Chapter 3

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Everyone’s eyes went wide except for mine. “What?!” Tommy immediately jumped in front of me and Fundy pulled me towards him. “NEVER! WE AREN’T GIVING HER TO YOU!” “Tommy…” I said, looking at him with a sad look. He returned that look with a sad one of his own. “No! I- I can’t! I won’t!” Fundy let go of me and I hugged Tommy. He quickly hugged back and wouldn’t let go. I ruffled his hair and pulled away from him and smiled. 

Sapnap cleared his throat. “Can you hurry up?” He asked, clearly annoyed. “Let Tubbo go first.” Dream pushed him towards us and Tubbo immediately hugged me. “You can’t leave yet! You just woke up!” He complained, tightening his grip on me. I patted his head and smiled sadly. He finally let go reluctantly. “I need to grab something really quick. Is that okay?” I asked them. “Fine, Hurry up.” I walked over to the van and grabbed some supplies and my sword and bow and some arrows. I put the sword in its holster around my waist and put the bow and quiver to hold the arrows around my back. I grabbed some medicine and food and put them in my bag around my neck.

“Y/n, what are you doing? I thought you were only grabbing a few things?” I turned around to see Wilbur. “Wil.. You of all people should know I’m not going with them…” I responded with a stoic face. He nodded. “Fine… But if you get hurt I’m gonna kill you, got it? Also I’ll buy you sometime just hurry…” I nodded and hugged him. After he left I made my way to my secret exit. Not even Eret knew about my tunnels through the SMP. I didn’t even tell Tommy or Tubbo.

I went down the hatch and into the tunnels. “Okay… Maybe I should try and find an area where they would least suspect me to be…” I muttered to myself. 

~TIME SKIP~ ~About 3 days later~

The sun was starting to set and I was in a flower forest now. ‘I think I'm far enough away for now… Maybe I should make a campfire and some food…’ Since the tunnels weren’t finished I had to leave them a while ago because they ended. I made a campfire and started cooking some of the food I took with me over it. After I ate I decided to go on a short walk. I put out the fire and started walking around. When I started getting tired I sat down with my back against the tree and fell asleep. 

I woke up and heard footsteps coming towards me. ‘Crap!’ I jumped up into the tree and hid, getting my bow ready. Then I heard a voice behind me. “Why Hello there.” I yelped and fell out of the tree. I sat up and put a hand on my head. “Holy shit!” “LANGUAGE!” I looked back up into the tree and saw someone wearing a cloak with red outlines, his skin was completely black, like pitch black. He also had red demon horns and tail.

“Bad! What happened? Is someone else over there?” Then a guy with black hair and a light blue beanie and hoodie emerged through the trees. I looked at the guy in the tree then at the other one. “What the fu-” “LANGUAGE! GEEZ!” I was still on the ground when the one with the beanie realized I was there. “Oh! Bad who’s this?” “I dunno? Who are you miss?” ‘Bad’ asked, jumping down from the tree.

He held out a hand to help me up. “First, Who are you guys and your allies…” They looked at each other with a sceptical look then back at me with the same look. Then I felt it. “Rain!?” I immediately hid under a tree. “Hmm? Is there an issue?” The one with the beanie asked me. “I- Everytime I’ve been in the rain or water it burns my skin. I don’t know why though…” They smiled and walked towards me. “Well then glad I brought an umbrella just in case!” Bad handed the umbrella to me. “Thank you!” I smiled at them. “Anyways to answer your question from earlier, I’m BadBoyHalo and this is Skeppy. You can just call me Bad though. And our allies? That’s a weird question but The DreamSMP are our allies. Why?” I froze as I heard that name. “O-Oh… No reason. Anyways. U-Umm I- I better go now..” I dropped the umbrella and ran away, but of course they chased me.

I ended up tripping and falling over into a puddle. I held back a scream from how badly the water burned my skin, I heard a twig snapped behind me. “That must’ve hurt.” I heard Skeppy remark behind me. I quickly stood up and got out of the water. I winced while standing up and turning towards them. He grabbed my wrists and held them behind my back. My face was burning because of the rain that was falling still. “Now. Who are you.” 

Bad asked once again holding the umbrella. “I really need to get going so if you could just let go-” “Nope. Now who are you?” I winced as the rain started coming down harder. “OK! OK! I’ll tell you… jeez…” Bad moved the umbrella over me so that the rain wouldn’t get to me. There was a huge burn mark on my face. But that would go away within a day or so. “So? Gonna tell me or am I gonna have to move the umbrella?” “No no! I’ll tell you!” He smiled at my response. “Go ahead then!” I sighed. “I’m Y/n. I’m from l’manberg…” They both just stared at me.

“What? You wanted the truth so you got it.” They looked at each other then at me. “But how did you get out here? You would’ve had to go through Dream’s land?” “You only asked for my name and instead I told you my name and where I’m from. You didn’t ask for that.” I smirked. He raised an eyebrow and started moving the umbrella. “I’ll tell why I'm here but not how.” They both sighed. “Fine. Tell us.” I was a little hesitant to tell them but I’d rather not be burning alive. “Dream and Wilbur made a deal.” “What kind?” “Can’t say. I know what deal but I ain’t tellin you.” 

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