Chapter 7

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I walked over to the bookshelf and grabbed a random book, trying to ignore the unwanted guest. I sat down at the desk and opened my book. It was called, ‘The Selection’. I remember reading it when I was little. I smiled softly at the memory. “What are you smiling at?” I heard a voice ask behind me. I slightly jumped, I almost completely forgot about him for a second. I looked over my shoulder to see him looking over my shoulder at the book. “It’s nothing.” I said, annoyed he had ruined the moment. “Sapnap was quite mad that you shot an arrow at him earlier. It was surprising and very funny at the same time.” He laughed, likely remembering Sapnaps reaction. He backed up and I turned in my chair. 

“What made you think I was here?” I asked. “I dunno. I just guessed.” There was no way he ‘just guessed’. “I don’t believe that even for a minute.” I stated. “Oh come on N/N.” He replied. “Don’t call me that. Also, I'm going to sleep for the night.” I stood up to walk to the bed but I was shoved back onto the chair. I closed my eyes tightly. “What the hell!” I yelled, startled. “You aren’t in charge Y/n. Stop acting like you have control.” He warned in a deep voice. Chills were sent down my spine as I heard him. I opened my eyes and saw how close he was. 

I felt my face heat up. I shoved him back and jumped onto the bed, hidden under the covers as he chuckled at me. “Is someone flustered? I ignored him and tried to force myself to sleep. But just as I was about to fall asleep I felt the bed shift beside me. I scooted closer to the wall but then I felt arms snake around my waist and pull me back so that my back was pressed against his chest. “Aww poor N/N is flustered~” My face heated up even more. I was sure that you could see it even though he turned off the lights before this.

“Let go Dream…” I said in a tired voice. “Nope. You’re stuck with me now.” He rested his chin on my shoulder. I huffed at him. “Why?” “Why not?” I felt him shrug. I was getting irritated with him. “Get off me.” He still didn’t budge. I started moving trying to get out of his arms but he just tightened them instead. “Where do you think you’re going?” I could just hear the smirk forming on his face. I ignored him and kept trying to break free, but to no avail. “Stop moving. I’m trying to sleep.” I kept moving anyway. If I don’t get to sleep neither do you.”  I heard him growl. “Boy. Don’t growl-” He flipped me over so I was facing him instead of the wall. 

“Go. To. Sleep. Or else.” I rolled my eyes. “Or else what? Oh that’s right, nothing because you won’t hurt me and if you do I’ll be fine! There’s nothing you can throw at me that I can't handle.” I’m gonna regret saying that… I thought to myself. I opened my eyes to see that he didn’t have his mask on. “Nothing huh?” He had emerald green eyes and a scar across his left eye. “Nothing.” I said confidently. Then I remembered.“I forgot to put the book up!” I tried to sit up, but his arms were still around me. “Move.” I said. He just stared at me. “Come on, Dream! Move!” He moved and I crawled out of bed and grabbed the book. I heard him get up from behind me.

“Don’t try anything. Even if it’s dark I can still beat you.” I walked over to the bookshelf and started looking for the spot I pulled the book out of. “Ugh! Where does it go?” I muttered. Dream came up behind me and grabbed the book. “It goes right here idiot.” He said putting the book in its place. “Oh. I’m not stupid, I’m just special.” I huffed. “Mhm sure.” “You guys are so mean!” He rested his chin on my shoulder again. “I’m not mean im just stating facts, my dear.” My face heated up a bit at the name. “What did you just- You know what, never mind. It’s too late for this. I'm going to sleep.” And with that said I walked over to the bed and fell asleep next to the wall.

I was running down a long luxurious hallway. “This way!” “Hurry, she's trying to escape!” I grabbed both sides of my dress and started running full speed towards an open window. “Queen L/N! Over here!” I ran towards the voice and the person who was my brother and some guards took me to my room. There were a few of them. They told me as we ran that the people were attacking the palace again. They didn’t like that I was the queen since I was a girl...

Then we turned the corner and I saw my father’s and my mother’s bodies on the floor with a sword sticking out of each of their stomachs. Their eyes had no more warmth in them. I ran over to their bodies and fell to my knees. I felt warm liquid well up in my eyes and then went down my cheeks. Then I heard the people of my kingdom start running towards me. 

The guards grabbed me but I wasn’t ready to go. “LET ME GO!” I screamed and kicked and cried as they dragged me away from them and I saw my brother stay behind to defend me. “T/N! PLEASE DON’T! COME WITH ME PLEASE!” He looked at me sadly and shook his head and mouthed the words, ‘I love you, stay safe…’ I eventually gave up and they threw me into my room. After they exited and closed the door I heard it lock. I started banging on the door screaming again. I checked the windows and sure enough they were unlocked! This gave me an idea.

I grabbed my blankets off of my bed and tied them together to make a rope. Then I tied it to my bedpost and tugged on to make sure it was secure. I walked over to my wardrobe and changed into a plain F/C shirt and jeans. I stole them from my brother. I threw my hair up into a ponytail and grabbed a cloak and put that on as well. After that I grabbed my bag that had food, water, and my favorite tiara that T/N gave me. 

I tugged on the makeshift rope one more time and after I was sure it was safe I grabbed it and jumped out the window as the attackers bursted into my room. I started running away as soon as I hit the ground. They did follow me as I ran deeper into the woods that were behind the palace… (end of dream/memory)

I sat up and looked at the clock on the wall. It read 6:30. It’s still early… I started to get up but then I was pulled back down. “Let go.” Silence. “I swear to the god of the smp I will smite you.” I said, not in the mood. “You wouldn’t do that.” Dream replied lazily. “Why wouldn’t I?” Dream smirked. “I’m too hot.” I just blinked at him. I rolled my eyes and he laughed. “Just let go!” After a few minutes of me telling me to let go I gave up. I just layed there pouting. “Fine, you can go now. But why are you up so early?” I shrugged my shoulders and got up. He got up as well and stretched. “Don’t forget your mask.” 

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