Chapter 16

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We sat in a comfortable silence for a few seconds. I felt him staring at me. “Take a picture. It’ll last longer.” I laughed quietly when he immediately turned away. “Um… Do you wanna go visit L’manberg tomorrow? Only so they can say happy birthday since we didn’t get to celebrate today.” Dream asked. “Really?!” I gasped. My eyes lit up with joy. He nodded. I clapped my hands happily as he laughed at my childish behavior. “You feelin’ any better?” “Yeah. I feel a lot better now that I got that secret off my chest. And I can see my friends again!” We sat in silence for a moment, listening to the nature around us. 

Only when I looked over did I realize how close we were. My face went red as he chuckled. “You look like a tomato. Are you ok?” I backed up, almost tipping myself over. He started wheezing. “WHAT KIND OF LAUGH IS THAT!?” I yelled, startled, and started to laugh as well. I wiped tears from my eyes and gasped for air. “I haven’t laughed like that in forever!” I giggled standing up. I offered him my hand to help him up. He grabbed my hand and stood up. After that we went back to the base. “Close your eyes.” Dream said to me, smiling. “Why?” I asked, confused.  “Just do it.” I huffed and closed my eyes. I heard him open the front door.

He grabbed my hands and led me somewhere. “Okay. You can open them now.” I opened my eyes to see that the kitchen was completely decorated and there was a cake sitting on the table. “Happy Birthday!” They all yelled at once. I stared in awe. “Why are you guys doing this?” George came over to me. “We aren’t heartless ya know.” I held back a laugh. “Pffft- Could’ve fooled me.” Sapnap smacked the back of my head and I burst into a fit of giggles. I laughed so hard I couldn’t even breathe. They tried to calm me down but it didn’t work and they just started cracking up as well.

I fell over and landed on the ground, still laughing. I started crying at this point because my chest started hurting from the laughter. “Chill Y/n! Breathe!” I heard Sapnap say, while giggling himself. “I can’t!” I said in between laughs. I took a good 15 minutes to calm myself down. Dream was trying not to laugh himself and George was pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head in disappointment, but I could see he was smiling as well. “Can we eat now?” George asked after we all finally recomposed ourselves. 

I nodded and sat down. George cut us all some cake and ice cream. “Thanks George!” He nodded and handed everyone else their plates and then sat down. “So… Why’d you guys take so long?” I looked at Dream, hoping that he wouldn’t tell them. “Her brother wanted to catch up with her. It just took a little longer than expected.” I let out a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding. “Yeah. Sorry about that. He really likes to talk.” I giggled, remembering how he would talk nonstop back at the palace. 

We finished dinner and I started heading to my room as I was getting tired. “Y/n hang on!” I heard Dream call out. I turned around as he got closer. “What did you need?” I asked once he caught up. “I had Sapnap run out and get something for me while we were out. It’s your present. Here.” He handed me a small box. It was covered in white satin with a F/C bow on top. I carefully opened it. Once I did I saw a beautiful necklace. It’s chain was made of silver and it had a Peridot jewel hanging from it. 

I stared in awe. “Stop staring and let me put it on you.” Dream said, taking it from my hands and going behind me. I pulled my hair up and out of his way. I felt his hand brush against my neck and he clipped the chain together. I let my hair fall back down. “It looks great on you.” I smiled. “Thank you! I’m kinda surprised you did this, seeing as though you are the ‘enemy’ and stuff.” I hugged him as a thank you. He was hesitant at first but hugged back nonetheless. I released him. “I’m pretty sure that after all this is over or if it never happened, we would all be great friends.” He muttered something under breath.

I tilted my head. “What was that?” He shook his head. “Nothing.” He gave me a kiss on the forehead and started walking away. “Night princess.” My face turned bright red and I ran into my room, closing the door behind me. I touched the place he kissed. ‘Why am I acting like this!? I’m still dating Wilbur so why!? Ughhh I hate it here! Why why why why why? There is NO WAY I like THE dream. No way.’ I took a deep breath and sighed. ‘Calm down Y/n. It’ll be fine. You’ll see Wil tomorrow and then everything will be fine.’ I changed and fell asleep.

I woke up whispering right next to me. “I’m not waking her up!” “Well neither am I!” I heard George and Sapnap whispering. “What if she’s like Dream in the morning!?” George said. “If you two don’t get the fuck out of my room in throwing BOTH of you out the window. It is too damn early for this.” I said groggily. They froze and then quickly left the room. I threw the covers over my head and snuggled back into my pillow. I was falling asleep until I heard the door open back up. The covers were ripped from my grasp. “Get up Y/N.” It was Eret. “Nooo! I wanna sleep…” I said, smothering my face in the pillow. “I will drag you out of that bed Y/N.” 

I stuck my tongue out at him and he chuckled. “Okay. But remember you asked for this.” He grabbed my leg and pulled me straight off the bed. I heard Sapnap and George hiss pitifully as I fell on the ground. “Ow! That hurt you jackass!” I hissed in pain. “I warned you.” He said nonchalantly. “Is Dream still asleep?” I asked, standing up. They all nodded. “I ain’t waking him up. He is probably the only person I won’t wake up.” Eret said, putting his arms behind his head. “I’ll do it! If I can’t sleep neither can he!” 

They laughed a bit. “Fine but don’t say we didn’t warn you.” They left and I changed into a hoodie and sweatpants and were in the closet. Afterwards I walked quietly to his door and opened it a crack. Sure enough just like they had said, he was asleep. I giggled to myself before opening the door just enough so I could slip in quietly. I tiptoed over to him. Only once I got closer did I realize that his mask was sitting beside him on the nightstand. ‘I mean it’s not the first time I've seen him without his mask.’ I shrugged my shoulders. I stood at the foot of the bed and climbed on carefully.

I stood up and jumped on him. “WAKE UP! IF I CAN’T SLEEP IN NEITHER CAN YOU DREAMY!” I screamed. He shoved me off and glared at me as I laughed. He hid his head under the covers. I huffed. “Wake up!” He groaned and pushed his head into the bed, trying to drown me out. I stood up to jump again but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me down.

(Word count: 1301)
Get ready for a mass release lol ~Author

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