23 - We're friends, right?

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TW: Sexual assault & violence

Turns out Simon, Ramon and some Saviours from the Satellite outpost came over to discuss important matters with Negan and the other officers. How it's going, what the plans are for the coming months, stuff like that. Us workers don't hear too much about it, but I do gather they'll be here for about a week. I make sure to stick to my room as much as possible. From work to dinner and straight back. I even make up an excuse about backpain to Pamela and ask her to deliver the laundry through the building. Which thankfully she does, albeit a bit grudgingly.

I don't want to risk running into Simon or Ramon and my plan seems to be working, because by Wednesday they've been here for 5 days and I've only occasionally seen them across the cafeteria. Never up close. I haven't seen Negan either, the discussions must keep him pretty busy. Since the people from the Satellite post aren't often at the Sanctuary for very long, they also spend quite some nights partying and I'm guessing Negan attends as well. But no one asked me not to come tonight, so I make my way to his room.

'Hey stranger', I greet him.

He smiles at me as I walk into his room and grabs me from behind.

'Did you miss me?'

'Every day', I exaggerate. I've learned it never hurst to stroke Negan's ego. 'I wasn't sure you'd even have time for me tonight.'

'Hm, I've been busy, but of course I have time for you', he says, kissing my neck. I turn around in his arms to kiss him back and I'm surprised to notice I actually did miss him a little. It feels good to have his lips on me again after a week of not seeing him.

'Is everything going well?' I ask.

'Very well', he says, nudging his nose against mine. 'Boring stuff, you don't want to hear about it.'

He starts to push me gently into the direction of the bed. Clearly, he's not interested in talking.

'Aren't you even going to offer me a drink?' I ask as I slide into the bed.

'I will', he answers, kicking off his shoes to crawl into bed next to me. 'Later.'


He makes good on his promise and grabs me a glass of wine after he's done showing me exactly how much he missed me. We stay in bed and crawl against each other naked while we drink it. We spend some more time talking, drinking and making out before he tells me he has to go to sleep if he wants to stay awake during his meeting with the officers tomorrow. I'm a little disappointed. After a few weeks of this, I feel quite comfortable in bed with Negan and I enjoy the time we spend chatting before or after sex. And the sex itself, of course. Aside from that time in the laundry room, he usually isn't that intimidating when we're alone. But I still don't stay to sleep with him, so I gather my things and kiss him goodbye. Thankfully, Simon and the others are leaving soon, so I'm sure I'll see more of him again.

When I leave his room, the hallway's empty and I make my way to the staircase without seeing anyone. I'm quite drowsy from the wine and the sex and ready to get to bed so I yawn as I walk down the stairs and don't pay a lot of attention to my surroundings. That's why I don't notice the man waiting in the corner of the dark staircase until he steps in front of me and blocks my way just as I get down from the last step of the stairs.

'What are you doing up so late, guapa?'

There's only a small window in the staircase, through which the moon sheds a little light, but he has his back to it, so I can't see his face well. Still, I recognize him immediately. My heart seems to stop for a moment and I try to take a step back up the stairs, but my hand is still on the banister and he grabs my wrist to hold me in my place.

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