21 - If you fuck him, I will kill him

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TW: Sexual content

It's early Saturday morning and we're all still in bed when there's a knock on the door. Alex doesn't hear it, so I get up and put on a jumper before I open the door. I should have known who it was, but my brain doesn't function properly when I'm still half asleep so when I see who it is, I'm stunned into silence for a second.

'Morning, mo charaid', Kieran greets me.

'Oh my God', is all I manage to say before I burst into tears. He steps into the room and pulls me into a tight embrace. He smells, but I don't care. It's so good to hold him again.

'What's going on?' Alex asks, groggy from sleep.

'It's Kieran!' I break our embrace to look at him. He looks much better than the last time I saw him. His wounds are healing nicely. Looks like his nose will stay a little crooked, though. For a second we just stare at each other and I can see all the emotions in his face. He looks happy, relieved, sad and ashamed all at the same time. I think he still feels guilty for putting me in danger. But the moment is broken when Alex gets up to hug Kieran as well and the kids burst through the door, woken by the noise. We fetch the others too before Kieran starts to tell his story. I've heard parts of it, of course, but I only got to talk to him for a couple of minutes when Negan let me see him, so I hadn't heard all of it.

He tells us how scared he was when Negan took me away to the doctor's office that he'd never see me again. Simon tormented him by saying that Negan would do all kinds of terrible things to me. All the while he was bleeding like crazy from the gunshot wound, feeling weaker and weaker. After they broke his nose, he could barely keep his head up anymore and he was sure he was going to die. Everything went fuzzy after that and the next thing he remembers is waking up in a cell from getting a bucket of water splashed into his face. Negan started questioning him, Kieran doesn't go into much detail about that. Eventually he broke, because Negan threatened to hurt me and he told him everything. Of course, Kieran didn't know that I already had, and I remember Negan telling me Kieran confirmed my story. Then after I went to see him they improved his conditions somewhat, but they would come regularly to bother him, or to blast loud music in the middle of the night, making it impossible to sleep.

'Then yesterday Negan came to see me again and he kept asking me who I was', Kieran continues his story. 'First I didn't have a clue what he was on about, but then he asked his guards and they were like "I am Negan." So he kept coming in my face screaming "Who are you? Who are you?" and in the end I was just like "I am Negan" and I guess that made him happy. Guy's a freaking psychopath, did he make you say that you're Negan too?'

'No', I answer, raising an eyebrow. Hearing Kieran's story makes me feel a little sick. I've been lying in the arms of the man who's done all this to Kieran. He's been kind to me and I guess I almost forgot how cruel he can be. What kind of a person am I to enjoy my time with a man like that?

'I guess I got the special treatment, then. But you tell me now, Lara, what the hell happened to you after they separated us?'

I'm about to answer when the alarm goes off.

'Shit, we have to get ready', Alex says. 'We all got jobs to do now.'

'Yes, I'll tell you everything over breakfast', I say as I race to the bathroom, beating Alex to it, earning me a scowl.


Soon we're all sat at the breakfast table, drawing looks to ourselves once again. People were just starting to get used to us, but a new face has stirred their attention again. Kieran looks like he lost quite a bit of weight during his time in the cell, so we use our points to buy him as much food as possible. He doesn't have any points himself yet. He ravishes the food happily while we get him up to speed about what's happened to us in the meantime. I feel almost giddy, so happy that we're finally all together again. Near the end of breakfast we tell him we have to go to our jobs.

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