19 - Morning, sweetheart

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TW: Sexual content

When the morning alarm goes off, I grunt and grab my head. I should never have drunk so much after going without alcohol for so long. My head pounds and when I open my eyes the light coming through the unclosed curtains is blinding. I blink, confused. Those aren't my curtains. Then I feel his arm around me, pulling me closer against him and I remember.

'Morning sweetheart.'

'Oh my God', I mumble, scrambling out of his grasp. I get into a sitting position and pull up the covers to hide my naked chest. Negan rolls to his back beside me and stretches out lazily.

'No point hiding, I've seen it all last night', he grins.

'Oh my God, oh my God...', I repeat, rubbing my eyes while the memories of last night come floating back.

'You all right?' Negan asks.

'No, my head hurts like hell.'

'I can make you feel better', he says, getting up to my level and leaning in to kiss me. Reacting quickly, I jump out of the bed to get away from him. Caught by a wave of dizziness from getting up so quickly, I grab the poster of his bed for a moment before I go on. Then I realize I'm now standing naked in full view.

'Where the fuck are my clothes?' I mumble to myself.

Negan answers. 'Over there, but you can wear that robe if you want.'

I follow the direction he's pointing in and put on the long satin robe that's hanging from a hook in the corner. It's very pretty and feels smooth on my skin. I try not to think about Negan's wives wearing it.

'Come back to bed for a moment', he says.

'I have to go to work', I answer, keeping my gaze on anything but Negan. After what we did last night, I can't look at him without blood rushing to my face. Instead I pace around, gathering my clothes from the floor. I should run to my room to shower and put some clean clothes on before work.

'No you don't, it's Sunday. All non-essentials have the day off.'

'Really?' I finally look at him. He's leaning back against the bed, totally relaxed. He's following my movements with a small smile on his face, amused at my anxiety.

'Yes, really. Didn't Pamela tell you?'

'No. I don't know', I say, thinking back to our mostly one-sided conversations. 'She may have, she talks a lot.'

'Well now you know. Get back here, that's an order.'

I move over to the side of the bed, but I don't get in.

'You can't order me to get into your bed', I say, crossing my arms.

'I can do whatever the fuck I want', he answers, pulling at my robe. I let myself fall onto the bed on my knees, so the robe doesn't open when he pulls it. He grins. We both know it doesn't make sense to hide my body from him anymore, but everything feels different in the broad daylight. Being beside him in the bed again, I think about his arms around me, his body against mine and his lips on my skin. By the look in his eyes, his mind wanders to last night as well.

'So now what?' I ask.

'I have some ideas', he answers, grinning. He reaches out his hand to me, but I back away and crawl to the back of the bed, avoiding his touch. As I feared, I can feel my neck and face starting to heat up, which makes him laugh.

'You weren't so shy last night.'

'I think I was a bit drunk.'

'A bit?' he mimics me. 'You definitely didn't hold anything back.'

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