33 - Ready for an adventure?

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TW: Sexual content

The alarm wakes us up in the morning, but neither of us makes a move to get out of bed. It's my day off and Negan can sleep in whenever he wants to, I guess.

'Morning', he says sleepily, pulling me against him.

'Morning', I smile. After all the nights I've spent with him, this is only the fifth time I'm waking up next to him. There was the night in the villa, the first night I slept with him, last Friday when I drew the portrait and yesterday morning. This is the first time there's no reason to rush to get up. It doesn't feel bad at all.

'How did you sleep?' he asks me.

'Very good.' Again, there were no nightmares. I slept through the night for the first time this week.

'Good', he smiles and kisses me shortly. 'What are you doing today?'

'I actually don't have anything planned', I tell him. 'Maybe I'll draw a little. Although I am running through supplies pretty quickly.'

'We should get you some more.'

'Yes. Why don't we run down to the mall? We can grab some lunch too', I joke.

'That's a great idea. You up for a run?'

I frown, but he seems to be serious. I haven't been outside the walls of the Sanctuary since we picked up everyone from the villa.

'I was only joking', I say.

'I'm not. I don't know about a mall, but my scavengers tell me they know about an art supplies shop not that far from here.'

'Did you ask for me?' I ask him surprised.

'I was going to get you something for your birthday, remember?' he grins.

I smile and lean over to kiss him.

'You're very generous these days. But my birthday isn't even close.'

'I figure if you go out there with me and do the work, you should get it now.'

'All right', I say excitedly. It could be fun to get out there again. See something else for a change. 'Let's go', I add, jumping out of the bed.

'There's no hurry', he protests.

'You got me excited', I say, pulling the covers off of him as well. 'Go on, let's get ready.'

'You got me excited, standing there naked', he says and he moves quickly to catch me. I shriek as he pulls me on top of him, back onto the bed.

'Oh, you are excited', I say, moving my hips over him when I feel how hard he is.

'Think you have a couple of minutes to spare before we go?' he asks, pulling me to him by the back of my neck.

'If you make it worth my time', I say into his ear before I bite it softly.

'Don't I always?' He glides his hand over my back and grabs my ass firmly. With his other hand, he guides himself into me. I grab his face to kiss him and move my hips up and down slowly, making him moan against my mouth. With every grind, I let him slide out of me until the very tip, before I take his entire length into me again. It feels so good when I make him move exactly into the right spot.

'Fuck, you're so hot', he grunts as he slaps my ass. 'Go faster.'

'No', I say, slowing down even more to tease him.

'No?' he repeats, surprised.

'You heard me', I say playfully, daring him to protest with my eyes. Soon enough a twinkle reaches his eyes and a grin spreads on his face.

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