Chapter 31

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“Thank you all for being here today! And since this festival was Tubbo’s idea I think he should make the opening speech! Come on Tubbo! Quackity get him a chair.” 
“Get him a chair!” He repeated but more demanding this time. Quackity quickly got a chair and brought it up to the microphone and sat it down. 
“Go on Tubbo! Take a seat!” His smile sent shivers down my spine. I knew he was up to something. And I didn’t like it. I looked at Karl, who said, 
“Don’t try anything. Remember where you are Y/n. You barely made it out last time.” I huffed and continued to watch in horror as Tubbo made his speech and Schlatt started boxing him in with some type of yellow block. 

“Are you finished, Tubbo?” 
“Y-yes, what’s going on Schlatt?” 
“Don’t act stupid. I know what you’ve been up to Tubbo.” Tubbo’s face sank into a look of nervousness. 
“I- don't know what you m-mean, Schlatt?” I was praying for this to all be some sick joke that Schlatt was pulling. There were many gasps in the crowd and I could hear Niki starting to cry and Fundy trying to comfort her. 
“Bullshit Tubbo. I know where you’ve been. You’ve been conversing with the very people I got rid of to help this great nation!” Even more gasps erupted from the crowd. 
“Schlatt?” Tubbo cried, trying to get him to stop whatever he was about to do. 
“Techno! Techno come up here!” Techno looked around nervously before cautiously walking onto the stage.

I watched in horror as Schlatt handed Techno a firework launcher. 
“Techno, I want you to do the honors of taking out Tubbo.” Techno laughed nervously and responded, 
“You mean to dinner, right Schlatt?” 
“No, no, no, Techno. You know what I mean.” He laughed, grimly. 
“I don’t know what you mean.” 
“I want you to kill him. Shoot him Techno.” My throat went dry as my eyes widened. Techno looked towards me then back at Tubbo and said, 
“I’m sorry Tubbo..” As he aimed at the poor boy. I teleported in front of Tubbo right on time. We were both hit but atleast Tubbo wouldn’t be dead. Just injured. The look on Techno’s face said it all. He regretted it. Screams and cries erupted from the crowd as I used the last of my remaining strength to teleport all of us out of there and back to Pogtopia…

I completely disregarded Techno as I rushed the now unconscious Tubbo, whose left side of his face was now bleeding at a rapid speed. I laid him on my bed and grabbed some bandages and health pots and wrapped the bandages around his face quickly. I turned to Techno and glared. 
“What the fuck were you thinking!? He’s a fucking kid Techno!” 
“I didn’t want to!” 
“You told me that the voices were gone!” 
“Well I’ve been gone for a while, did you ever stop to think that they can come back!?” 
“I understand that but you still could’ve at least aimed a little off!” After that Tommy and Wilbur burst through the door in a panicked manner with Niki behind them. Tommy rushed over to Tubbo’s side while Wilbur started scolding Techno. 
“Is he okay?” Tommy was nearly in tears and it broke my heart seeing them like this. They’re just kids…

I put my hands on Tommy’s shoulder. 
“I will do everything in my power to make sure he’s okay. 
“I’ll help too!” Niki shouted quietly. I nodded with a small smile. 
“Now go and get something to eat. Try and relax. You can come back in here whenever you want to check up on him.” Tommy nodded. 
“Wipe those tears away boy. The Tommy I know would take this chance to make plans or get revenge on those who hurt his friends.” A smile graced his face as I wiped away his tears. 
“You're right! Wilbur, come on! I have an idea that doesn’t include blowing up L’manberg! We can get it back without using the tnt!” Tommy shouted, whilst dragging Wilbur out of the room. I looked back to Niki who was now checking up on Tubbo. 
“I’ll be back okay, Niki?” She hummed in response.

I walked out and overheard Tommy and Wilbur making plans. It seemed nice so I brushed it off until I heard, 
“Fine, but if things go south then I’m pressing that button.” 
“Okay! I’ll just have to make sure everything goes right!” I sighed and shook my head. ‘If only you could keep that promise Tommy….’ I continued walking until I had reached the place where Dream and I agreed to meet at. It was a little early since the sun was still setting but I didn’t care right now. I just wanted to be anywhere but there. I climbed into a nearby tree and sat with my back against the trunk only to immediately jolt up as a sharp pain shot through my entire back. I groaned as I sat up and closed my eyes. Listening to the sounds around me.

Everything was calm and quiet. I let all my worries slip away. I let my body relax for the first time in what felt like months. Only the sounds of nature were left in my mind. 
“You’re here early.” 
“And just as everything was calm the devil appeared.” I snickered as I saw the look of fake hurt on his face. I jumped from the branch I was previously sitting on, landing perfectly on my feet. 
“Show off.” 
“You know it.” I smirked as I walked towards him. 
“Is Tubbo okay?” 
“Ya, he’s fine. Unconscious, but he’s still kickin.” 
“What about your plans to blow the place up?” 
“They’ve been…postponed for now to say the least.” I huffed. 
“I’m just ready for this dumb war to be done with. I mean the first war was annoying enough but now we got this one right afterwards.”

“The only reason you think that is because you were stuck with us and Wilbur pulled some shit he shouldn’t have.” 
“No I originally thought it was stupid becuase you guys were fighting over land when there’s plenty of it. Not that I was stuck with you guys although I was quite mad about that originally.” 
“So if I were to steal you away again you wouldn’t put up a fight?” I chuckled. 
“You know I will never go down without a bit of a fight.” We both laughed as he pulled me into a tight hug. A jolt of pain shot through my body again and I hissed in pain. He quickly let go. 
“I forgot about that. Can I see it?” I nodded and we both sat down. He raised the back of my shirt so he could see the bandages. 
“You’ve almost completely bled through the bandages. You should get them changed soon.” 
“If you want, I still have bandages in my inventory from Tubbo. You can change them now.”
After he took off the bandages he went still. 
“Do you know how bad this looks?” 
“What? The gash in my back? I can only guess.” He sighed, sadly and started wrapping the new bandages around my torso. 
“I’m so sorry. For this and anything to come… To make it up to you I have a surprise for you. Come on.” He pulled me to my feet as he finished. I re-adjusted my bandages and followed him to the clearing in the forest where I shoved my own brother into. 
“Is he okay?” 
“He is still alive, he just has loads of burns all over him.” I laughed. 
“Good! He deserved what happened to him! The bitch betrayed me for power! Out of all the people he was the last one I thought would do so.” 
“Ya…” He seemed off. Suddenly I felt something shot through my left leg. 

Word Count: 1326

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