4 - You'll be a good girl from now on?

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In a daze I follow Negan back to the his room. What am I doing? I can't bring them all into danger just to save Kieran. He's the one who got us into this damn mess. Negan walks a short distance in front of me. I stare at his broad shoulders, covered by black leather. I'll plead with him. I'll beg him to let us go. I'll do whatever he wants, although the thought of whatever that might entail brings up bile through my throat. As long as he lets us live and allows us to go home.

I'm glad to be able to use my hands again, at least. I zip my hoodie back up before we return to the room to shield myself somewhat from unwanted stares. Negan sees me do it and curls his lips into a tiny smile, but at least he keeps whatever commentary he might have to himself. When he opens the door, the scene I find inside brings the tears back to my eyes. And I only just pulled myself back together. Kieran is still on his knees, apparently barely able to keep his head up anymore. His face is covered in blood now and whatever I can see of it is white as a ghost. I move towards him, but Negan takes a hold of my arm and keeps me in my place. I don't dare to protest.

'Since you've finally seen some sense, I'm going to take care of your boyfriend for you', he tells me. 'Of course, if you give me any trouble again, I'm putting a halt to that right away. And he doesn't look like he'll last without help much longer, does he?'

Kieran raises his head with visible effort to look at me. Blood drips from his mess of a nose and he's panting heavily.

'Don't... tell them... anything', he pushes out painfully. Simon kicks his side to make him stop talking and he grunts.

'Please stop.' With an effort, I pull my eyes from the scene in front of me and turn my attention to Negan. 'I'll cooperate.'

He smiles at me.

'That's what I like to hear. Jud', the guy besides Simon looks up, 'take him to K-40. And wake Carson up to look at him. Tell him we need him alive, but not exactly thriving.'

There's nothing I can do but watch while the man called Jud hoists Kieran up by his arms and drags him out of the room. He looks at me on his way out, but he doesn't speak anymore. He can barely stand on his feet.

'Simon.' Negan walks over to the creep with the moustache and grasps his shoulder in an appreciative gesture. 'Make sure you grab yourself a bottle of scotch before you make your way back to the outpost. One of the good ones. I'm glad I can always count on you.'

'It's my pleasure, sir.'

Negan lets go of his shoulder and walks past him. Simon moves my way, heading for the door. I quickly step out of the way to let him pass. He smirks at me when he passes and the door closes behind him with a definitive bang. That guy scares the shit out of me so I'm glad he's finally gone, but being alone in a room with Negan is no less nerve-wracking.

'So, what's your poison?' Negan asks.

'What?' I turn to look at him. He's walked over to a cabinet with an assortment of bottles on top of it. He holds up a glass with some dark liquid. Being already lightheaded by the nights events and the blow to my head, drinking alcohol seems like the worst idea right now. And why is this guy offering me a drink anyway?

'Oh. Nothing, thank you', I say a little confused.

'Come on now, it's rude to let a man drink alone.' He picks up one of the bottles. 'You look like a red wine kind of girl, am I close?'

I resist the urge to scoff. If he thinks he's fooling me into a sense of comfort with a drink, he's wrong. It's a lot easier to get information out someone after you get them drunk. But I don't want to piss him of.

'Whatever you're having.' I shrug uncomfortably. I'll just sip it.

'Suit yourself.' He puts the wine bottle back down and grabs another. After he pours it he hands me a glass and raises his own.

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