Chapter 11

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“Tubbo I swear to the god of this land if you ever make her cry I will pluck out your eyeballs and sew your mouth shut. Got it?” He nodded his head frantically and then ran away. I smiled and walked to the van and opened the door to Wilbur doing some paperwork while Kanako sat on his lap messing around with some pens and paper. I quickly grabbed the polaroid that I kept in here and snapped a photo. After they heard the noise they turned to look at me. 

I giggled as Kanako jumped down from his lap and ran towards me. I picked her up immediately and walked over to Wilbur. “Whatcha doin Wilby?” “I’m trying to write a letter to Phil about everything. I just hope the letter will get to him.” I placed my free hand on his shoulder. “They can’t be that cruel. This is your father, we're talking about Wil. They better or else I’ll take it myself!” He chuckled. Then Fundy burst through the door. “Y/N, WIL! DREAM’S HERE! And he doesn’t look too happy…” “He’s probably being salty he got the wrong book.” I mumbled. 

“Stay here with Kanako. We don’t need them to find you.” She nodded weary. “Everything’s gonna be fine ok?” I kissed her forehead and walked out the door. Once we got to the gate we saw Dream. “We’re here to discuss the rules of the duel today.” ‘Right.. I forgot about that…’ I sighed. “If we win, you give us the actual book, l’manberg becomes part of the greater smp again, and she comes with us.” Dream said, obviously pissed off by my trick. “WHAT!? Why me!?” Wilbur grabbed my arm and shook his head. “Anyways. If we win?” Dream sighed. “If you win, you keep the book, get independence and keep Y/n.” “Do I get no say in this!?” 

He just ignored me. “HEY! I’m a person too! I should have a say in where I will be staying!” He ignored me again. I ripped my arm out of his hand and marched up to Dream. “Listen to me god damn it!” He looked down at me. He shoved me away violently and I almost fell. “I won’t be going anywhere with any of you period!” “GO Y/N!” I heard Tommy yell from behind me. “Mhm sure. Guess we’ll see about that soon. You all have half an hour to prepare.” I huffed angrily and stormed away. I recompsed myself before entering the van.

“Kana! Come on, we need to take you home sweety.” “Okie!” She jumped into my arms and I carried her home. I made us some lunch and we sat down to eat. “I’m gonna be gone for a few minutes soon and I want you to stay here ok? I promise I won’t be gone for long.” She paused eating and looked at me. “Where are you going mum?” “I’m going to get you some beautiful flowers! What are your favorite ones?” I hated lying to her face but she can’t know about the duel. She smiled happily. “Anemones! They're so pretty!” I smiled and giggled. I was so happy to hear her talking in full sentences again.

After we finished eating, Wilbur entered the house. “Y/n. It’s time.” I nodded and turned to look at Kanako, who was now watching a cartoon on the tv. “I’ll be back, Kana.” I kissed her forehead and hugged her. “Okie! See you soon mum!” Me and Wilbur walked out of the house and towards the gate where everyone was waiting. “Does Kanako know what’s going on?” I shook my head. “I told her I was going to get her some flowers. I’ll get the flowers on the way there.” He nodded and then looked at everyone else. “Ok, is everyone ready?” They all nodded but Tommy was staring off into the distance. “Tommy?” He shook his head clearing his thoughts and smiled. “Heck ya I’m ready to kick his sorry butt!” We all smiled and walked out of the gate and towards the area where the duel would commence. 

We stopped at the flower field on the way and grabbed Kanako her flowers and then finished the journey. When we got there, Dream, Sapnap, George, and Eret were already there. They looked at the flowers weirdly. “Why do you have flowers?” I quickly hid them behind my back. “None of your business.” Dream scoffed and turned to Tommy who was talking with Wilbur. “Wilbur, do I aim for the sky or straight at him?” I heard Tommy ask. “This is your duel. Follow your heart Tommy.” He nodded and turned to Dream. 

