37 - He's a fucking asshole

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TW: Sexual content

'Hey', I say, startled. Did he see Negan storm off? He must have. Shit, the last thing I need right now is Kieran grilling me about what's going on between us again.

'What happened?' he asks concerned. 'Are you all right? Lara, did he hurt you?'

He grabs my shoulders and looks from me to the hallway through which Negan just left and back at me again.

'No. No, I'm fine', I say. But it's clear in my voice that I'm not fine. Negan didn't hurt me physically, but he's left me quite upset.

'Come in', I say, pulling him into the room before he decides to go after Negan. I wonder if anyone heard us shouting at each other and I'm not about to attract more attention talking to Kieran in the hallway.

'What the fuck was Negan doing here?' he asks again with a troubled voice. 'You look upset.'

'It's... I don't', I stumble. I have no idea what to say, I can't tell him the truth. Then it hits me. 'He asked me to be his wife again.'

Kieran looks stunned for a moment. Then he smacks his hands together loudly.

'I knew it. Didn't I say I didn't like the way he looks at you? And he got angry when you turned him down? That bloody bastard has some nerve coming in here in the middle of the night, creeping up on you. Did he hurt you?' he asks again.

'No, he didn't touch me. He just... got angry.'

Then I can't hold it anymore and the tears start flowing. Kieran doesn't hesitate and pulls me into an embrace.

'He's a fucking asshole. Thinks he can take whatever he wants, doesn't he? It's all right, mo charaid, he's gone now.'

I calm down a little as Kieran strokes my back. Negan's never been so angry at me. Even on those first nights, he was scary and intimidating, but he never lost his temper. I guess I was right after all to question being with him.

'Thanks, Kieran', I mumble into his shoulder. 'It's okay, I'm fine now.'

He pulls back a little, giving me some space to breath.

'I should go after him, give him my piece of mind.'

'Please don't do that.'

'Who does he think he is, coming at you like that?'

I smile a little at him. He may have annoyed me when he kept grilling me about Negan, but I'm glad he cares about me so much.

'It's okay. Like you said, he's gone now. Mind keeping me company for a little bit? I just gotta unwind a little.'

'Of course', he says.

'I could use a fucking drink', I joke.

'I have a bottle of gin in my room.'

'Really? Where'd you get that?'

'Perks of being a Savior', he says, backing towards the door. 'I'll be right back.'

He's back within minutes with the bottle and we both sit down on my bed, leaning our backs against the wall, dangling our feet over the side.

'To your health, Lara Pierce. One independent woman who is not to be tricked into a crazy marriage with our psychotic leader.'

I smile and raise my glass to meet his.

'And to you, Kieran MacKenzie. One stubborn Scotsman who will one day get us all killed by attacking that psychotic leader.'

He snorts and tips the glass to his lips. I do the same.

'You sure you're all right?' he asks me.

'Yes. It was weird. I'm sure he'll get over it. Let's talk about something else. How's your Savior training going? I've hardly seen you.'

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