Chapter 18

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I woke up to someone picking me up. I was half asleep but I opened my eyes a bit. I didn’t expect it to be Dream, but I was a little disappointed when I saw George. He carried me for a while before calling out, “Guys! I found her!” I heard so many voices. I heard static too. My ears were buzzing. But one voice stood out. “What’s going on over here?” The man’s voice was deep. It was obviously not anyone from around here. But I still recognized it from somewhere... That’s when it hit me. He was the one that led the rebellion against me and my family! Jschlatt. George laid me down against a tree and I acted like I had just woken up. “Y/n! You scared us woman!” Tommy remarked. I nodded my head absently. “What happened?” Tubbo asked. I glanced over at Tubbo and shook my head, silently signaling that I didn’t want to talk about it. 

I looked around, searching for Schlatt, until I saw him chugging alcohol from his flask. Memories of the rebellion flashed through my head as I froze and started hyperventilating, unable to look away from Schlatt. Everyone started crowding around and it made my breathing much much worse. Tears burned my face and I started coughing up a storm from being in the cold all night. This man was the reason I have had such a terrible life. That man was the one that took my parents’ lives and separated me from my brother. I heard George yell, “Give her space people! She’s having a panic attack!” Him and Sapnap started pushing everyone back.

Schlatt looked at me in surprise. He probably thought I was dead. That surprised look quickly faded into a malicious smirk. He was planning something I knew it. George was trying to get my breathing to slow down while Sapnap was trying to keep everyone away and calm. “What’s going on?” I finally saw the one person I wanted to see. As much as I hated myself for missing his voice and presence, I still wanted him around. “She’s having a panic attack and we have no clue why!” My eyes were still locked with Schlatt’s. Dream rushed over to me and George. 

“Do you know what she’s staring at? Maybe that’s what’s causing it.” They both immediately looked up and saw Schlatt, who looked away quickly. George got up to escort Schlatt away when they realized he was the cause of my panic and Dream continued trying to calm me down. He pulled me into a hug while rubbing my back. “He’s gone. He can’t hurt you. Deep breaths Y/n. You're safe.” I buried my face in his shoulder, quietly crying. After a few minutes I could breathe again and he helped me stand up. The others understood that I probably wanted some space. My friends from lmanberg had gone home, leaving all of us alone. “I think we should go home.” Dream said. I nodded and we started walking. I was starting to feel the consequences of sleeping outside in the cold. I shivered a bit. “Are you okay?” I nodded weakly. “Just a little under the weather. I did sleep outside.” I coughed into my arm. “It was pretty cold out.” Sapnap added. 

Dream stopped and took off his hoodie and handed it to me. “Here. wear this until we get home.” I took it and thanked him before putting it on. My mood started to lighten. “Blub blub blub.” I said, bouncing a little and smiling. “Why are you saying ‘blub’?” I shrugged. The hoodie was a little bit oversized so the sleeves were too long. I started flinging the sleeves around in front of me as they laughed. “Sick Y/n is funny Y/n.” I heard Sapnap remark. I spun around and crossed my arms in front of me. “I’m always funny! And I’m not sick! I just have the sniffles!” Just as if god heard me I started coughing really hard. “Mhm. Sure princess. Whatever you say.” Dream said. I made a face at him.

“You guys are bullies.” We had just made it to the house and I saw Eret. I ran towards him and hugged his side. He looked down in a confused manner. “They’re bullying me, Eret! Do something!” I hid behind him. “What did you guys do?” He said, mock-angrily. They looked at him in betrayal. “What?” He asked innocently. “What? You're gonna choose her over us!? How dare you.” Dream said, putting a hand over his heart. I giggled. “Poor Dream. You’re a big boy, you’ll be fine.” Eret replied in a mocking tone. George and Sapnap started laughing at his remark. “Now leave the woman-child thing alone.” Eret added, giving me a mocking smirk. Everyone but me and Eret started laughing. “Hey! I am not a ‘Woman-child thing’! I am a perfectly capable adult!” He hummed knowingly. “Right. You just turned what? 20? Hush your mouth, the adults that can drink are talking.” My jaw dropped as I looked at him in betrayal. “What? Is there an issue?” 

I glared at him. “Ok then. You wanna play this game? Then let’s play bitch.” I said, walking in front of him so the boys could see exactly what I was about to do. He crouched down to my height. It wasn’t that much but it still pissed me off. “What? You gonna pull my ear?” He mocked. The others went silent when I gave them a look and mouthed, ‘It’s about to go down.’ I turned back to him and kicked him straight in the balls. I heard hisses of pity come from behind me as he fell to the ground and groaned in pain. Then I put him in a headlock. “Call me a child in any shape or form again and I swear that the last thing you’ll see is my fist.” He nodded frantically.

I threw him to the ground and took his crown, placing it on my own head. “Don’t ever challenge me again. You will lose. Not only was I medic, so I know where every pressure point in the body is, I was also one of the potion brewers along with Tubbo. And! You used to live with me Eret. I know things about you. Don’t test me.” After that I walked into the house, leaving them behind. As soon as I stepped into the house I was hit by a nausea feeling. I started coughing up a storm. “Note to self; don’t act like a badass when sick.” I muttered to myself. 

(Word count: 1114)

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