Chapter 4

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They groaned in annoyance. I smirked, knowing that I had won. They ended up escorting me back to their house. They had me now tied up in the corner of the living room. “I’m going to go get Dream and let him know that we have you here. Skeppy watch her while I go get him.” The man nodded and Bad left. After a while I started getting bored. “I’m bored. I’m bored. I’m bored” I kept repeating myself over and over no matter how many times he yelled at me. Eventually he got annoyed and taped my mouth shut. “There! Now you can’t annoy me!” He put his hands on his hips triumphantly and smiled. 

I waited a few minutes before, “REEEEEEEEEE” My yelling was a little muffled by the tape but it still annoyed him. “SHUT UPPPPP!” He started yelling in sync with my yell. Then the door opened but we didn’t hear it. We were still yelling for a good… 10 minutes i think? I dunno. But then we heard Bad yell, “SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!” We both froze and looked over at the door. Dream was trying not to laugh and Bad just looked annoyed. Me and Skeppy looked at each other and bursted out laughing. 

After a few minutes we calmed down and Dream grabbed my shoulder. “You're quite a handful aren’t you?” I gave him a cocky smile. The tape was still on my mouth. He ripped it off quickly. “OW! That hurt you asshole!” Bad immediately yelled ‘language’ and I bursted out laughing again. I ended up falling on my side. I was crying and laughing. I was also saying ‘ow’ under my breath because the tears were burning my face. When I was finally done laughing there were burn marks going down the side of my face.

“What happened to your face?” Dream asked, pulling me up. “Hmm? Oh! I can’t tell you. You’re the enemy!” I said childishly, turning away from the masked man. “Mhmm. Whatever you’re stuck with me anyways.” He shook his head and grabbed my shoulder. “Bad! Skeppy! We’re leaving now!” We heard both of the men yell ‘ok’ in response to Dream. After that we left and started walking to his base. After a few hours I was getting bored. “Are we-” He covered my mouth. “If you try annoying me, you’ll regret it.” I nodded and sweatdropped but took it as a challenge. 

“What’s your name?” He asked, looking at me over his shoulder. “None ya business.” I looked away from him. “You’re really trying to make this difficult aren’t you?” I could just hear the smirk forming on his face. Suddenly an arrow came whizzing past the straps of his mask and it fell. I immediately turned around and covered my eyes. I heard him pull out his sword and kill the skeleton that had shot at us. 

“Is your mask back on yet?” No response. “Dream?” I was about to turn around when he finally answered. “Hang on a second.” I waited until he said I could turn around. We kept walking. “Why didn’t you just turn around?” I was confused by his question. “What do you mean?” He stopped walking abruptly and I ran into his back. “Hey! Why did you stop!” I complained, rubbing my nose since when I bumped into him I hurt it. “You’ll be fine. Also what I meant was when it fell down. Why didn’t you look?” 

“Oh! It was because, enemy or not, I respect everyone’s privacy. You wouldn’t like it if someone didn’t respect yours, now would you?” I smiled at him and then he continued walking. Once again I was getting bored so I decided to try and annoy the green jerk. “Are we there yet?” I asked repeatedly. He slowly started getting annoyed. “YES NOW SHUT UP! DEAR GOD YOU ARE ANNOYING!” I giggled. “I know!” I smiled at him, mischievously. I could just feel the anger fuming off him. 

“And whatcha gonna do about it?” I teased. I heard him growl at me. “BITCH DON’T-”  I was cut off by me tripping over my own feet. Of course I fell over. “Ow…” I looked down at my knee and it was bleeding. “You really are a clumsy person aren't you?” Dream muttered to himself. “What do you mean?” He looked down at me and shook his head. “Nothing. Here let me help you up, idiot.” He held out a hand to help me but I smacked it away. He gave me a frustrated sigh. I stuck my tongue out at him, and sat down criss-crossed. 

He looked at me and bent down to my level. “Get. Up. Or I'll make you.” I stuck my tongue out at him again. I could tell he was pissed off at me, which in my mind meant I had won. Suddenly he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. “HEY! PUT ME DOWN!” I kicked at him over and over trying to get free but I couldn’t. “Stop squirming idiot. You’re gonna make yourself fall.” He remarked in the most calm voice he could. 

After a while I gave up on escaping and came to the conclusion that I could run as soon as he put me down. After a while we came across a building. I was still being held by him. When we entered the gates he put me down and I bolted out of the gates. I heard him yell, “GET BACK HERE! GUYS SHE’S GETTING AWAY!” While I was running I found one of my hidden entrances to my tunnels and went down it. 

I stayed silent as I heard them talking above me. I could tell Dream was frustrated with me along with the other two. “She couldn’t have gotten far. Spread out and search for her! We will meet here in an hour.” After that I heard them go their separate ways. 

I snickered to myself and started making my way back to the flower forest. Once I made it to the forest I found the area, I realized that my stuff was being held by a VERY tall man. His hair was half black and half white. It was the same for his skin. He had a little crown. He also had a tail and was wearing a suit. ‘Strange…. WAIT HE STILL HAS MY STUFF!’ I tried to sneak up on him but suddenly his tail wrapped around my waist and lifted me into the air.

He turned around and swiftly put me down. “Oh! I’m so sorry! Sometimes it’s like it has a mind of its own.” He smiled, awkwardly. “Are these yours?”

He asked, handing the stuff to me as I nodded to him. He apologized again. “Who are you?” I asked while putting my sword in its spot on my waist. “My name's Ranboo, you?” I put my bow and quiver on my back and looked up at him. “I’m Y/n. Are you with Dream?” He violently shook his head back and forth. I sighed of relief. It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. 

“I was just passing through and saw your stuff here.” “Oh! Well, I just escaped from him and was coming back to get my stuff!” Suddenly we heard Sapnap yell, “I FOUND HER! OVER HERE YOU GUYS!” “Well then. I think we should huh?” I said, smiling and holding out my hand. He nodded and took my hand. We then started running from the black haired man. 

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