Chapter 23

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The fire warmed my body that was previously cold as ice. I didn’t understand why but I longed to touch it. I didn’t realize but I was slowly inching closer to the flames. A spark hit my arm from being too close and I yelped. I heard Sapnap laugh. “That’s what you get from being too close, Idiot.” I turned around, crossing my arms and pouting. He had two plates. They had chicken nuggies and mac’n’cheese with ketchup. “Yay! Nuggies!” I celebrated, grabbing my plate and beginning to eat them. “Someone’s hungry.” He laughed. I nodded, stuffing my face with nuggies and the mac’n’cheese. “Where did everyone go?” I finally asked. 

“George went to build a new house for some odd reason, Eret went to get more materials, and Dream…. I dunno where he went. He was gone this morning.” “Yeah I noticed that.” He gave me a smirk. “Speaking of Dream~ He never left your room last night and I got this picture from last night.” He giggled while showing me a picture of us cuddling last night. My face turned bright red and I snatched the picture from his hands making him burst out laughing. “This isn’t funny asshole!” “So are you guys a thing~?” He cooed. I stood up and walked away. But then I heard him start running towards me yelling, “YOU CAN’T ESCAPE ME Y/N!” I started screaming as he chased me around the house.

I was running past the front door as it swung open causing me to run face first into it. “Owww!” I looked up and saw Dream. He didn’t even acknowledge me as he walked past me and Sapnap and went upstairs. “What's up with him?” Sapnap asked, pulling me to my feet. “I dunno. He just walked past me. He didn’t look at me, didn’t say anything to me, nothing. I’m confused. Did I do something?” Sapnap shook his head. “He’s probably just being moody.” I nodded while fidgeting with the necklace he gave me. “Cute necklace. Did he give it to you?” He teased me. “Oh shut up!” I squealed, smacking his hand.   

“Now isn’t the time Idiot! I’m gonna go and find out what’s wrong with him.” He nodded and I started walking upstairs. His door was shut so I knocked on the door. “Go away.” His voice was stern and tired. “Let me in please.” I asked. I heard him huff and walk to the door, opening it. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?” He shook his head. “It’s nothing. I just made a stupid decision.” I tilted my head in curiosity. “What do you mean?” He shook his head again. “Well then… Do you maybe want cuddles…” I muttered the last part quietly. “What was that?” “Nothing! I’ll just leave now.” I said, turning around but before I could leave his arms wrapped around me and pulled me into the room. “I heard what you said, Idiot. I was just teasing.” He laughed. “And yes I do.” I giggled at that bit. 

He pulled me onto the bed and nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck. He fell asleep almost instantly as I played with his hair. I heard a camera click and I looked at the doorway. There standing in the doorway was Sapnap with a polaroid camera. “Are you serious right now!? Just wait until I get to you Sapnap!” I yelled, waking Dream a bit. “Why are you yelling?” “Because Sapnap took a picture!” I complained. He laughed, his head still pressed against my neck. I could feel the vibrations of his laugh. “It's not funny!” I squealed. Sapnap closed the door and ran away. I huffed in frustration as he continued to laugh at me.

“Stop laughing at me!” I squealed, but it only made his laughing turn into wheezing as he threw head back. He accidentally rolled off the bed landing with a thud on the floor. His mask had also fallen off. I held in a laugh as he groaned in pain. “That’s karma for you asshole.” I giggled as he sat up. “Oh hush.” “Make me.” “Is that a challenge?” He asked, raising one eyebrow. “Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. The real question is how you interpret it.” I responded. He smirked at me and stood up. He quickly pinned me to the bed as my face turned red.

“Don’t start something you can’t finish Darling.” He warned. “Pfft- You won’t do anything-” He quickly proved me wrong by immediately going for my neck and placing kisses down it. Butterflies were having a hay day in my stomach as he went further and further down. He started leaving marks everywhere. He pulled himself up and looked me in the eyes. His eyes were full of hunger and lust. My face heated up even more as he smirked again. He leaned down to my ear and whispered, “I warned you~” Before kissing me. His hand traveled up and down my body causing shivers to run down my spine. “Mmmmm~” I say in the quietest tone possible. I feel dream start to pull my shirt up and over my head revealing my lacy and comfy bra he bites his lip and I turn into a tomato. He starts to unhook bra my as Tubbo walks in “AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” He screams as he runs to grab me out from under dream “GET YO HANDS OFF MY CHILD!” Everyone else in the house came running to the room. George, Sapnap, and Eret were also here and they bursted out laughing. To say I was embarrassed would be an understatement. “T-Tubbo!? Why are you here!?” “I came to check on you but I see you’re fine-” Dream stood up and handed me my shirt with a smirk. 

I punched him in the shoulder and quickly put it on as he laughed at me. “Shut up! Anyways. I’m fine Tubbo.” “I can see that.” I elbowed him in the shoulder. “Shut up! You’re never gonna let me live this down are you?” He shook his head smiling innocently. Maybe you should’ve I dunno LOCKED THE DOOR!?” I stuck my tongue out at him. “Maybe you shouldn’t have walked in without knocking!” “Can you guys stop yelling?” I huffed and crossed my arms. “I’m going on a walk. If anyone wants to join me you can.” I said, grabbing my cloak out of my inventory and putting it on. There were holes in it from all the fights and running I did in it. “Hey Y/n.” “Hmm?” It was Eret. “Do you want me to fix that for you?” He asked, pointing to my cloak. 

“Really!? I was going to do it myself but I never have any time.” “Of course. I need something to do anyways.” I took off the cloak and handed it to him. “Thank you so much Eret!” He smiled and waved as I left. Tubbo had decided to join me on my walk. We were having a nice and fun conversation when I heard her voice again. “Mommy… Why didn’t you save me?...” I froze in my tracks as Tubbo looked at me in a concerned way. “Why didn’t you save me mommy… You promised that you wouldn’t let anyone hurt me again…” “Kanako!?” I started looking around, desperately trying to find where the voice was coming from. “Y/n!? What’s wrong?” Tubbo asked, holding onto my arm. “I- I heard Kanako! S-She’s here!” Tubbo looked at me sadly. “Y/n… I think you’re hallucinating… She’s dead, remember?” 

“No! She isn’t dead, I heard her!” I retorted, ripping my arm from his grasp. “She’s here!” “I think you should go back home. Her death is probably messing with your head…” Tubbo whispered in a concerned manner. “No. I need to find her!” Tubbo grabbed my arm and dragged me away and back to the house. “Are you guys back already?” George asked as Tubbo closed the door. “Ya. Y/n, why don’t you go upstairs to your room?” “Fine.” I glared and stomped upstairs but I stopped and decided to listen to their conversation. “I think Kanako’s death is messing with her head.” I heard Tubbo sigh. “Why is that?” George asked, confusedly. “Because while we were walking she suddenly stopped and claimed she heard Kanako calling out to her. Then she started getting a bit aggressive…”

They went silent for a minute before George talked. “The poor girl… She came home yesterday crying. She locked herself in her room. Dream had to pick-lock the door to open it.” “I thought something happened. I saw the burn marks under her eyes. They reminded me of Ranboo. I better be going now… Bye Goerge.” “Mhm.” I heard the door open and close and then I quietly went to my room. ‘They think I’m hallucinating huh? Maybe I am going a bit insane…’ I thought to myself as I layed on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I felt my eyelids getting heavy and I quickly fell asleep only to be met with a memory.

(Word count: 1522)

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