/n?” I swatted his hand away and stood up, tears still streaming down my now burned face. My fists were clenched and there was blood on my knuckles from punching the ever loving shit out of Wilbur. “Y/n?” He asked again. “I’m so tired of people pretending like they ‘love’ me. It’s annoying. First my parents, then my subject, and now him. Why? I’m so tired of it!” I exclaimed, grabbing my hair. “Hey… Calm down. Breathe Y/n.” Dream said, reaching for me again. “NO!” I yelled, the purple in my vision returning.

He stepped back, startled by my sudden outburst. “I’m not going to just calm down! I’ve been at my breaking point for weeks! This was the last straw! Sometimes I really wish I had never met any of you! You keep giving me mixed signals! First you guys treat me like the enemy then you turn around and act like my friends! You flirt with me and then act like I’m nothing! Sometimes I wish I had never escaped! Everyone needs to make up their minds about me! Do you guys need me or not!” He just stood there. He seemed hurt but I didn’t care. I took off running. I ran straight past everyone at the gate. I ran into the forest, not paying any attention to where I was going. My legs ran and ran for what seemed like hours. When I stopped I was in front of my brother’s grave. 

I collapsed to the ground out of exhaustion. It was cold today. The wind made me shiver and I curled up into a ball beside his grave and sobbed quietly. I missed home. I missed my brother. I missed all the fancy dresses and balls. I missed my old life. “Why did everything have to take a toll for the worst… why? I miss you so much T/n… Why did you have to leave me? I wonder if you perished in the palace or if you escaped... Please save me from this pain… I beg you…” I thought to myself. My eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. I leaned against his grave, imagining him hugging me silently, comforting me. At some point I couldn’t hold my eyes open anymore and I was swept into a deep, dreamless sleep…

(Word count: 1577)

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