Chapter 5

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He was still yelling of course… “OH MY GOD! DO YOU EVER SHUT UP!” I yelled, turning around for a quick second and shooting at him with my bow. He skidded to a stop and tripped. “NOW! Come on!” I said pulling Ranboo towards the more overgrown area. After a while we slowed down. “T-That was too… Close…” I heard Ranboo say in between breaths. “Y-Yeah. Sorry to drag you into this!” I said scratching the back of my head.

“No, it's fine!” He smiled at me. “That  was actually a bit fun! I can’t remember the last time I had a good run!” I finally got a good look at his face. He had one green eye and one red eye. “OOO! Your eyes are so pretty!” I said, staring in awe at his heterochromia eyes. His face turned a bit red. “Thank you! Your eyes are pretty as well!” I smiled even more at the compliment. “Well where do you live? I’ll walk you there just in case they come back.”  He asked. “O-Oh… I was actually leaving my home because of Dream and his friends. So I actually don’t have anywhere to go.” I looked at the ground and fidgeted with my fingers. “Well then do you wanna stay with me for a while?” I looked at him and smiled brightly. “Really!?” He nodded and smiled kindly. 

I started jumping up and down excitedly. “Ready to go?” I nodded and his tail wrapped around my torso. Then we disappeared into purple smoke. I was suddenly hit with a VERY cold breeze. “Burr! It’s cold here!”  “Yeah sorry about that.” “You're an enderman aren’t you?” He nodded and grabbed my hand. He started leading the way to his house. “I thought that was obvious. Also we should hurry before it starts snowing…” I nodded. But of course we weren’t that lucky and it started snowing when we were about halfway there. 

He was shielding his face from the snow with his sleeve. I was unlucky because I was wearing a short sleeved shirt so I had nothing to stop the snow from hitting my arms and face. “A-Are we almost t-there?” I asked while holding back tears. “Are you okay?” He said about to look back. “I’M FINE! Can’t you teleport us closer to your house?” “I can try?” He wrapped his tail around my torso once more and we disappeared again.

This time a warm feeling washed over me. “This is so much better!” I smiled as his tail released me. “You can say th- Your skin- Are you part Enderman too?” I tilted my head to the side. “I honestly don’t know… I never knew my mother…” He hesitated for a moment. “What about your father?” “He was a ram. I got his strength and speed but that’s it.” He was about to say something when a man with bright pink hair in a messy braid, who was wearing a king’s outfit including the cape and crown along with a boar mask that covered his nose up walked in.

“Ranboo. Who is this?” He asked, walking towards me. “This is Y/n. I was wandering around in a forest and found her stuff and then she found me while being chased by Dream’s team. She said that she just escaped them and that she had nowhere to go so I offered for her to stay with us.” Just as the other guy was about to say something Ranboo told me to stay put and pulled the pink haired male into the next room. I started looking around, not leaving the room. 

I was in a living room with a fireplace. On the mantle of the fireplace was a picture in a frame. The frame looked handmade and the picture had some familiar faces. It was a younger looking Wilbur, next to him was probably his father. He had blonde hair and green eyes. He was wearing a green outfit with a black cloak along with a white and green sun hat. He had one of his arms wrapped around a woman's side. 

I stared in awe at the woman. She had long black hair and was wearing a huge purple sun hat that had small jewels hanging off it. She was also wearing a huge purple dress with long sleeves. The gold outline of the dress really stuck out making it look like she was royalty! She had one arm around the father and one on her stomach. The lady must’ve been pregnant with Tommy at the time. And beside her was a boy I had long forgotten. 

He was wearing his training outfit like he always did when I first met him. I had met Wilbur when Tommy was around 4 and he introduced me to the boy. I have forgotten his name since one day he just… Disappeared? Me, Tommy, and Wilbur had no clue where he went. He left a note one day saying he was going on an adventure. And we have never heard from him since… He had his unusually long pink hair behind him.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped slightly. “Pretty isn’t she?” I looked behind me to see the pink haired guy. He took his hand off of my shoulder and stepped back. “We got off on the wrong foot. I’m Technoblade. Who are you?” That’s when it clicked in my head. “Techno!? It’s me! Y/N!” I was so happy to see him. He looked shocked for a second but then smiled slightly. “Long time no see huh?” After he said that I punched him in the arm lightly.

“I THOUGHT YOU DIED TECHNO!” I hugged him. “Never ever scare me like that again! Got it!” He hugged me back. “No promises N/N” I let go and smiled at him. “I see you finally learned how to kind of braid your hair.” “Don’t be mean to me. Remember whose house you're in N/N.” I giggled as Ranboo walked back into the room. “Hey! I see you guys are getting along.” I nodded. “He’s my childhood friend! Although I’m still mad at him for not sending us even a single letter when he left. I’ll forgive him!” 

Ranboo sweat dropped. “Do you remember Phil?” Techno asked me. I shook my head. “No? Who’s Phil?” He sighed. “You’ll remember when you see him hopefully. Also I think we should go patch up those burn marks.” He grabbed my wrist and led me to the bathroom where he had the burn cream. “It’ll be fine! They usually go away within a day or two.” I said, waving my hands in front of me. 

He ignored me and put the burn cream on my burns anyways.  “You should be more careful. There’s a lot of snow here so don’t fall while you're outside.” I nodded as he continued to patch up my burns. “Do you even remember why this happens?” I shook my head. “Nope!” I said popping the p. He sighed again. “You know how Ranboo is an Enderman?” I nodded. “And he is burned by water and snow because of it?” I nodded and then it went silent for a bit. “You’re part enderman idiot.”

Then it clicked in my head. “OHHHH! I’m part Enderman! That also explains why my memory sucks!” He face-palmed and sighed. “You are REALLY slow N/N.” “HEY! I’m not slow! I’m just special!” “Yeah ok. Whatever floats your boat. Might I remind you that it took you a whole minute to realize I was confessing to you back then?” I puffed out my cheeks and pouted like a child. “You’re so mean!” “I’m not mean, I’m just stating facts.” He finished patching up my burns and we went back to the living room where Ranboo was talking to the guy in the photo. “Techno! Oh! Y/n’s here too! Long time no see huh?” He held out his hand for me to shake. I thought for a moment before I had a flashback.

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