Chapter 24

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I opened my eyes and saw I was sitting on a hill, under a tree with a book in my hands. “Y/n! There you are dear!” I heard my mother yell, while running towards me. “We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” I giggled, closing the book and standing up. “I was wondering when someone would need me. What do you need mother?” I asked, wiping off my dress. “Your father needs you in his study.” My heart dropped as she said that. My father was the worst person you’ll ever meet. He has done… disgusting things to many women. Including my mother and I. He has had people executed for the pettiest reasons like looking at him wrong, missing a spot on a dish, and so on.

I nodded and we walked back to the palace in silence. Once we got to the door of his study my mother patted my back and whispered in my ear, “You can do this. You’re stronger than you think dear.” I nodded and smiled then opened the door with a stoic face. The door closed behind me with a quiet thud. “Father.” I said, staring at the man sitting at the desk with papers spread everywhere. “Y/n! My daughter! Take a seat.” The happiness in his voice sent shivers down my spine. I knew this wasn’t going to be good. I sat down and folded my hands in my lap. “I was told that you requested my presence.” He nodded. “I did. You should be grateful that I’m not punishing you for taking so long.” I bowed my head. 

“I apologize Father. I was on the hill behind the house.” I sat back up straight. “Next time I will stay closer to the palace.” I ended. A sadistic smile spread across my father’s face. “Good girl. Now I have some important news for you!” He said, grabbing a letter off his desk and giving it to me. I looked at him and he nodded as I opened the letter. It read, 

‘Dear King F/n, I’m Prince Liam. I’m the soon to be king of the clover kingdom and I’m looking for a wife. I’ve heard of your daughter’s beauty and seen pictures of her and may I say that she may be the best looking girl I’ve ever seen. I am requesting her as my wife. Please let me know as soon as possible what your response is. Sincerely, Prince Liam.’

I covered my mouth as tears built up in my eyes. My father stood up and walked behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders. “Isn’t this great!? Someone finally wants to marry you! And then you can become a queen and your brother can be king here instead of you!” He bellowed, his loud and obnoxious voice echoing through the room. I choked down my tears and said, “No.” He moved his hands away and stood in front of me. “What did you say?” His voice was deep and scary. “No! I don’t want to-” His hand hit my face as the sound rang throughout the room. “If you ruin this I will never leave you alone. I will leave so many bruises to the point your skin will be purple and black. You got that?” I nodded, the tears returning to my eyes. “Good. You are dismissed.” He finished sitting back down at his desk.

I calmly walked out but as soon as the door closed I broke into a sprint, running into my room and closing the door behind me. I curled up on my bed as the tears ran down my face, burning me. I pressed the pillow against my face to muffle any sounds that I made. I felt a hand on my back and when I looked it was T/n. “What happened?” He asked, pulling me into a hug. “I- Dad’s forcing me to marry some prince from the clover kingdom… I- I don’t want to! I want to stay here with you…” I stuttered. He wiped the tears from my face. “Hey… No matter what I will always be there for you okay? We’ll always be together.” He said, smiling sadly. “P-Promise?” “Promise…” 

I flung up from my bed, tears streaming down my face as it burned my face harshly. My breathing was fast as well. I wiped the tears from my face and got up. I didn’t care about the fact that my face was visibly burnt from the tears or about the eye bags. I just went downstairs, ignoring everyone, grabbed a sleeve of crackers and went back to my room and changed. I heard a knock on the door and when I opened it Eret was standing there with my cloak. “Thank you.” I said with a monotone voice. He nodded, concerned but before he could ask any questions I took the cloak and shut the door. 

I put on the cloak and grabbed the crackers and opened my window. Of course when I had gone downstairs Dream wasn’t even there. I climbed out of the window and jumped down. When I landed I put up my hood and went to the forest. I walked until I found the border and my parent’s graves. I sat down in front of them. “Hey… It’s been a while… I think I’m going to go and check on the ruins of the castle. Wish me luck!” I said sadly, I left some crackers in front of the graves and started walking to the ruins of my former home. When I got there I saw that the castle was covered in vines and moss. 

Windows were broken but the one that led to my room was still wide open from my escape. I walked to the front door and pushed it open. The door was difficult to open because of the rust that had formed on the hinges. Once I had opened the door I saw that the main area was covered in dried blood, moss, and vines. The homey atmosphere this place once had was long gone and was now replaced with one of caution and dread. A feeling of guilt erupted in my stomach and I walked through the halls. Doors were broken, walls were chipped and had blood on them. Flashes of the fighting that went on here flashed through my head. I looked out a window towards where the people used to live. I sighed as I saw the ruins of the town. No one lived there anymore. The houses were broken down and covered in vines and moss as well. 

(Word count: 1107)

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