Chapter 28

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I didn’t know where to go so I went to the only place I could think of. Pogtopia. The moment I entered the ravine area I tripped and started falling down. I was able to teleport to the bottom eventually although I did get hurt a bit. I scraped my knee on the way down but other than that I was fine. 
“Y/n? Why are you here?” I looked up and saw Tommy. His shirt was covered in dirt along with his face. His hair looked like a rat’s nest as well. 
“And why are you crying?” He pulled to my feet as I wiped  my tears away. 
“Umm. We had an argument and he told me to leave.” 
“Why were you two arguing?” 
“Because I found out that he’s been working with Schlatt lately. I’m here to help you guys.” I hugged him tightly. 
“I missed you guys so much.” He laughed and hugged me back just as tight.

“Trust me. We’ve missed you too.” 
“Y/n?” Two familiar voices called out to me from behind Tommy. We let go of each other and I saw Techno and Wilbur. Wilbur looked shocked and guilty while Techno still had a stoic expression on like usual. 
“What is she doing here?” Wilbur asked Tommy whilst pulling him away from me. 
“I’m here to help. I don’t want to stand on the sidelines and watch as the people I care about get hurt. Plus you guys are the only thing I have left. Just tell me what needs to be done.” I stood straight and tall with confidence.

“You actually want to help us? Even after what I did?” 
“I’m putting that aside for now. This is more important than that.” He then looked at Techno who only nodded in approval. 
“Then I guess it’s settled. But what did you mean, ‘we’re the only thing you have left’?” 
“I found out that Dream was working with Schlatt behind my back then he kicked me out.” 
“Oh. Yeah that sounds like the Dream I know.” Everyone agreed with Wilbur’s statement. 
“We need someone to help us make tnt.” I tilted my head in confusion. 
“We’re planning to blow up Manberg.”

“Woah woah woah. Slow it down. Blow up L’manberg!? You mean the place we all fought for, for so long? The place we made together?” He nodded like there was nothing wrong with it. 
“We aren’t going to get it back. The land has been corrupted. My own people turned against us. Even Tommy has come to terms with it.” 
“I’ll go through with this plan on one condition. Neither Tommy nor Tubbo get hurt in the explosion.” 
“Deal. Now Techno. Please show her to her new room please.” He nodded and I followed him to a stone room with a bed and a few chests. 
“Do you have any weapons or armor?” 
“Mhm. They’re in my inventory along with the rest of my belongings.” He hummed and then walked out.

‘I can’t believe he did that… What did I do to deserve this…’ My eyes started getting clouded by purple again as I punched the wall over and over again until my knuckles started bleeding. ‘That fucking bitch. Fuck fuck fuck why did I trust him. I can’t believe I fell for that, that, that. That manipulative son of a bitch!’ I punched the wall one more time before then purple that clouded my vision disappeared and I could finally see properly. I hissed as the pain from my knuckles shot through my arm. I looked through my inventory hoping to find some bandages but of course it was the only thing I didn’t have. I huffed, coming to the conclusion that I needed to find someone to give me some.

I hid my injured hand behind me as I started looking for someone, literally anyone. I ended up finding Techno, who was in a room that had a field of potatoes. 
“Have I ever mentioned how much of a weirdo you are?” 
“Yes, several times Y/n.” He retorted, not looking up from farming. 
“What do you need?” 
“None of your business. Now where are they?” He looked up at me and then back down to the potatoes. 
“If you don’t tell me, I’m not telling you.” I huffed and then pulled my hand from behind me to show him. 
“What did you do?” 
“I punched the wall over and over in a fit of rage.” 
“Dumbass.” I huffed again as he took some bandages and wrapped them around my hand.

“You should really try and be more careful.” 
“Eh, I’ll be fine. I’m tough.” He finished wrapping my hand and looked at me with a serious face. 
“Seriously though. I know you’re tough but you should still be careful not to push yourself too much.” 
“Okay mom. I promise to be careful.” We both laughed a bit before I left the room. I was walking around when I ran into Tubbo and Tommy talking to each other. 
“Hey Tubs! Long time no see?” 
“Y/n!? Why are you here? I thought you were-” 
“Let’s not talk about that. Also, why do you look so tired? What did Schlatt do to you? I swear if he-”

Tubbo put his hands on my shoulders and hushed me. 
“I have it the best. If you think I look bad you should see Quackity… Poor guy can’t get a wink of sleep anymore with Schlatt always being drunk and ordering him around.” 
“I’m gonna murder that son of a-” 
“Okay! How about we change the topic hm? What’s been going on in MaNbErG?” Tommy asked, in a mocking tone. 
“He made us take down the walls… and get rid of so many things that were special to us…” 
“Are you kidding me!? It took so long for us to put up those walls in the first place!” Wilbur shouted from behind me. 

“No one was happy with it but he had the bright idea, recently to hold a festival.” 
“That’s perfect! We can take them by surprise!” Wilbur’s eyes lit up with excitement mixed with madness. A shiver ran down my spine seeing this. I wasn’t used to seeing him look like this. 
“What about Niki?” I turned back to Tommy and Tubbo. 
“Schlatt has been charging higher and higher taxes for her specifically because she’s a female so her bakery went out of business…” My hate for him was only growing by the second. 
“I swear when I see him, I’ll turn his insides into his outsides!” I clenched my fist as I felt my fingernails dig into my palms, painfully. 

“Y/n. Your hands.” I heard Techno say, putting a hand on my shoulder from behind. 
“Right. Sorry.” 
“Come with me. I have something that might help with your rage.” He led me out of the cave and into the woods that surrounded the area. We walked until we reached a clearing in the woods with training supplies, like targets, both stationary and moving and wooden weapons to practice with. 
“What’s this place?” 
“My training spot.” 
“Why am I here?” 
“To let out your emotions on a target. It’s not healthy to keep them pent up inside.” I chuckled and he turned with a confused expression. 
“You're one to talk. Mister, ‘I dOn’T lEt AnYoNe In’.” I mocked him as he huffed and turned away from me as I laughed. 

Suddenly he threw me one of the wooden axes before grabbing one for himself. 
“Are you ready?” 
“I don’t need-” Suddenly felt a force shove me, causing me to fall over. 
“Lesson 1. Don’t let your guard down around your opponent.” He held out his hand to help me up but me being the petty and salty ass bitch I am, I stood up without his help, swatting his hand away as he chuckled. 
“Is someone upset” 
“Shut the hell up you pig bitch.” I got into a defensive stance, holding the ax in front of me, ready to attack. He took a defensive stance as well but quickly walked towards me and said, 
“You're doing it all wrong. Also you’re holding the ax incorrectly as well.” He proceeded to help me fix my position until I was standing correctly. I couldn’t shake the feeling someone or something was watching me though as we started to train.

Once we were finished my body was completely sore and forehead was soaked with sweat while he hadn’t even started to sweat. 
“How are you not exhausted!?” 
“Because I’m used to this Y/n. I fight pretty often.” 
“Whatever.” I put the ax away and turned to him once more. 
“I’m gonna head back before I pass out from exhaustion out here.” He laughed and I left the safety of the clearing. The feeling of eyes watching my every move had put me on edge and my stomach was doing flips as I got further away from the clearing. ‘Almost there just hold on Y/n. Stay calm, it’s probably nothing…’ Then I heard a twig snap. That was my tipping point and I started sprinting towards Pogtopia as quickly as possible while something chased me there. But then the thought hit me. ‘I can’t lead them to Pogtopia. Tommy could get hurt… or Tubbo… I’ll have to take a detour…’ 

Word Count: 1565

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