Chapter 32

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I screamed in pain as Dream quickly backed away. 
“Hello again sister.” I whirled around and of course my brother was standing about 10 feet away from me, holding a bow with a melious smirk. 
“Are you fucking kidding me right now!?” I pulled my ax from my inventory, ready to fight him. 
“Is what you meant by, ‘and for anything to come’!? You tricked me again!? God you're a bitch!” I yelled while dodging arrows from my T/n. 
“Why can’t you see he’s just using you!? He’s trying to tear us apart!” I tried to reason with him but no matter what I said he continued to shoot arrows at me. My leg still had an arrow in it and was still bleeding. I teleported behind him and quickly grabbed the bow and arrows and threw them to the side. 

“Would you please just listen to me!” I shouted, whilst grabbing his wrists. He had faded burn scars all over his face and arms. I felt overwhelming guilt erupt in my stomach. 
“Don’t you see all the pain that man has caused us!? He ruined our home! Then he turned people against us. And now he’s trying to tear us apart again. Do you really think this is worth it?” The look of hatred and anger on this face slowly dissolved into a look of guilt and sorrow. 
“I’m so sorry I caused you so much pain and anger T/n. Believe me when I say that I missed you and I searched everywhere for you when I could. I thought you were dead and the moment I saw you and Karl at that festival I thought I was dreaming or seeing things. I don’t want to lose you again…” Both of us were almost in tears by now. He hugged me tightly and sobbed into my shoulder.

“I’m so sorry… I broke my promise to you…” I cupped his face and wiped his tears. 
“You’re fine. I’m just happy to be your sister again.” We hugged one more time and then we heard someone clear their throat. 
“A. you still have an arrow in your arm and B. I’m umm still here?” I laughed as I looked down at my leg, where the arrow was still in. 
“We should take care of that.” 
“Yeah, sorry about that.” I shrugged. 
“At least it wasn’t my ankle. I can’t tell you the amount of time I’ve either sprained or broken it.” 
“Sounds like you, now come on. Let’s take care of that.” T/n grabbed my wrist and started leading me to an unknown area. Dream was following close behind us. We came upon a cottage with smoke coming out of the chimney.

We entered it and the floors were made of oak wood planks and the walls were painted gray. It was pretty standard. T/n told us to take a seat on the couch in the living room. 
“Does it hurt?” 
“Oh yes but at this point I’ve been hurt much much worse than this. You of all people should know this.” 
“Right…” There was an awkward silence before Dream spoke up again. 
“Listen, I’m really sorry again…” 
“You didn’t do anything this time so I guess you’re forgiven.” I couldn’t tell what his reaction was since the dumb mask was still covering his face. T/n came back with a cloth and some bandages and medicine.

“Here, bite down on this. It’ll help with the pain when I pull out the arrow.” He suggested, handing me the cloth. It was old and worn down but clean. I huffed and bit down on the cloth as he positioned his hands on the arrow and tried to pull it out. The pain was immeasurable, it might’ve rivaled the time I tried to escape with Kanako at this point. Dream grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently. After a second yank on the arrow it was out. I immediately looked away and squeezed my eyes shut. The cloth muffled my painful cries. I squeezed his hand tightly. Once my brother was finished he handed me some pills. 
“They’re pain killers, take them.” I looked at the pills then back at him. 
“No.” He blinked at me then started laughing. Dream seemed confused. 
“What’s so funny?” I crossed my arms, taking my hand away from him and looked away from both of them. 
“Little miss courage here, still can’t take pills!” He laughed, falling backwards. 
“It’s not that funny! I’m telling you I’m gonna choke on them!” 
“Hold up, is this why you always use potions?” I looked away and coughed. 
“Maybe…” He began laughing. 
“It’s not that-” I stomped my leg, forgetting about the wound. Fiery hot pain seared through my leg causing me to let out a hiss of pain. 