“Ready?” Tommy nodded and they got into their stances. “Just to clarify the rules and conditions of the duel.” Wilbur started. “If we win, we get our independence, we keep the book, and Y/n stays with us.” I interrupted Wilbur before he could continue. “Not gonna lie, I’m still pretty pissed about that.” I heard snickering coming from both sides. “Ahem. Anyways. If you win, L’manberg becomes a part of the Greater SMP again, you get the book back, and…” Wilbur hesitated for a moment. “Y/n stays with you…” “Correct.” Dream confirmed. “Well then on the count of ten you will draw your bows and shoot. The first one to hit the other wins. Let us begin…” 

“1…” Tommy looked a little uneasy.

“2…” Everyone on our side started cheering for Tommy.

“3…” I looked at the other side and saw them smirking, knowing he wasn’t gonna win…

“4…” Tommy looked at me for reassurance. I gave him a smile and a thumbs up.

“5…” He smiled at me and started focusing.

“6…” I started feeling uneasy and my hands started trembling.

“7…” I felt Tubbo grab my hand and squeeze it a bit.

“8…” They both drew their bows, ready to shoot…

“9…” I squeezed Tubbo’s hand and he squeezed back.

“10! Fire!” I shut my eyes tightly as I heard the shuffling of feet. I heard gasps and then something fell into the river that was under the bridge we crossed. “TOMMY!” I heard Tubbo yell as he let go of my hand and ran towards the river. I opened my eyes and saw everyone surrounding the stream as the water turned a pinkish color. I realized then and there we had lost and without a second thought I shoved the flowers into Tubbo’s hands and jumped in the freezing cold water. I grabbed the now unconscious and wounded Tommy. 

I pushed his body onto the land and climbed out myself. I was gasping for breath and trembling from the cold water. I quickly placed my hands on Tommy’s shoulder and applied pressure as I ripped the arrow out. I didn’t even notice everyone crowding me until Wilbur said, “Everyone back up! Give her space to breathe!” They all backed up as I ripped my pants leg and used it as a makeshift bandage. Wilbur, Fundy, and Tubbo picked him up and started walking away. I was about to follow when I heard a high pitched scream.

I quickly turned on my heels. I saw Sapnap hold Kanako by the collar. “Mommy! Help!” He dropped her when he saw that she was talking to me. “‘Mom’?” Dream asked, “Since when did you have a kid?” I rushed over to her, ignoring the question. “I didn’t hear of any kid in L’manberg.” George added. Sapnap nodded agreeing with the other two. “Yeah well there’s a reason for that idiots. I was afraid you would use her against me. And no she isn’t my biological daughter either.” Kanako buried her head in my chest and gripped my shirt tight. “You aren’t taking my mommy away!” Her voice was stern but muffled by my shirt. 

“Well this makes things so much more complicated…” I chuckled. “You guys won’t take me away from MY kid. The one that depends on ME for survival will you? You don’t want to make her cry right? I also need to take care of Tommy since I have the most experience in the medical field.” Sapnap groaned. “Fine. You can stay there until Tommy’s well enough to take care of himself.” I stood up, holding Kanako tight. “What about Kanako?” “She’ll come with you.” I wanted to slap him across the face SO badly... So I did!

I smacked him across the face. “If you think I’m letting her go to YOUR base, you definitely thought wrong. I’m not some object that you can do whatever with! I’m human too! And a mother! So you and your little group can turn around and walk away before things get mess-” The adrenaline rush ended and I felt all the pain from jumping in the water and saving Tommy hit me all at once. “What? Cat got your tongue?” Dream said coming closer. I backed up.

“Mom?” “Let’s go Kanako. They aren’t… worth it..” My vision was going blurry as tears welled up in my eyes from the pain. I sat her down and held her hand. “We’ll be taking our leave…” Sapnap stepped forwards. “But you were talking so big a few seconds ago. What happened to that huh?” He laughed. I ignored him and started to walk away quickly. “Mommy, are you okay?” I could barely see anything anymore. “I- I’m fine Kana... Let’s just get home-” I tripped over a vine and fell. “Kanako… Go get help. I don’t think I can get any further.” She had tears running down her face as she ran in the direction of L’manberg. Before I knew it I was unconscious.

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