Chapter 25

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(Please remember that everything that happens in the book means nothing IRL)

I walked to my old room and tried to open it but it wouldn’t budge. ‘Hmm… It’s probably still locked… Maybe the rope is still there?’ I thought and ran out of the castle and to the area my window was at. Sure enough my rope was still there. I climbed up the makeshift rope carefully and just as I was about to climb in through the window the rope snapped. I quickly grabbed a hold of the ledge of my window. ‘SHit! That could’ve been bad.’ I pulled myself up into the room and saw that everything was covered in dust yet nothing was moved. It was almost like no one had gotten in. Which they didn’t cause my door would’ve been open. 

I opened my closet and a cloud of dust flew out at me. “Pleh! There’s so much dust everywhere.” I walked into the closet, since it was a walk in closet and started looking around. All of my old dresses were in mint condition. As well as the tiaras. ‘Wow…’ Then I got an amazing idea. I should clean this place up and then use it again! I’ll ask Eret to help me and it can be a surprise for the guys! I giggled and clapped my hands. “Perfect! That’s what I’ll do!” I quickly ran out of the closet, unlocked the door and ran back home. Once I got there I saw Wilbur, Techno and Tommy talking to Dream, Sapnap, and George. “No. We haven’t seen Y/n today. She disappeared after Eret gave her her cloak.” I heard George say. “Hmm… Well we have something for her.” Said looking in my direction. “Speak of the devil and she shall appear I guess.” He continued. I hid behind the corner before the others saw me.

‘Did they see me!?’ I panicked in my head. “Come out here.” I heard Techno call me. “Woman!” I heard Tommy call. “I HAVE A GODDAMN NAME YOU BLONDE PRICK!” I screamed towards the blonde, coming out of my hiding place. “See, it always works.” Tommy said to Wilbur, who was handing him a 5 dollar bill. Wilbur huffed. He definitely looked… different. His curly brown hair was messy and unkempt and his uniform was replaced by a long dark brown trench coat with a L’manberg flag stitched onto one of the sleeves. He was wearing black pants, black fingerless gloves and a white shirt as well as a maroon beanie. Tommy’s uniform had been replaced by a white shirt with red accents on the sleeves and collar and jeans.

Techno still looked as regal as ever with his white polo shirt and long red cape. His hair was still in a braid like always and a beautiful crown sat perfectly on his head and he had on black pants. I glared at Tommy and Wilbur while walking to Techno. “You said you had something for me?” “Actually two. Two things here.” He said handing me two letters. One was from Manberg and the other… I didn’t say. “Manberg is hosting a festival and you and I are invited.” “But didn’t they?” “Ya I know. Weird huh? They didn’t invite Tommy or Wilbur though.” I didn’t know what to say so I just nodded and started walking away but before I could I felt someone hug me from behind and push their head into my back. “I’m sorry Y/n… I didn’t want to leave you there I swear…” I turned around and hugged Tommy and whispered, “I know you didn’t Tommy. Wilbur’s just gone mad.” He nodded. “Be strong, okay? You can do this.” I whispered. He nodded again but this time with a confident smile. 

I ruffled his hair and he started yelling at me. I laughed and he started chasing me. This reminded me of the simpler days. The days when L'manberg was still new and the only thing we had to worry about was if Wilbur caught us sneaking out of either the van or out of L’manberg. “Ahem.” Wilbur cleared his throat after a minute. I stopped smiling and gave him a dead eye stare. His confident aura wasn’t affected though. “Anyways. We don’t recommend going to the festival. It seems as though Schlatt is planning something.” I nodded. “Well. Does anyone know where Eret is?” I asked. “I think he went into the armor room to fix his sword.” Sapnap said. “Okie dokie!” I smiled and skipped off.

I quickly found Eret, who was sharpening his sword. “Eret! I need your help. Come on!” “Woah there N/n! With what?” “I’ll explain when we get there, come on!” I grabbed his hand and dragged him past everyone who were arguing over god knows what. When we arrived he looked confused. “Why are we here? You do know that we’ve passed the border right?” He asked me as I pushed open the doors. “This is my former home! And I wanted to surprise the boys, so I was wondering if you would help me repair the place. The rebels did a number on it but my room was still locked!” I smiled. “This is your home? Wait a second… YOU WERE A PRINCESS!?”

 He exclaimed. “Actually I was a queen. But I would’ve preferred Empress since there was no king.” I said like it was nothing. “QUEEN!? I never expected for YOU to be royalty.” He said, running his hand through his hair. “Aren’t you the ‘king’ of the SMP?” I questioned. “Yes, but I have to stay neutral. I can’t be on either side of the war. Which is why I have to be careful who I hang around.” He explained. “Ahhh. I understand. Now come on! We have a lot of cleaning to do before we can replace things!” He nodded and we got to work. By the time the sun started to set we had only finished the front of the castle. I wiped some sweat from my forehead and we stepped back to look at our work. 

“We should go home and then we can come back first thing in the morning.” Eret suggested. “Good idea, remember though. This is a surprise! Don’t tell them.” “I know I know. Now come on. We both need a shower.” He said. We both went home and I immediately sped off to my room to take a shower. When I got in my room I grabbed some pj and laid them on my bed then I got in the shower. Once I was finished I wrapped the I walked out of the bathroom and saw someone sitting on my bed. “Hello. Love.” Wilbur said, looking me up and down with a smirk.

(Word count: 1133)

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