9 - Let's hit the road

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We're on the road back to my friends. I'm not sure how to feel. When we got caught, I was convinced I'd never see them again. Now, it's starting to look like I was wrong. I can't wait to talk to everybody and take them into my arms. But at the same time, I'm still not sure I've made the right decision. Is this man really going to help us, or is he going to take what he wants and kill us? My mind keeps spinning so much, I hardly hear what Negan's saying until he suddenly snaps his fingers in front of me.

'What?' I ask, startled.

'Anything happening in there? This is going to be a long-ass drive if you keep ignoring everything I'm saying.'

'I'm sorry', I say. 'I'm just tired, I didn't get much sleep last night after... you know.'

'I get that', he grins. 'Hard to fall asleep after all the excitement of making out with a stud like me, right?'

'Yeah, that must be it.' I try to keep the sarcasm out of my voice, but he still laughs.

'Why don't you tell me something about yourself? Maybe that'll keep you up.'

'What do you want to know?'

'Since you are going to be my wife, it'll be good to know if I'm stealing you away from anybody. You say you and the Scotsman are just friends, what about the Mexican guy?'

'Alex? No, we're just friends too.'

He raises an eyebrow and looks at me shortly before turning his attention back to the road.

'Kinda hard to believe you've all been on the road for so long without anything freaky happening. They're not your type or something?'

'What makes you think it's me who's not interested?'

'Well, you're really fucking hot, so unless they're either blind, gay or stupid, I'm guessing there's something wrong with them.'

I feel a slight blush rising to my face when he calls me hot, but fortunately Negan's eyes are turned to the road so he doesn't notice.

'You're not completely wrong.'

'They're stupid? I knew it. The Scot definitely is.'

'No. Well, I mean, sometimes he's stupid. But that's not what I meant. You're kind of right about the gay thing. Alex likes men.'

'Ah! That'll do it.'

I look at his face to gauge his reaction. Unfortunately, the people left in this world aren't always the most sophisticated. And unsophisticated people aren't always very openminded. So I ask him.

'That's not a problem, is it?'

'A problem? Hell no. Less competition for me.' He grins at me. I'm relieved. That's one less worry at least.

'So what about the firecracker we left back there?' He gestures his head back towards where we came from. 'Anything ever happen between you two?'

'No', I say shortly. 'Don't you think it's possible for a man and a woman to just be friends?'

'Sure', he says, his mouth still pulled up into half a smile. 'I just think it's also very possible for an attractive man and woman who are no doubt great friends, to find comfort in each other's bodies when they grow lonely, trying to survive in this disturbing world.'

Surprised by his words, I look at him.

'That's a nice way of putting it.'

He turns to me with a big grin on his face.

'I'm guessing you fucked each other's brains out.'

Despite myself, I let out an unflattering snort that makes him laugh even more. I can't help but laugh a little too.

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