53 - Are you in?

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I'm in a truck with some other workers, on our way to Alexandria. I would have preferred it if Alex was with me, but so be it. I'm feeling a little nervous as I think about what Kenny said. This isn't going to be a pleasant visit. I just hope these people stay in line, so I don't have to be witness to any sort of punishment.

Finally, we're there. The trucks stop and we all get out to gather in front of the huge walls. From what I'm seeing, Alexandria looks pretty impressive. Negan has made his way to the front and bangs Lucille against the gate.

'Little pig, little pig, let me in', I hear him say. Always so dramatic. The gate is opened and Negan and the Saviors stream inside, but us workers await our orders. Kenny makes his way over to us and starts to send everyone away in groups.

'All right, you three, he says, including me. 'You're with those Saviors. Do whatever they tell you.'

He points in the direction of a pair of Saviors standing a bit further on. I notice one of them is a tall, blond man and my heart leaps.

'Thank you', I mouth toward Kenny. He only gives me the barest of nods in acknowledgement.

Kieran looks up surprised when he sees me. He breaks out in a large smile, but quickly suppresses it to hide his reaction from the others. I don't acknowledge him either.

'Good, the minions are here', the other Savior greets us. It's someone I don't know and probably don't want to get to know. When he starts to walk, we all follow him through the gate. He whistles when we enters the grounds of Alexandria. 'Not bad, is it?'

I agree. Alexandria looks like a fancy all-American suburb. The streets are lined with lovely, large houses. The porches have swings on them and even the gardens are well-kept. It kind of looks like the apocalypse never happened here. Only the large group of Saviors looks sourly out of place.

'Okay, here's what you're gonna do', the Savior announces. 'You're gonna go from house to house and take every damn mattress they've got. And then you're gonna load them into that truck', he says, pointing to one of the trucks behind us. Suddenly he looks us over with an annoyed look on his face. 'Why did they send us three? Three makes no sense. Now we can't split them up, it's gonna take twice as long.'

'Yeah, it's fucking bullshit', Kieran joins in. 'You take two, I'll take one and I'll just help carry, or we'll never get it done in time. You, with me', he says, snapping his fingers at me.

I quickly step up to walk with him, but the other Savior grabs Kieran's arm to stop him.

'You're not carrying shit man, that's not your job.'

'It's cool', he says. Then, bending closer to the other Savior he lowers his voice but still talks loud enough for me to hear. 'She's hot.'

The Savior looks me over and a grin starts to spread on his face. He winks at Kieran before he lets them go. 'Thinking about testing out those mattresses before we get them out of here, huh? Just get the job done in time.'

Kieran grins back at him and pounds the other guy's shoulder before he walks away. I raise my eyebrow as he joins me and quickly match my tempo to his quick strides.

'What the hell?' I ask him, when we're out of earshot.

'He doesn't know we're friends and I thought he'd give me less shit if I pretended I wanted to sleep with you, rather than talk to you.'

'Good thinking.'

Kieran smiles at me and hugs me to his side shortly while we walk towards the first house we'll be plundering.

'So what are you doing here?'

'I have to talk to you.'

'Is something wrong?' he asks as we step into the first house. It's already filled with Saviors searching for valuable stuff to take. I don't see the inhabitants, they must have fled elsewhere.

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