Chapter 22

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I sat down, dangling my feet over the edge. Suddenly a pair of arms grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth. I kicked and screamed as they pulled me away from the cliff. “You’re only making this tougher for yourself.” It was T/n. “T/n! What are you doing! Let go of me!” I screamed trying to wiggle out of his arms. “I’m doing what I need to do. You’re coming back to Manberg. Schlatt promised me that if I do this I can be the new ruler. Not you. Me! I’ll finally be important!” “YOU WERE ALWAYS IMPORTANT T/N! YOU’RE MY TWIN! I LOVED YOU! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?” I screamed, tears rolling down my face as I broke out of his grip. “You were never my sister. You left me behind. Both in the palace and in Manberg. I hate you.” He yelled with a look of hatred.

My heart broke upon hearing those words. “Y-You don’t mean that…” He pulled out his sword. “But I do. Now. We can either do this the hard way or the easy way Y/n.” “I can’t fight you T/n!” He laughed. “Well then this makes it a lot easier for me.” He said, lounging at me. I jumped out of the way, making him skid to a stop. “Just do me a favor and stay still.” He shot, jumping at me again. We continued this routine until I swiped at his legs causing him to fall. I took this chance to run away. ‘No. no no no no no! He didn’t mean that. He wouldn’t say that to me for no reason. I know him better.’ I tried to convince myself that he didn’t mean anything he said.

I found the base and ran inside, ignoring everyone trying to get my attention. I ran into my room, closing and locking the door. I curled up in a corner and cried as hard as possible. The burning on my face is getting more and more intense by the moment. The image of Kanako’s dead body and T/n’s face of hatred and digust came into my mind only making it worse. They were banging on the door, trying to get me to answer. “Y/n! Open the door! Now!” I didn’t answer and then I heard the door click. It swung open and standing there was all of them. I pulled my knees to my chest and hid my face in them. I heard someone approaching me and I pushed my body closer to the wall, not wanting them near me. 

“G-Go away…” I whispered, my voice sounded weak from crying. I took a peek at who it was and of course it was Dream. His mask was off and the others were at the door. He sat down and pulled me into a hug on his lap. I buried my face in his chest and cried. He ran his fingers through my hair and used his other hand to rub my back. “What happened N/n? You can tell me.” I shook my head and he sighed. The others came over and hugged me as well. “It’s gonna be okay N/n.” George whispered. “We’re here for you.” I looked at them and sighed with a shaky breath. “I-I think I’m gonna get some sleep…” 

They understood as I got off of Dream and stood up. Everyone left but Dream. He kissed my forehead as I climbed into my bed. I turned and faced the wall thinking that he would leave. But instead he climbed in next to me and pulled my body towards his. “I remember the first time we did this. You kept squirming and trying to escape my arms.” He laughed. “Yeah well you were my enemy at that point. If you had told me back then that this was going to happen I probably would’ve thought you were crazy.” I giggled softly. I turned around to face him. A sad smile was plastered on his face. His eyes shone in the moonlight. “Take a picture Darling. It’ll last longer.” I stuck my tongue out at him as he laughed.

“Whatever.” We fell into a comfortable silence. I gave him a kiss on the forehead out of nowhere and watched as a look of surprise fell on his face. I giggled weakly at his confusion. “What are you laughing about? You think I won’t get you back for that?” He asked. He went to kiss me but I moved my head and turned around to face the wall. He gasped dramatically. “Did you just reject a kiss?” He asked. “I did. What are you gonna do about it huh?” “This.” He flipped me over so I was facing him and started peppering my face with kisses.

My face turned bright red. “Stop it!” I squealed. Of course he continued. Once he did stop he started staring at my face. “You’re so pretty. I love you so much.” He said while burying his face in the crook of my neck. I thought he was asleep but oh no. After a few minutes I felt him kissing my neck. My face turned into a literal tomato red. I felt him smirking as well. “H-Hey! Now is not the time! 1. There are people here. And 2. Now isn’t the time!” I whispered. He giggled a bit before giving me another kiss. “Fine. You’re lucky I love you Darling.” “whatever you green teletubby.” I responded. My eyes started feeling heavy and then the last thing I heard before falling asleep was, “I’m sorry for what will happen princess…” He must’ve thought I was asleep.

The next day I woke up alone. Dream wasn’t beside me and his mask was gone. I was slightly disappointed. I didn’t have the motivation to get up so I hid under my covers so the sunlight couldn’t bother me. I fell back asleep for an hour before finally getting the motivation to get up. I walked downstairs, where Sapnap just so happened to be. “Hey Y/n!” I waved and smiled. I walked into the kitchen and Sapnap followed. “How are you feeling?” “Better I guess…” I shrugged, opening the fridge door only to close it without getting any food. “Not hungry?” I shook my head. “I’m hungry, I'm just not interested in the food.” He nodded. “Go and sit in the living room. I’ll make some food. No promises it’ll taste good though!” He laughed. I giggled quietly and went to the living room. They had a fireplace so I sat in front of it.

(Word count: 1113)

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