8 - Be a good dog while I'm gone

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I lie in my bed tossing and turning, until one of Negan's lackeys knocks on my door and enters the room. It's the same woman that brought me supplies the first night. She comes bearing more gifts. She gives me a glass of milk and a peanut butter sandwich, which actually excites me. I haven't had any bread since we left the camp. The woman also gives me a white knit jumper, fresh socks and underwear and a long black coat. I quite like the clothes. Especially since it's not anything low cut. Negan appears not long after I've gotten ready and eaten my breakfast.

'Morning', he greets me. 'How are you feeling?'

I'm exhausted from not sleeping, excited to finally see my friends again, terrified he's still going to turn around and kill them and trying to deal with the fact that I'll be the wife of a man I hardly know, and who, from the little I do know about him, seems like a power-tripping dictator, in a couple of weeks.

'Good', I answer, forcing a smile.

'Excellent. Let's get going then, my guys are waiting for us.'

I quickly put on the coat and follow him.

'We're going to see Kieran first, right?' I ask nervously.

'Don't worry, you don't think I forgot about anything that happened last night right?' He grins at me. I feel my cheeks flush, which he must notice, because he reaches his hand out to my face.

'Ahw, am I making you blush, honey? You are just too cute. I gotta say I did not appreciate being woken up last night, but you sure did make up for it.'

I move my head back to escape his grasp and put my cold fingers to my face, trying to cool down my cheeks.

'Yeah, um, I'm very happy you agreed not to tell my friends about the deal we made. Do you mind also not telling them anything else about last night?'

'A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell', he says, holding open the door to a staircase.

'Sure. But what about you?' I ask, raising an eyebrow at him while I pass him.

He laughs. 'Is the mask of British politeness finally coming down? Careful now, we still have to get your friends.'

'I was only joking', I add quickly, looking around to see his reaction. He smiles at me, so I think I'm good. 'Where are we going?'

The staircase goes down two floors. We've walked down one, and I think we're on the ground floor now, so the other stair must be leading underground.

'All the way down', he answers.

That doesn't bode too well. I'm starting to feel nervous about the conditions in which I'll find Kieran. My imagination pictures actual medieval cells with iron bars and handcuffs chained to the wall. Still, whatever the conditions, I'm really happy Negan will let me see him. It's well worth a bit of snogging with a mad-man to make sure Kieran is doing okay.

The lower level is illuminated by artificial lights. The hallway is tight and the ceilings are covered in metal pipes. There are several doors, heavily locked. I wonder if they're all used as cells. A knot is starting to form in my stomach and I realize that my nerves about seeing Kieran aren't just concerns about the state I'll find him in. Will he be angry that I'm taking Negan to our friends?

'Here we are.'

Negan stops at a door and takes a key out of his pocket. The door doesn't have a lock itself, but is shut tightly by a chain lock. I noticed that on my door as well. He whistles while he sticks the key into the lock and starts to open it. He's taking his time to do it. I try not to show my agitation, because I think he's doing it on purpose. Finally he takes the lock off completely and opens the door.

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