6 - You always have a choice

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'So the room we just left, that's my room. I'm guessing you figured that out by yourself', Negan tells me while we walk the corridor. 'Not bad, right? You'll be spending a lot of time there as my wife, of course.'

He smiles at me. I make an effort to smile back, but I wonder if it even shows on my face.

'The other rooms on this floor belong to my officers. They work the hardest, so they get the perks. And this...', he pushes a door open. Inside the room there's a large metal table surrounded by chairs. Some filing cabinets along the wall. 'This is the war room. It's where we have meetings and shit. It's not all just fun and games running a place like this.'

I realize he's stopped talking and is looking at me, waiting for some kind of reaction. Honestly, I'm hardly listening to what he's saying. My mind's racing, keeping me distracted. But I have to say something to appease him.

'It's all very impressive.'

For a second he doesn't react, just keeping his eyes on mine, making me nervous. Until finally a smile slowly spreads on his features and he winks at me.

'Come on, there's one room I really want to show you.'

He takes me into another corridor. It's a rather complicated building, with all these twists and turns. I remember the doctor's office was on the same floor but I haven't spotted it yet. We pass a couple of closed doors he doesn't comment on. While we walk, I notice light coming from an opening a little further down the corridor. As we get closer, I can hear the mumbling of voices and even some music playing. Then we reach the room and my breath catches in my throat.

The room is filled with luxuries. From velvet couches to elaborate chandeliers. Thick rugs cover the floor and everything is adorned with colourful flowers and golden ornaments. They may be pretty things, but all thrown together the room is an explosion of kitsch and distaste. But it's not the lack of style portrayed in the room that almost makes my dinner come up again.

The room is filled with several attractive women dressed in tight black dresses wearing makeup, jewellery and uncomfortable high heels. They're scattered throughout the room, talking to each other, playing a card game or having a drink together. The mood is quite relaxed when we arrive, but tension enters the air when they notice us. Or rather, Negan.

'Hello ladies', he greets them. He swings his bat to his shoulder and enters the room.

A couple of them greet him shortly, other ignore him and continue their conversation. Some of the women shoot me darting glances. What do their eyes say? Run, it seems to me. Or is that just me reading into it?

Negan walks over to two women leaning against a wall, both with drinks in their hands. One of them has black hair tied into a bun, the other has her red hair flowing over her shoulders. Negan approaches the one with black hair and kisses her intimately. Then he pulls away and turns to the redhead. I definitely feel like running away when he kisses her too, but I'm burnt to the spot. Grinning, he wraps his arm around the redhead and tells the other girl to get two new drinks. Now he turns to me.

'Don't be shy, sweetheart, come say hello to my wives.'

Clearly, this man is insane. I curse Kieran under my breath for getting us in this bloody situation. But the thought of him is the only thing keeping me from fleeing as fast as I can. I have to stay here and I have to behave if I want him to live.

My feet feel heavy as I make my way over to Negan and the beautiful woman under his arm. The other woman returns just as I reach them. She hands me a drink.

'Thank you', I mumble. I decide to let some of my resolutions about keeping a clear head go and let the liquid burn my throat. It's whiskey again.

'These are my wives Frankie and Tanya', Negan says, pointing at the women. 'Frankie, Tanya, this is my new friend Lara. She tried to steal from me and she put an arrow through Emilio and Stefan. Can you believe that? Certainly one way to get a man's attention.' He shakes his head like he just told a funny story and sips his drink. Nobody responds. Both women seem highly uncomfortable, especially the one he's hugging to his side.

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