Chapter 26

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TW: SA (Disclaimer: This is all for the sake of the plot, thank you<3)

“Get. Out. Now.” I glared at the brown haired man. He stood up but instead of leaving started walking towards me. The window was open so I assumed he snuck in while I was showering. “Get away from me! I don’t want anything to do with you.” I continued as he stepped closer to me. With each step he took forward, I took one back. Soon enough I was backed against the wall. 
“Looks like you have nowhere to run hmm?” He asked. I gripped onto the towel tightly making sure it wouldn’t fall down. He leaned down close to my face as I pushed myself closer to the wall. Then he did it. He kissed me. ‘THIS MOTHER FUCKER WHAT DOES HE THINK HE’S DOING!?’ 

I used one hand to hold the towel and the other to try and push him off. But it wouldn’t work. Just as he pulled the towel off Dream opened the door. 
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” Dream yelled, shoving Wilbur away, who was shocked. His shocked expression quickly turned into rage as Dream handed me my towel, which  I quickly wrapped around myself. He then turned to face the brown haired man who stood up. They glared daggers at each other. 
“Leave before I cut off your head.” He threatened. I was hiding behind him, trying not to break down as he climbed out the window and ran away. 

I grabbed my clothes and ran into the bathroom and put them on. Once I got out of the bathroom I quickly hugged him and buried my face in his chest. 
“Hey. It’s okay. I’m here. He’s gone.” He said, running his hair carefully through my hair. 
“I’m just so tired of everything… Everything is so messed up right now… Even my own twin brother abandoned me… What if you guys do the same…” I mumbled. He cupped my face with his hands and made me look at him. 
“I’m not going to do that. I promise. Also your brother did what!?” He said, confused. 
“Remember when I ran into my room and locked the door?” I asked. He nodded. 
“That was because while I was out on a walk he tried to kidnap me and take me back to Schlatt. He had promised my brother power and his own kingdom…” I explained as my voice trembled. 

He hugged me and whispered, 
“I’m so sorry…” He kissed my forehead. 
“Get some rest okay? I’ll take care of it.” He said. I nodded but paused before I went to my bed. 
“Can you stay please?” I asked under my breath. He chuckled and walked over to me. 
“What was that?” He asked. 
“Can you stay?” I asked again, a bit louder this time. 
“Sorry, I couldn’t hear you, repeat that.” I huffed. 
“You know what, I’m going to sleep,” I said. 
“I’m not playing these games with you sir. I’m not repeating myself again. Good night.” I finished and flopped onto my bed and curled up under the covers.

Not even a second later I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. 
“I heard you silly. It's just funny to tease you~” He said, poking one of my sides. Which caused me to squirm. 
“Are you ticklish?” 
“No no and no. Don’t you dare. I have to get up early tomorrow!” 
“And why is that?” 
“None ya business, you green teletubby.” He gasped. 
“Did you just call me a teletubby?” He asked, his hands moving away from my waist. 
“Yes I did.” I answered. 
“That’s it.” He said and started to tickle my sides. I started laughing to the point I was out of breath and gasping for air. 
“S-Stop!” I yelled in between laughs. He stopped after a while and let me breathe. I punched his shoulder, playfully. 
“You’re a jerk, you know that?” I huffed. He laughed. 
“Yeah, but you love me. Also did you open that other letter that you got?” He asked me. 
“Oh! I completely forgot about it!” I jumped up and went over to my desk and grabbed the letter.

I sat back down on the bed and opened it. ‘Dear Y/n, It’s been a long time since we’ve last spoken and I have heard that you are staying in the Greater SMP. Coincidentally I’m coming to visit some family for the day so if the rumors are true I hope to see you in the near future! With love, Captain Puffy’ Dream was completely silent as he read the letter over my shoulder. 
“How do you know her?” 
“We’re old friends. I met her through Phil. She came to visit sometimes and I just happened to be there. She’s really sweet and caring.” He went silent at my response. 
“That’s my mom…” He whispered. I almost burst out laughing. 
“I knew she had an adopted son but I didn’t, in a million years, think it was you! She’s so nice and sweet! How could she have raised a power hungry tyrant!?” I laughed. 

He smacked me over the head. 
“Shut up. I didn’t know she was coming to visit… You know what I’m going to sleep. In my room.” He said while getting up. 
“Nooooo!” I groaned while clinging to his arm. 
“I sleep better when your hereeee!” He chuckled. 
“Well then I guess you should say sorry hmm?” 
“No. I will never apologize for stating facts. You’re just mad cause I’m right.” I said, turning my back to him and crossing my arms. 
“Well then I guess I’ll be leaving…” He said and then I heard the door open and close. 

I turned around and realized that he had actually left. I turned around again to fix the pillows when something tackled me to bed, pinning me down. I looked up and saw Dream with a smirk on his face and no mask. 
“You thought you got away with making fun of me hmm?” His voice was more… flirty then usual as he spoke. I was silent. I just stared at him. His eyes sparkled in the moonlight that shone through the window. I could feel my face heating up by the second. 
“What’s wrong? You seemed to be able to talk just fine a few seconds ago?” He asked with a cocky grin. 

“Well a few seconds ago you weren’t on top of me and being flirty!” I huffed looking to the side to avoid his gaze. He chuckled before leaning down and whispering in my ear, 
“I’m going to do much more than stay on top of you Darling~” My face flushed as soon as I heard those words. Next thing I remember is waking up with bite marks and love bites all over and him laying next to me with no shirt, and me with no shirt or bra I flipped over on top of him and kissed his soft lips and got up. I put a bra and shirt on immediately. Just as I did he got up and stretched. I stifled a laugh as I saw the scratch marks on his back. 

“What are you laughing at?” He asked me, turning to face me. 
“Nothing~ Maybe you should go look at your back in the mirror though?” I snickered. He got up and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before going into the bathroom to do so. He came back with a look that made me burst out laughing. 
“Pay back!” I laughed as he rolled his eyes trying to hide his smile. He walked over and grabbed his shirt and put it on. 
“You're lucky I love you.” He huffed. I giggled and grabbed my cloak and put it on. 
“Well I have to go… I’ll be home late, sorry.” I apologized and gave him a kiss. 
“It’s fine, I have to go help Schlatt prepare for war anyways…” 
“It’s just a part of our plan to win, I swear dear.” He hugged me tightly. 

I sighed. 
“Ok. I trust you. Please just don’t leave me…” 
“I won’t love.” 
“I promise.” He said, kissing me again. 
“Do you really think I would do the things I do if I didn’t love you?” My face turned red just thinking about it. 
“I should get going now!” I said walking out the door and down the stairs as he laughed. I got downstairs and Sapnap was standing there in the kitchen eating toast with Eret. 
“About time you got up. We have stuff to do, come on.” Eret said, grabbing my hand. Sapnap dropped his toast out of nowhere whilst staring at me. 
“Nothing!” He said, holding back laughter as Dream came into the room. When he saw Dream he burst out laughing. 

“What did I just walk into?” 
“I honestly have no clue. He just stared at me and then started laughing.” Eret tugged on my sleeve gently and whispered, 
“Come on, we still have a lot of stuff to clean and fix.” 
“Right. Well we’re heading out now bye~” I cheered as we left the house. As I closed the door I heard Sapnap say to Dream, 
“You have fun last night?” And then he groaned in pain. I giggled to myself as I caught up with Eret. 
“You seem tired? Did you stay up late?” Eret asked as I yawned while we walked through the forest on the border. 
“Yeah… Something like that…” I muttered to myself.  

Authors note: I have the entire story finished so I'll be trying to upload it all as soon as possible <3

Word Count: 1614

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