50 - Maybe I can do something nice for you

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I sketch his face as fast as I can, so I can get out of here as soon as possible. Unfortunately, Simon notices.

'You're working pretty fast there, sport', he says. 'You're not trying to half-ass this job, are you?'

I look up and find him smiling at me, like he just made a joke. But as always, there's a dangerous edge to his words.

'No', I say quickly. 'But I know you're a busy man, so I don't want to take up too much of your time. I can make a sketch pretty quickly and finish it in my room, so I can give it to you later.'

'Is that how you usually do it?'

'Yes', I lie.

Simon grins. 'Well, I'm leaving tomorrow, so let's see how far you can get right here with me tonight. I don't have any other plans and I've got all the time of the world just for you.'

'Great', I say, forcing a smile. I'm tempted to take a sip of the gin and tonic he made me, before I remember he could have put something in it.

'Lara, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot', he says as I continue to draw. 'I mean, that was a suspenseful night when you got here, wasn't it?'

'Yes', I agree. 'But I suppose I am somewhat to blame for that since I shot your guards and all that.'

Simon laughs loudly, which gets on my nerves. But I don't let it distract it from my work, because that would just make my stay here longer.

'I appreciate you saying that. Still, I imagine I must have come off a little mean. A little scary, maybe? And then there was that nasty business with your friends running off. With all of that, I don't think you've had the chance to get to know the real me.'

He leans back against the wall with his hands on his stomach and looks at me expectantly. But I don't say anything. I mean, what does he expect me to say? Sure, let's forget about the fact that you broke my friend's nose and almost slit my other friend's throat. It's all in the past. When I remain silent, he continues the conversation himself.

'So, I'm glad we have this opportunity to get to know each other a little bit better. I'm sure you'll realize I'm actually a pretty nice guy. Hey, maybe I can do something nice for you sometime to thank you for making me this portrait', he says like the idea just popped into his mind. But I remember Alex saying that he might try to manipulate me and though he hasn't said anything inappropriate yet, I feel like he might be leading me into something.

'Let's wait and see if you like it first', I say, once again plastering on a friendly smile.

'Let's see, indeed', he says, nodding at me. 'But I have every bit of faith in you, you're a great artist.'

I just smile, but don't respond to his compliment. He still hasn't made clear what exactly he wants from me, but I'm convinced he doesn't give a shit about the portrait. We're both silent for a few minutes, until Simon starts to talk again.

'I've been getting real friendly with your buddy Kieran too', he says. My heart seems to stop for a second when he mentions the name, so I keep my eyes on the drawing, to hide my expression. 'Who would have thought that we'd all be such great friends after that first night you came here, right?' he continues.

'I'm glad we were able to move past all that', I say politically, making Simon grin. Like Negan, he's not easily fooled by my carefully-chosen words.

'So am I', he says with exaggerated earnesty. 'He talks about you a lot, you know. You and your friends, I mean, but also you specifically. A lot. He really misses you. Do you miss him too?'

'Of course', I say, making sure to keep breathing steadily. I'm glad I decided to put on a turtle neck so Simon won't see my neck turning red in my anxiety. I don't care that it must look odd in this heat.

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