Chapter 13

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I quickly shoved Eret away from her. “What are you doing, Eret!” He looked at me with a shocked face but it quickly faded. “Dealing with a brat. That’s what.” That was the last straw. I looked down at Kanako who was still crying. I saw a red mark on the side of her face. “She’s a child, Eret!” I shouted at him. I helped Kanako up and told her to go to the room and not to come out until I said so. She nodded quickly and ran out of the room and upstairs. I turned to face Eret. “Well I’m SORRY that your ‘kid’ isn’t the little angel you think she is!” Eret yelled.

“I know she isn’t! But neither are you! You betrayed us because you thought we wouldn’t win! Well look at us now, Eret! We have our independence now and we did it without you!” Dream froze behind Eret. “How did you-” Dream began. I looked at him and said, “I heard you guys talking while walking down the hallway. You really should work on secret conversations.” I turned my attention back to the traitor. “You only stand on the side that’s winning.” I clenched my fists. I looked at the ground as my vision started turning purple.

“I see that you are still a heartless prick that doesn’t care about anyone but himself! You know I really hoped you would change. I really did. But now I’ve lost all hope, and you know what, fine! You wanna start acting like this then I’ll put YOU in your place!” I could barely make out who was who from how bad my vision was getting. I punched him in his face, sending him toppling onto the ground. Two of them tried to hold me back. I couldn’t tell which two but suddenly I was in another area of the room. I ran towards Eret again and started punching, kicking and slapping him until my vision returned to normal. But I realized that I had also been making a screeching noise like enderman do when you look them in the eyes. 

“Y/n stop! He’s had enough!” I felt myself being picked up off of Eret and pulled away. I turned around and saw George and the rest of them. “What was that?” I gave Eret one more harsh glare before I shrugged my shoulders. “It’s never happened before. I guess I’ve never gotten this mad.” They stared in disbelief at me. “You seriously don’t know what that was?” I shook my head but then remembered what Techno said back at the cottage. ‘You’re part enderman idiot.’ “Maybe it was an enderman thing.” 

They looked at me like I was an idiot. “Are you part enderman?” I nodded. Sapnap facepalmed. “That would’ve been good to know beforehand Y/N.” I shrugged my shoulders again. “I go by a ‘Don’t ask, Don’t tell’ policy. Keeps me out of unwanted trouble or arguement.” Sapnap just stared at me, George went over to help Eret, and Dream just stood there. I couldn't tell how he was feeling since that god forsaken mask was there. “Keep staring and your eyes will get stuck, princess” I glared at him. “I hate it when you call me that.” He laughed. “Too bad. Now that I know you hate it I’m just gonna continue.” 

I huffed and started walking back to the table when I remembered. “Kana! Shit! Oh my god I forgot about Kanako!” Sapnap and Dream laughed as I rushed up the stairs and into our room. Kanako was just sitting on the ground playing with some toys. I sighed out of relief. “Are you ok Mum?” I nodded and smiled. I sat down and pulled her towards me. “Can I see your face?” She nodded and showed the part of her face that Eret hit. It was still very red and just seeing it made my blood boil. My vision started going purple again so I took a deep breath which helped me calm down and my vision went back to normal. “I made sure this won’t happen again sweetheart.” She smiled and went back to playing with her toys. 

Her hair was all over the place and all in her face. “Kana, come here, I have a question.” She huffed and walked over to me. “What nowww.” She said in a bored tone. “Can I do something with your hair?” She perked up. “Yes!” She hopped up into the chair excitedly. I got up and grabbed a pair of scissors and a comb. I remember doing my own hair at the palace. I was amazing at cutting and doing hair since I had always watched people do theirs and quickly learned to do my hair myself. 

I started by snipping the hair that always fell in front of her face. I gave her cute little bangs and layers in the back. After that I gave her some cute space buns. “All done!” She quickly jumped off the chair and ran into the bathroom to the mirror. I laughed seeing how she was failing to climb onto the sink to see. I got up and picked her up so she could see. “EEEEEE! IT LOOKS SO CUTE!” She squealed. I started laughing to the point I couldn’t breathe so I had to put her down. “Is someone dying here?” I saw Dream walk in. “Oh. It’s just you.” I said abruptly, stopping my laughing fit.

“Ouch. Geez, not happy to see me princess?” He said with great sarcasm. “I will never be happy when you enter the room.” I said grouchily. He placed a hand over his heart and acted hurt. “After everything I’ve done for you. I cry a single tear.” I stifled a laugh trying to keep my stoic face. “Boo-hoo. Go cry to your little boyfriends or something.” I stuck my tongue out at him. “They aren’t my ‘boyfriends’. My heart only belongs to you princess.” I made a barfing sound as he started laughing. “Now that was too cheesy even for you.” He finished laughing and stood up straight. “Nothing is too cheesy, my love.” I made another barfing sound and then Sapnap and George opened the door.

“I heard flirting.” Sapnap said, walking closer to us. “Yeah, break it up before the child gets scared for her life, love birds.” I felt my face heat up. “We were not flirting! Tell them Dream!” He looked at me and then back at them. “It’s true.” “See-” Dream cut me off. “We were totally flirting.” I stared at him in disbelief as George gasped and Sapnap started laughing. I felt my face get even redder when Kanako said, “I can vouch for that!” “Kanako! You don’t even know what flirting is! I can’t believe my own daughter! My favorite person! Would betray me!” She giggled. 

“I hate all of you.” I said and walked to my bed and flopped down face first. “Oh come on Y/n.” I held a finger up telling them to shush. “Fuck off assholes. You guys are bullying me and I don’t appreciate it.” They started laughing again as I sulked on the bed. “Oh! I almost forgot. We are leaving for a few hours. This is a chance for you to earn some of our trust. Eret will be leaving as well. Do not leave the house.” I nodded and they left. An hour later, Kanako and I were preparing to escape. I grabbed Kanako by the shoulders. “If I get caught don’t come back ok? Stay with Wilbur. Do. not. Look back. I want you to keep running ok? Be brave. I love you ok?” She nodded and I gave her a kiss on the forehead. 

We opened the window and climbed into the tree in front of it. We carefully climbed down and I picked up Kanako and started running. She nuzzled her face into my chest as I ran. Shortly after we heard them yelling. I picked up the pace and started pushing myself to run faster. As I was running there was a giant, shallow hole that I tripped over. We both went flying. “Kanako, are you okay?” 

She nodded as I tried to get up but then we heard rustling in the bushes. I tried to get up quicker but fell back down. “Kanako, go. Run now.” She grabbed my arm. “No!” I grabbed her by the shoulders. “Kanako, I know this is hard, but we’ll see each other again. Plus…” I looked at my now swollen and bleeding ankle. “I think I fractured my ankle anyway. Please Kana…” She had tears in her eyes. I hugged her. “Be brave, ok? I’ll be fine.” She nodded and wiped her tears. She gave me one last smile before running in the direction of home. I dragged my body into a bush and hoped that they wouldn’t find me. The bleeding had gotten worse and my ankle felt like it was burning. 

My vision was going black as I sat there and waited for the pain to end. After a while I tried to get up. It took a minute but I did it. I held back a hiss of pain as I limped in the direction of L’manberg. But the bleeding just got worse and so did the pain. I ended up collapsing and hurting my ankle even more on impact. As my conscience faded in and out I heard voices. “I found her! George, bring me the medkit!” I heard running and then everything went black.

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