49 - Don't be late

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Things are the same, but they aren't the same. We go on with our lives, do our jobs every day, hang out with each other like we used to, but the feeling of security that we felt at the Sanctuary is shattered. My visit to Sherry excluded, none of us dare put a toe out of line.

Sherry is eventually allowed to leave the room, but they're always keeping a close eye on her and they don't allow us to talk to her. We don't see Dwight for weeks, and when he finally appears again, he's become a Savior. He doesn't seek us out, and we don't look him up either, because it quickly becomes clear that he's not who he used to be. He's Negan's new lap dog and he seems to perform his tasks with a cruel pleasure.

I wish we could leave, but Negan has made it clear he won't allow it. I wonder what he'll do if we go anyway. Would he kill us? Maybe. Maybe not. But if he catches us, thing will definitely be worse. I told the others about our talk in the laundry room and none of us have spoken about leaving since.

So I try to put it out of my mind as much as I can and focus on the positive side of living here. We still have a roof over our heads, food in our stomachs, access to a doctor and most importantly, we have each other. Except for Kieran, who's still at the outpost. But at least he's fine, as far as we know. And I usually manage to do that, but today my optimism is rudely disturbed when a voice calls out to me.

'Lara Pierceeee', I hear behind me. I freeze on the spot when I recognize the voice. What the hell does Simon want with me? What's he even doing here? I turn around slowly and lower my head. He walks over to me and bows down to my level. Then he puts his fingers beneath my chin and raises my head to make me look at him.

'Hi there', he grins. God, he makes my skin crawl. Fortunately, he takes his fingers off my face again.

'Where are you going on this fine evening?'

'I was headed to dinner', I answer. What's he on about? He's never singled me out like this before.

'So am I!' he says, pulling a face like it's the biggest coincidence in the world. 'I'll walk with you.'

To my horror, he throws his arm around me and turns me back around. I have no choice but to walk with him.

'Lara, I hear you're an artist. Is that right?'

'I suppose', I say uncomfortably.

'Don't be modest, I've seen your work. I was impressed!'

'Thanks', I say shortly. I want him away from me, but he keeps me pressed to his side.

'I'd like one.'


Simon chuckles. 'A portrait, silly. I want one.'

'Oh, um, I'm afraid I don't have the time right now.' I can think of nothing worse than spending several hours alone in a room with this freak. But Simon stops in his tracks, making me stop with him.

'Sweetie, I didn't even tell you when I wanted it yet. Are you saying you don't want to make a portrait for me?'

'Um, no', I stumble. 'Of course not. I just thought, you know, you never stay too long and I just don't have the time tonight, but if you're staying longer, I'd be happy to do it.' I do not want to do it. But what can I say? I can't turn him down.

'Why?' he asks, finally letting me go to stand in front of me. 'What are you doing tonight?'

I can feel the red blotches appearing on my skin and once again my brain malfunctions entirely when it has to come up with a lie on the spot.

'I- I- um I-', I stutter.

Simon watches me with raised eyebrows, his hands on his sides. His mouth stretches into a wide grin as he watches me fumble.

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