The boys started laughing even harder with both of them now wheezing and gasping for air. 
“I hate you both.” 
“Take the pills.” 
“Yes.” They both said at once. I shook my head and stuck out my tongue. 
“I have a trick that usually works but you’re gonna need to get out for a minute T/n.” We both looked at him suspiciously. 
“Trust me, I’ve done it before while taking her temperature.” My eyes grew wide, remembering that. 
“No! No, no, no-” 
“Just leave the room really quick.” T/n stood up to leave the room and I shouted, 
“T/n, stay!” 
“No go.” 
“Stayyyy!” I begged as he left the room and Dream turned to me. I gulped. 
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way, darling. You choose.” Before I could think I said, 
“I ain’t takin’ em.” He sighed and chuckled. 
“Okay, but you chose this princess.” He tackled me to the couch, pinning me with my hands above my head.

I could feel my face heating up before he shoved the pills into my mouth. 
“Swallow.” I shook my head. 
“5. 4. 3.” I quickly swallowed the pills. 
“Okay! I swallowed!” He chuckled before kissing my forehead and sitting up. He ruffled my hair as I sat up and said, 
“Good girl.” Before I could say anything else T/n came back in. 
“Did she take them?” 
“Yup. What did I say? I got this under control.” I stuck my tongue out at him again, crossed my arms and faced away from him. 
“Keep doing that and I’ll have to put you in your place darling~” He whispered. I smacked his head as he laughed. 
“Just wait~” He whispered again before turning to T/n and saying, 
“Well I’ll get her back to Pogtopia, be careful T/n.” 
“I will have a good night you two.” 

“We will. Come on you.” He scooped me up, bridal style before walking out the front door. The night air was cold as I pushed my body closer to his and buried my face in his hoodie, hiding the red dust that was covering my face and I didn’t move from that position. I enjoyed the warmth that his body gave off in the coldness. I enjoy the small chuckle he let out when I did this. I enjoyed the fact he was there, holding me. Even though I shouldn’t, I feel safer than I’ve ever felt in his arms. 
“Are you still awake?” 
“Mhm.” I moved my head so I was facing straight up at him. 
“Good.” We were in a part of the forest that was unknown to me. 
“What are we doing here?” He chuckled again before resituating my body so I had my legs around his torso and we were face to face.

“Keeping my promise~” He removed his mask and kissed me. It tastes like vanilla icing. I was dazed when he pulled away. 
“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” 
“Hush you.” He laughed and hugged me. 
“I missed you so much….” I sighed with a smile. 
“I did too.” 
“Well I should get you back.” 
“Right, they're worried. And I’m gonna have a lot of explaining to do with this on my leg.” He laughed and carried me back to the entrance of Pogtopia. 
“Bye N/n.” He kissed my forehead and put his mask back on, put me down and left. I took a deep breath before teleporting to the bottom of the ravine, not wanting to walk down all those stairs. As soon as I did I heard Tommy yell, 
“SHE’S BACK! Where the hell have you been!?” He grabbed my arms. 
“We were worried about you…” 
“Aww, is Tommy getting soft on me?” He immediately released my arms and crossed his own. 
“No! Shut up.”

Wilbur and Techno, followed by Niki came over to us. 
“Where have you been!?” 
“And what happened to your leg?” 
“You shouldn’t be standing on it!” Niki dragged me to my room and made me sit down on my now empty bed. 
“Where’s Tubbo?” 
“We moved him to Tommy’s room.” 
“Ah, makes sense I guess.” 
“Now what happened?” Tommy’s voice was stern. 
“Since when did you do the interrogating huh? You’re growing up so fast, it feels like only yesterday you were tiny and yelling my name from the porch of the house.” Techno and Wilbur snickered behind him. 
“Don’t change the subject!” 
“Fine fine, I was shot by…. A skeleton…” He blinked a few times. 
“You’re dumb.” 
“Well remind me not to tell you how I get injured anymore.” He scoffed before sticking his tongue out at me. 
“Go get some rest Tommy. I’ll be fine. I can tell you're tired because of those eyebags, kid.”

He huffed but after a stare down, that I won, he retired to his room. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” I nodded in response to the girl’s question. 
“I think we should all get some sleep, it’s been a crazy day huh?” They agreed but it took some extra convincing to get them to leave to go to sleep. I fell asleep soon after as well, unaware of what the rest of the week had in store for me…

Authors note: I've been very excited for the next few chapters I will have another A/n at the end, as I have a few things to tell you guys <3
Word Count: 1711

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