2 - You messed with the wrong man

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They make me get into the front seat of the car. The big guy takes the seat behind me and keeps his gun on my head. Ramon takes the wheel and they put Kieran on the seat behind him. The other guy and the woman get left behind. I turn around to look at Kieran as we start to drive. He looks awful. He's passed out, like Ramon said, he's bleeding profusely and he's got a black eye.

'Kieran', I whisper.

'Your boyfriend's gonna be all right, he's just passed out', Ramon says. 'Of course, I can't promise you he'll be all right after the big guy's done with him.'

He grins when I look at him.

'You messed with the wrong man, sweetheart. You'll find out soon enough.'

It's a short drive back to the satellite building. When we get there, it's obvious that the news of our failed burglary attempt has spread. Several people are standing outside and considerably more windows are lit now. I notice faces looking outside, trying to see what the commotion is about. Ramon parks the car and steps outside. He walks around the car towards my door.

'Just cooperate if you want to live', says the man behind me in the few seconds that we're alone in the car. Besides passed-out Kieran, I mean. Is he warning me? I try to turn around, but before I can look at him the door flies open and Ramon grabs my arm. He yanks me out of the car and without my hands to my disposal I stumble and fall to my knees. Ramon drags me back up, and pulls me further in the direction of the building. Another man breaks free from the group of gathered people and walks towards us. He's tall and balding. The hair he's got left is dark grey and jumps up wildly from his scalp. But most notable about him is his long moustache that wouldn't look out of place in a 70s porn movie. He claps slowly and a big grin starts to spread across his face while he crosses the last few steps between us.

'You did good Ramon, Negan is very happy with you', he says as he claps Ramon on the shoulder. 'And those assholes are particularly lucky with your actions tonight.' He points towards two guards standing a couple feet away and raises his voice. 'Because their heads would've ended up on the fence if the thieves they let through got away.'

The guards shuffle around awkwardly. I don't see anyone with arrows sticking out of them, so the ones I shot must have been brought inside for medical attention.

'So you're the one that turned my guards into a pair of pincushions?' The man with the moustache is standing in front of me now. I meet his eyes and wonder if this guy's going to kill us. He raises his eyebrows, leans over and brings his face closer to mine. I don't know what to say so I stay silent. He turns his gaze towards Ramon now.

'Doesn't she talk?'

Ramon shakes me by the arm.

'Answer him, bitch.'

'What?' I ask. My head pounds, my heart races, it's hard to think.

'Did you shoot my guards?' asks the man with the moustache, exaggerating every word.

'Yes', I say quietly.

'Speak up, honey.'

'Yes, I shot them', I repeat through gritted teeth. I wish they'd stop with the 'sweethearts' and 'honeys'. I don't like the way they look at me.

'Thank you', he nods. To my relief, he backs away and grabs the radio from his belt.

'This is Simon for Negan', he speaks into the device.

A gruff voice answers. 'You got them?'

'You hear that?' Ramon whispers in my ear. I try to pull away but he still has a tight hold of my arm. 'That's the man that decides whether your head will still be on your pretty neck tomorrow or on a stake in front of our gates.' He grins and runs the finger of his free hand across my neck, making me shiver.

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