1 - A bad fucking plan

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'It's me! It's me', I yell, throwing my hands into the air when the door in front of me flies open and a shotgun points at my face.

'Jesus Christ, Lara, what are you doing here?' says the man behind the shotgun, his eyes wide in surprise.

'Looking for you, you idiot.' I put my hand on the shotgun and push it down. 'Do you mind?'

'Sorry', he says, pulling the gun back. 'Get in here, before anyone sees you.'

I step past my friend Kieran into the deserted building. He sticks his head out of the door for just a second, looks left and right, then pulls the door shut and puts his hand om my back to usher me further into the building.

'I can walk, you know', I snap agitatedly.

'Good to hear', says Kieran. 'Can you think too? What the hell are you doing following me here, screaming in the streets, attracting every damn walker or worse in a 5 mile radius?'

'I only yelled because you nearly shot me.' I take a few quick steps to put some distance between us and turn around to face him. 'It's only been a couple of days, I assumed you'd recognize me.'

Kieran opens his mouth, but thinks better of it. He sighs and rubs his eyes in an exasperated gesture.

'I guess I shoulda known you'd come after me, right? I set up camp upstairs, let's go.'

I raise my eyebrow, but bite my tongue. I knew beforehand that I shouldn't expect a warm welcome, so I'm not surprised. We walk up a staircase and he leads me into a room where I notice his backpack, some supplies and a rolled out sleeping bag stuffed into a corner.

'Did you see anyone out there?' Kieran asks, looking out the window, scanning the surroundings.

'I wasn't followed, Kieran.' It takes some self control not to roll my eyes, watching him stalk from one window to the other. 'I'm not a complete idiot.'

Seemingly satisfied, Kieran finally turns around and looks at me. He gives me a tiny smile that makes my heart flutter, as usual.

'I know, mo charaid.' My friend.

I love it when he throws in some Scottish words. I'd spent a lot of time in Scotland growing up, at my grandmother's. My family spent many summers there, escaping the bustle and crowds from London. Kieran and I had bonded a lot sharing memories from Scotland. Well, us and his girlfriend, Ava. Who is dead now. Which left Kieran absolutely heartbroken and absolutely uninterested in pursuing any other women, probably ever again. God, I'm such an asshole for catching feelings for him. I loved Ava. She was amazing and became one of my best friends in this bloody apocalypse. But I couldn't help it, could I? He's just so charming. Obviously, I'd never tell him.

Kieran crosses his arms and leans against a wall. 'It's just you then?' he asks, raising his eyebrow.

I nod. 'We split up, looking for you. How dare you leave like that, without even a word?' I shoot him an angry glance.

'Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you', he looks down, avoiding my eyes. 'There's just something I have to do. I was going to come back though, obviously.'

I snort. 'Right. I know exactly what you have to do and I seriously doubt you'd be coming back ever if you actually did it.'

He looks up, surprised.

'Oh, come on Kieran, you're not as sly as you think you are. You've been thinking about this satellite building since we came across it. You want to try to steal from it, don't you?'

Several emotions cross his face, but he settles on a smile. 'You know me better than's good for me, Lara.'

I smile back, in spite of myself. 'We guessed you'd either gone here, or into the city. Alex has been tracking you that way, Katarina and Nik stayed back with Priya and the kids. I've been searching empty buildings in this area for a couple days now, and here we are.'

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